Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

Harry's POV

A couple days had gone by since the wedding and we were really enjoying our time out in Napa. We explored the city, learned how to make wine and just had some free time to hang out. It felt really nice to just be able to sit around and not worry about anything.

It was about 1 in the afternoon. The sun was peaking behind the clouds as a rain shower passed through the area. I had just finished a game of Fifa, of course, with the boys.

"Harry come play one more game!" Liam pleaded.

"Sorry - I have to be somewhere," I smirked, making my way up the staircase.

It was really nice to see Danielle and Liam together again - we really like her.

It's pretty ironic how they both ended up at the airport together at the same time - guess it's fate. But Danielle was to stay with us the rest of the week.

I just felt bad for Zayn - he was the odd one out, but he didn't seem to mind.

I crept through the tall wooden door to see Brooke asleep on the couch, under a big grey blanket. She must have taken a nap while we were downstairs.

Gently, I crouched over next to her, moving a strand of hair out of her eyes.

"Broooooke - babe wake up," I whispered into her ear as I kissed her neck.

I really do feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now. Brooke and I in a relationship - who would had ever seen the day, but it's true. I'm just so happy to finally be able to call her mine.

She groaned, "Harry why did you wake me?"

"Because I want to spend time with you and this couch is too little for me to cuddle up next to you on," I said as I kissed up her jaw line after every other word.

She arched her back, "Are you trying to lure me awake with your kisses?"

"Is it working?" I continued, half smiling.

"Yes," she sighed and giggled. I finally got to her little pink lips and kissed them softly.

"It's clearing up outside. We can go feed the horses," I said.

"Oh look at you - Mr. Nature now are we?" she smiled.

I titled my head and smiled along with her, "Maybe. Come on get up." I pulled her arms up as she struggling, fighting against me to sit down when finally she gave up. My force pulled her up quickly and she wrapped her arms around my stomach, snuggling her head up against my chest. I fixed my arms around her shoulders and stroked her long brown hair, rocking back and forth.

We stayed in this position for a good 3 minutes.

"I like this - can we just stay like this?" her voice muffled into my faded blue shirt.

"Aw I would love to stay just like this, but those poor horses - they gotta eat! And Shadow, you don't want to keep her from her apple too long."

She looked up at me, making eye contact and quickly pecked my lips, "You're right. Let me go put some shoes on."

"Nope! We're going barefoot," I said, scooping her up into my arms and she shrieked. We took the kitchen stairwell and sneaked out the back door, her still in my arms.

"Harry! We're gonna get so muddy! Do you see that over there?" she exclaimed.

"A little mud won't hurt," I said, putting her down and making sure to grab onto her hand so she wouldn't run away. We ran through the tall vineyard together - laughing.

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