Chapter 4: Homeless

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-Claireece's P.O.V-

We drove to the place were I saw the homeless people and Adrian parked in front of them.

"Don't take to long" he said grabbing his phone from the cup holder. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

I walked towards the homeless people and smiled at them. They stared at me with scared expressions. I walked a little slower so they don't see me as a threat and I stopped a few feet away from them.

"Umm... I brought something to drink, for you guys" I said looking down at the coffee drinks. They walked really slowly towards me. There was only like six of them. They all came up to me and grabbed a cup. They thanked me but they didn't sound very happy. They sounded sad.

I suddenly saw a little girl sitting on a corner with a little boy. They were hugging, maybe they were cold. I slowly walked towards then and knealed down next to them.

"Hi" I said smiling. They stared at me not saying a word. We stood there in an awkward silence for a while. When I couldn't take it anymore I finally spoke up.

"Are you guys cold?" I asked them softly. They did nothing but nod. I put down the drinks I had on my hand and took off my jacket. It was my favorite jacket but I could buy another one. I put it on them and smiled. They both snuggled in it and returned a smile.

"I'm Claireece, what is your name?" The little girl looked at me for a minute. I looked at the little boy who seemed to be falling asleep.

"I'm Jes and he is Andy" The little girl said.

"Nice to meet you Jes" I said picking up the drinks again. "So Jes, I have two drinks left and I don't know who else would like to have some, do you think you can help me?" she smiled and nodded very fast.

"Can we have it, please??" she begged still hugging the little boy.

I smiled, "Sure" I replied giving them to her. She took them and drank out of one. She woke up her brother and told him to drink.

I stood up and smiled down at them.

"I have to go, Jes. But I'll be back ok?" she whimpered but she said ok.

I walked back to the car and sat inside. Adrian looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and looked out the window. It hurt me see people sufer, but you know what they say, life isn't life until there is a little pain or suffering. And something told me these people won't stay homeless for long.

*Back at home*

"Okay... Yea.... Okay.... Thanks... Bye" I heard my brother say entering the living room and hanging up the phone call. When we got back he made a phone call and was nearly on it for an hour. I just sat on the couch indian style playing on my phone. He sat down next to me and let out a disturbed sigh. I put my phone down and faced him. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What" he asked annoyed. That caused me to raise my eyebrow.

"Boy watch your tone with me. What's up with you" I asked.


I frowned and punched him.

"Ow! What the hell?!" he yelled.

"Tell me" I demanded.

"We are allowed to stay here but with certain conditions" he groaned while rubbing on the spot where I punched him. I moved my hand in circles motioning to keep talking. "We have to agree that we will be watched, all the time. And that we will attend any public attendance crap like school, work or whatever so they can watch us".

Okay, well I get that he doesn't want to be watched due to his over possession with privacy. But look at the bright side, we get to get out of the appartment and stuff.

"Adrian, its ok. Look at the bright side, we get to leave the apartment. We won't be stuck here all day. Plus we won't stay here forever. Its only for a couple of weeks". He sighed then looked back at me.

"Yea I guess your right. But you have to go to school now" he mocked. I frowned causing him to laugh.

"Haha very funny jerk" I said pinching his arm.

"Ow!" he groaned while rubbing his arm. I laughed his reaction.

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