Chapter 12: Pizza

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--Claireece's P.O.V--

"Adrian?! I'm home!" I yelled entering the small apartment.

"Adrian?" I yelled again. I walked in the kitchen and found a note. It said:


I don't think I'm able to come tonight. I have extra shift tonight at work. I promise I'll make it up to you. Love you!

Love Adrian.

Ughhh!!! He always has something to do. I am so not talking to him. I regected going to Starbucks for him! He is so dead. I crumbled up the note and threw it away.
Well I have nothing else to do but watch Netflix and eat junk food. Or maybe I'll order some pizza.
I went to my room and put my stuff down. Then I plumped down on my bed letting out a loud moan. It felt so good to finally lay down after a whole day of walking around a building filled with annoying, desperate teenage kids.
After nearly 10 minutes of laying down and staring at the cieling I got up and headed towards my bathroom. I turned on the faucet and stripped off my cloth. I stepped in the shower and I stood in the water letting the water drip on every part of my body. I washed my hair and rubbed soap all over me. Then I rinsed the soap off my body.
When I finished I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a white towel around my body. I then got out of the bathroom. I walked in my room and cold hit me all over like a thousand bricks that caused me to shiver. I walked to my closet and picked a pair of underwear and put them on. I put on one of my old grey sweatshirts.
I looked at the time and it was 5:15.
Since there was nothing better to do I decided to order pizza and watch Netflix.

ring, ring, ring(phone ringing)

"Domino's Pizza how may I help you?" a guy asked from the other side of the line asked.

"Hii! Yea, I wanna make an order" I replied.

"Alright, ma'am. Would that be delivery or pick up?"

"Delivery please"

"Alright. Whats your order, ma'am?"

"Hmm... Can I have a three meat pizza"

"Yes ma'am... Large, medium or large?"

"Medium please"

"Anything else ma'am?"

"Yea, cheese pizza.. Small"


"Oh!! And that yummy Hershey pie looking cookies"

"Large, medium or large?"


"Okay anything else ma'am?"

"Yea a bottle of Sprite"

"Okay... What's your address??"


"Alright ma'am... Your delivery will be there in 30 minutes tops" the mysterious pizza man said.

"Okay thanks" I replied.

"Bye" he said. I said bye back then hung up. Yea I know what your thinking... Damn you eat so much!!!
But hey! Can't judge girl for having an appetite, right?
I picked up my laptop and started to look for a movie.

*35 minutes later*

Knock knock(door)

"Coming!!" I yelled running towards the door. I might of ran into some things on my way to the door but it'll be worth it 'cause I'll get my pizza at the end.

"He--" holy sweet dreams I have. Thia guy is so.... Cute.

"Hello" the pizza delivery guy replied slightly smiling.

"Here you go" I said passing him the money. He tokmthe money and I could tell he is nervous.

"Thanks.. Here" he says giving me the pizza. Its to much for me to carry though. I tried to pick up the stuff but it nearly fell.

"Let me help you" he said grabbing the boxes.

"Thanks" I said. I let him come in and place them on a kitchen counter.

"Hey.. You look familiar. Have I seen you before?" I asked him. I'm disturbed by the fact that he looks so familiar to me but I can't remember. He chuckled.

"Problably... Maybe from school" he replied. Ohh.. Yea I've seen him at school and we exchanged a smile.

"Ohh yea.. I have seen you at school" I said. He chucked.

"Yea... I'm Johnny" he introduced. He took out his hand.

"Claireece" I replied and shook his hand. I walked him to the door. And he stopped t the door way.

"If I wasn't gay.. I would've raped you" he said.. What???

"Excuse you" I yelled. He laughed and looked down. I followed his gaze and noticed I wasn't wearing pants.

"Oh" I said. I felt so embarrassed. He laughed.

"Bye.. Nice to meet you" he said walking away. I closed the door and locked it.

Nice way to meet a person (note the sarcasm).

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