Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Harry's POV: 

We got to the small green shop and I held the door open to her.

"Why thank you kind sir." She said it in a sarcastic funny tone.

"Well you are welcome, beautiful," I replied looking down at her. She wasn't that much shorter than me. I'm guessing 5'6.

Her big blue eyes shot up at me and sparkled. She looked shocked and said in a small voice, "You think I'm beautiful?"

"Of course, hasn't anyone ever told you you're beautiful?" This kind of reminded me of What Makes You Beautiful, I awkwardly thought.

"Well uh I uh uhm.." She stuttered.

I cut her off, "Yea, exactly. So what can I get you, beautiful?" I winked. 

We both smiled and she blushed.

"Hm.. a carmel frappe sounds really good right now," She said.

"I think I'll order one for myself, too."

She looked around and said, "I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick, though."

"I'll be here!" I smiled. I watched her walked away. She was perfect. 

No, you can't fall for a girl – at least not this fast. 

Ugh! I was so distracted that I didn't realize the girl asking me for my order.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry, I was a bit distracted there."

"Its okay…oh my gosh, Harry Styles," the short teenager said. Shoot! She recognizes me.

"Uh yes, hi," I smiled.

"Wow, I've never met a celebrity before!" She exclaimed. 

I still wasn't used to people calling me a "celebrity." Seemed so weird.

"How about I trade you an autograph for 2 carmel frappe's," I offered.

She giggled, "Absolutely!" She made the frappe's while I wrote out an autograph. 

I paid for the drinks and gave her a quick hug.

"Thanks so much!" I smiled and walked over to the table as Brooke was walking over. 

Phew, that was close. Even though I had just met this girl 20 minutes ago, I felt guilty keeping this secret from her. But it's not really a secret I guess.. she just didn't ask.

We both sat down as Brooke said, "Thanks again for paying for me. I mean I hardly know you, it's really sweet of you."

"Well maybe I want to..get to.. know you." I said looking down at my frappe, running my index finger in a circle on the rim of the cup. I bit my lip and looked up, "Well that is only if you want to get to know me. You know.. friends. You seem like a really lovely girl." I wasn't trying to be a flirt, although I've been told I am.

She let out a sigh as she smiled and looked down at her drink, then she looked up and said, "I do want to get to know you too."

Brooke's POV:

"Well maybe I want to..get to.. know you." He said looking down at his frappe. I smiled and tried to look into his eyes, but he looked nervous and ran his finger in a circle on his Starbucks cup. He then bit his lip and looked up, "Well that is only if you want to get to know me. You know.. friends. You seem like a really lovely girl."

That was seriously one of the cutest things anyone has said to me. My heart started to beat a little faster and I got major butterflies in my stomach.

"I do want to get to know you too." And I really meant it, so I started on with the conversation, "So what made you come to New York? Are you here visiting with family?"

He looked a bit uncomfortable. 

He cleared his throat and said, "Uh, well um actually I'm here for 4 months with some good friends of mine. We're staying in a penthouse just down the street."

I suddenly got extremely happy. He would be here for 4 months! And I thought he was just a tourist.

"Wow 4 months! That's pretty extreme.. coming to a different country with your friends for that time. Just wanted to travel I guess?"

"I guess you could say that," He said with a cheeky little grin.

I took a sip from my frappe, "So tell me, what's it like in England?"

"Ehm well it's nice. Friendly people. I haven't seen much of America yet, but if I had to compare it to New York City.. I just can't. I guess cuz it's a lot smaller in England and our big city is London. America has so many. And the weather back home isn't as warm as it is here."

"Yea true," I replied, "We have like NYC, LA, Chicago, so on."

"I hear America has amazing food." His eyes grew big as he said that.

"Yes, but of course the good food is bad for you. Aka, America is known to be a very obese country," I said letting out a little laugh.

He replied, "It is, isn't it." I gasped and shot him a shocking look. He laughed, "I'm only kiddin!"

We both laughed for a little, "Yea well still its true! .. I guess." His laugh was hilarious! "So when did you get to New York?"

"Today actually," He said, "Took a airplane here from London."

"Ooo so does that make meeee the first person you met?" I said jokingly with a smile.

He smiled down at the table at first and then said, "Technically yes," We both smiled. He paused and said, "And you're perfect, so that makes me a pretty lucky guy." He flashed a smile.

"You always flirt with strange girls you first meet?" I said mid-laugh.

"Well, you're not so much of a stranger anymore, now are you? I'de say we got on pretty well from the start," he commented back with a sincere look on his face.

I thought about it for a second. We really got along well pretty fast. I smiled and looked into his sparkly blue green eyes.

"You got it," I said. We both smiled and got distracted in each others eyes. Funny thing is, it wasn't awkward at all. Suddenly, I felt my phone buzz.

"Oh uh, sorry.. it's my cell calendar." I totally forgot about the sleepover tonight with my best friends. "Ugh.. nooo," I said as I planted my face into my hands.

"What is it?" He sounded concerned.

I sighed, "I forgot I'm going to a sleepover party at my friends house in a couple of hours. She's leaving on vacation for a week tomorrow. I'm not even prepared or anything."

"Well let me walk you back home," He kindly offered.

"Sure," I smiled. We both got up from the table, threw out our drinks and headed out the door into the crowd again. I had never met a guy like Harry. He was sweet and comforting. Meeting Harry was the perfect ending to my already amazing day.

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