Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Louis's POV

"You're cute."

"Noooo, you're cute!"

I sat on my bed shirtless whilst skyping with Chey. I was thrilled to see her, but seeing her through a computer screen didn't completely fill my heart back up.

She sat out on her back porch with her light hair in a long braid. She wore a purple tube top which complemented the sunset behind her.

"What else have you been up to in Cali?" I asked.

"Well, I've been surfing every morning. I've been spending time with my family and cousins. And I've seen a few of my friends. All is good here! How about there?"

"Well Harry and Brooke are finally talking again. It's great to see him happy again."

"It's about time! They're just too perfect for each other."

"Yea... I know." I said rolling my eyes.

I looked over at the boy sleeping in is bed by the open window. I was glad to see my best friend finally happy and in a good mood, but I knew he would be even better if him and Brooke were together.

I didn't understand what held Harry back from going after Brooke, but he's a big boy and can handle his feelings. All I can do is give my advice - which is pretty damn good!

"Babe, I've got to get going. We're going out for Fro-Yo, but I miss you. I wish I was sitting right next to you in that bed."

I stared at my screen, wishing I could see the sparkle in her eyes - but the picture was too fuzzy.

"Awe, I miss you too. I can't wait till I see you again. Call me tomorrow, babe."

"Goodnight, love." She said waving good-bye. I put my hand up to the screen and when she signed off, I let my head hang. I just wanted to be with her and it was killing me inside that I couldn't.

I stopped thinking about my loneliness when I heard music from the other room. I got up to check it out.

It was coming from Liam's room, so I decided to walk in. I found him lying on his bed, palms on his face and his laptop in front of him.

"Oh, hey mate," he said startled as he saw me in his doorway. He didn't look too good.

"Hey. You okay?" I asked as I walked over to sit on the bed next to him.

"Uh yeah, just fine," he responded, but I wasn't convinced. Pulled up on his computer was a youtube video from a fan of him and Danielle.

I rubbed his back, knowing he was feeling a little down. Liam and Danielle broke up just before we came to America. They had been arguing and decided to split after a couple years.

"Liam, I know you're feeling upset, but don't let it get you down. I'm away from Chey.. we can be single together, except I won't be getting girls. All the other boys are single, too. Just have fun with us and don't get all down on yourself."

"I know. It just stinks. I liked having a girlfriend - someone to always call and spoil and cuddle with. Danielle meant a lot to me. I know we both decided to break up together, but I just feel a little lost," he responded snuggling his head into my shoulder.

"Yah, me and Eleanor didn't end too well. At least you can still stay friends. When one door closes, another opens. That door led me to Chey."

"You're right. I just need to spend time with my 4 best friends and if I happen to date a girl, then I do. You know, New York has a lot of pretty girls." He started to smile again.

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