Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Harry's POV

Ever since our first meeting in Times Square, Brooke and I have been hanging out every day practically. 

We would meet up in Times Square and just hang out like regular friends do. Sometimes we would go to Starbucks or get frozen yogurt at Pinkberry. 

But a lot of times we would people watch. It's pretty hilarious.. you add in your own voice for people, like imagine what they are saying or thinking. 

Aside from hanging out with Brooke, the band has been doing really well. We haven't been doing much this week, but we have done some radio interviews and signings. This week we're going to start recording our second album – pretty exciting stuff. But as for now, I was enjoying people watching with my new close friend, Brooke.

"Oh my gosh mom you're like embarrassing me wearing that shirt. Just ew, try this one on cuz you're totally cramping my style," Brooke said in a valley girl voice as she watched a mom and daughter pick out a shirt across the street.

I spotted a guy shopping for a purse on the street corner, "Au uhh you, you think this is real brotha man?" I said in a muscle man voice.

"Oh ya there's C's all over it. C's are for Coach. Very real, you give me $100 dollar," Brooke replied in a high pitched man voice. We both laughed hysterically.

"Quickfire while thumb wrestling?" I asked.

"You're on!" She said as we locked hands and started to thumb wrestle.

"Okay, favorite color?" I asked.

"Purple! Favorite food?"

"Tacos! Power Rangers or Ninja Turtles?" I asked.

"Power Rangers! Elmo or Cookie Monster?"

"Elmo! If you could listen to one artist forever, who would it be? I asked.

"Uh uhmm Chris Brown! What's your favorite movie?"

"Love Actually," I replied quickly.

She let out a little giggle, "Really?"

"Yessss really!" It was true, I really love Love Actually.

"That's cute," she smirked.

"You're cute. Plus.. I just won," I said looking at her with a smile. She looked down at our thumb war and realized she had lost.

"It's okay, you were distracted by my gorgeous looks and banter," I replied sarcastically with a wink.

"Oh you think you know me so well, now don't you," She said back in the same sarcastic tone.

"Yes actually I do. I know you're favorite color is Purple, you have a step sister, you used to live in Napa, California, you hate winter time, you have a Husky, you.." she quickly cut me off.

"What color are my eyes then!" She said as she turned around. I paused for a second and stared at her long brown hair. I knew the answer, I just wanted it to sound perfect. 

Our funny sarcastic moment suddenly got serious.

"Well… I could simply tell you they are blue, but I think they're much more than that. When you stare into the light, they are like big blue crystals. But they are warm and friendly, passionate and understanding. They're the kind of eyes you get lost into, that I get lost into."

I gulped as my heart raced. I still stared at her as if her eyes were right there. 

She turned around in her seat slowly to face me. She stared into my eyes with a serious yet lustful look on her face. She grabbed my hand and then smiled.

"Go with me to the carnival tonight? It's free and it's in Central Park? It'll be a lot of fun," She asked.

"I'm not a fan of roller coasters, but I am a fan of you, so yes, I'll go," I replied.

She laughed, "Well good. And I'm not that big of a fan of them either, so we can stick to all the kiddy rides." She winked and we both laughed.

"Alright, sounds good then," I said. It was only 3pm, but I wanted to get back so the boys weren't so suspicious of me. "I think I'm going to walk back to my room, I have some things to do before going out tonight. Are you walking back? I could walk you home first."

"Oh nah it's okay, I was gonna stay here for a little longer. But I will absolutely see you tonight," She smiled.

"I'm looking forward to it!" I gave her a big hug. Her strawberry shampoo smelled so sweet. I let out a sigh and let go and walked away smiling. 

Okay, I'll admit it. I like Brooke, A LOT! Even though I feel so comfortable around her, I'm scared to get too close. I don't want to hurt her or get bombarded with threats and paparazzi. I like her the way she is. I couldn't keep this secret about me in One Direction any longer. I had to tell her.. tonight.

I arrived back to the room. Niall and Zayn went out to get food. Liam and Louis were on the couch playing xbox.

"Hey guys," I greeted.

"Hey Haz," Liam replied staring at the television.

"Harry come sit and chat with us," Louis demanded.

"Oookay, what do you want talk about," I said as Liam pulled me down to the couch.

"Harry, are you hiding something from us. We're your best friends. We're not gonna judge you or anything," Louis said.

"Ya cuz you kind of disappear a lot and go off alone. What's going on, mate?" Liam asked.

"Alright, well I met a girl and before you start making any assumptions, we are just friends. She's really nice though and interesting and smart. I just like hanging out with her that's all," I said. I thought it was finally time to tell the boys about her, but if I tell them I liked her, they would make a big deal out of it.

"Sounds like a perfect girl," Liam sighed. He was still getting over his break up with his long time girlfriend, Danielle.

"Aw Liam, don't be sad," Louis said patting his back.

"Oh no I'm not sad, well I am, but not because Harry met a girl. I'm happy for you!" Liam said.

"Ah Liam, I told you we're friends," I replied.

"Okay whatever you say," he winked, "I'm gonna go shower."

It was nice to finally get that off my chest. I'm happy I told them about Brooke.

Louis's POV

I sat as I listened to Harry's story. I could tell it was the truth, but I wasn't convinced it was the whole truth. 

If anyone knew Harry, it was me. We are best friends. As soon as Liam left the room, I pulled Harry back to the couch.

"Okay Haz, tell me the truth and the real truth," I asked.

"Louis, I told you we're friends," He said in a stern voice.

"Yes, I know you're friends, but I know you like her. When you talked about her, I saw it in your eyes!" It was the truth and it was obvious, "You going out tonight too or something?"

"Yea actually I am," He stated.


"Louis, just don't worry," He got up and starting head for his room.

"Harry, come on! I mean is there even a girl! Or are you just making her up? Are you in trouble? Is there something going on that I should know about?" I was starting to wonder.

"Just forget about it," He said as he closed his door.

I love Harry. He's my brother, my best friend. If he wasn't telling the truth, I had to find out. I was going to follow him tonight.  

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