Chapter 24: Adrian Speech

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--Adrian's P.O.V--

"That's great!!" I yelled unexpectedly. She jumped a little and looked up at me. I smiled at her.

"Your not mad?" she asked.

"No. I'm just a bit bothered but I'm not mad. I can't stop you from finding your mate OR from seeing him. If I did it would hurt you. Us wolves can't live without mates or we'll either die or go crazy. Either way I'd prefer you to be with a guy than see that happen to you. I am bothered that you are going to have to give in to a man but atleast its your mate. Trust me Claire, it's going to be WAY harder for you to hold back than normal wolves. Elemental Wolves senses are ten times worse. But I trust you, Claire. I trust you to do the right thing."

She smiles up at me. I can tell she's holding back her tears. I can feel it. We can feel.each others emotion.. She just doesn't know it yet. Those mood swings she gets.. Sometimes are from me. Something I know about my sister is that she doesn't cry. Atleast not anymore. She mostly hides her feelings. She wasn't always like this. She use to be so... Innocent. But that disgrace I am ashamed to call my parents ruined it. Three years after being kicked out of our pack we were first attacked by other rogues. By then we had stayed at some old folks' house. That was the first time that.I've used my powers. I was so scared that I had wiped them out. I was only 11. Imagine yourself walking with your 7 year old sister and some rogues attack you. They hold a knife to her neck, right infront of you.
I freaked out and next thing I knew, they were dead. I had drowned them. My sister was so scared that by the time she was 10 she looked expressionless. She wouldn't cry. Wouldn't laugh. Wouldn't smile. Nothing. I saw her smile for the first time in forever when she was 11 I saw her laugh.
To be honest I would do anything for her. She's my sister, and I love her.

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