Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

Brooke's POV

The morning sun glowed through my curtains, catching my sleepy eyes. I opened my eyes and groaned, realizing I was in my New York bedroom. We got back pretty late last night and we had to say goodbye to Danielle and Jessica.

Chey, Kelly and I went to our own houses to see our families and sleep while the boys went back to their usual hotel. I remember feeling strange sleeping out on the road, but now I just feel even more strange sleeping at home.

I wanted to be back with the boys and my friends - I had way too much fun.
But it was nice to see my mom, stepdad and Jade again, can't forget about Buzz, too. They were still up, except for Jade, and decorated the house to welcome me home. It was really sweet - gotta love them.

But all I wanted to do was go see them, so I sprung out of bed and immediately got ready for the day. The doorbell rang as I finished my eyeliner.

"Mom!? The door! .... Mom?" I yelled out from my bedroom. They must have all gone off to work already.

I grunted, getting up from the floor as the doorbell kept ringing, "I'm coming!" I shouted.

I turned the knob to find a casual-dressed Harry Styles standing in my doorway.

"Missed me?" he smiled adorably.

"Did I ever!" I exclaimed as he walking in, picking me up by my waist, kissing my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We continued kissing until we both collapsed on the couch.

"So did you get mobbed walking here?" I asked. The fans were everywhere! If the boys were in New York... they were in New York!

"A bit. There are a couple out front now," he said as he rubbed his hand along my leg.

"We'll have to sneak out," I giggled, getting up from my seat and making my way into the bedroom to unplug my straightener. When I walked out, I saw Harry playing with Buzz on the floor.

"Ah new best friend?" I teased.

"Oh you know it. Are you ready to go yet?" he asked.

"Yup! All ready!" I bounced.

"Someone's in a happy mood today," he said holding my hand as we walked out into the hallway.

"Only because I'm with you," I said, giving him a kiss.

We were to meet the rest of the gang for lunch at a Chinese restaurant down the block. Of course, we ran into a few fans which we took pictures with.
They were really sweet and nice to meet. I was surprised with the wonderful reception Harry and I were getting from fans. We both were expecting some major hate coming our way, but the fans were really great and lovely.

Tomorrow was our last day with the boys. I didn't want to think about it, so I stayed positive. I wasn't going to let anything ruin this day!

Zayn's POV

My mind was out of it - focused on the tea in front of me. We would be leaving America tomorrow. I was happy to go home, but I felt like I was missing something. And deep down I knew what it was.

Running into Jessica in Philadelphia and Florida was no accident - it was fate.
Spending time in LA with her was great, but it just wasn't enough time.

"Zayn! Zayn!" Louis called my name out, tapping his spoon on my tea cup.

I jumped, "Oh.. yea man? What?"

"You alright? You're just starin' off," he said.

I scratched my head, "Eh no not really. It's Jessica's ballet recital and I'm not there. I really should be there and I was stupid and didn't get a ticket."

Harry smirked a smile, "We thought you would say that." He pulled out a handful of tickets from his back pocket.

"Yeah mate, what kind of friends do you think we would be if we didn't go to the show?" Niall added.

I let a big rush of air out and couldn't contain myself from smiling, "Wow - thanks guys! This... this is incredible!"

"Well we don't wanna be late, do we?" Brooke said. We all looked into each other's eyes.

"Come on!" Chey shouted and we darted out of the shop.

Thankfully, we were all dressed nicely already to attend the show. It was a pretty big deal! We jumped in the black SUV as fans screamed from the sidewalk.

"To Radio City Music Hall, please," I told the driver.

There was a bunch of traffic around the center and we finally arrived at the doors. The show would be starting any minute! I really wanted to go backstage and wish Jessica good luck, but that would have to wait till later.

We took our seats as the lights began to dim and the audience clapped. Young, little dancers walked out and spun around - it was quite cute.
It seemed as if there were so many dancers until Jessica finally walked out.
She looked and moved flawlessly.

Her outfit was all white with a bit of light pink and gold in it. She looked like the perfect ballerina as she swayed to the classical music.

"Wow, she looks so beautiful!" Kelly whispered. I nodded my head in agreement. She didn't even look nervous!

There were hundreds of people in the audience, including an academy from Birmingham. Although we perform in front of thousands each night, this was different - this seemed a lot more nerve wrecking!

Once the dance ended, the entire audience clapped and stood for a stand ovation. I smiled, clapping my hands loudly. I was so proud of her - she did an amazing job.

Jessica's POV

Stepping off the stage, my heart raced and I flashed a huge grin. The atmosphere back stage was amazing! Everybody seemed happy and clapped together.

Nancy walked over to me, "You were exquisite! They loved you!"

My parents then turned the corner and I hugged them, "Jessica, we are so proud! You did great!"

"Thank you," I smiled before getting tapped on the shoulder.

"Girl, that was amazing!" Anica said - jumping into my arms.

"We nailed it!" I exclaimed.

She giggled, but then looked into my eyes and her face became serious.
"He's not here?" she asked.

I shook my head, "Nope." Part of me really wanted Zayn there - as much as Nancy made it clear not to invite him. The show went so well and everyone really complimented me and was so nice, but it wasn't Zayn. I probably wouldn't see him again until he was back in the US.

I sighed and Anica patted me on the back, "Don't feel too sad.. tonight was amazing. Just be happy, okay? I have to go find my parents."

I shrugged and looked up at the door. My emotions changed in an instant when I saw my friends run through the door - full smiles.

"YAY! Jessica! You we're amazing! You did so well!" they shouted, giving me a hug. I gasped and laughed as I hugged them back.

As they surrounded me in hugs, I saw Zayn standing there with a smile, holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Guys! This is such a surprise!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah well you surprised me, so this is your surprise. You think we would miss this?" Zayn said smoothly as he walked over, getting close.

I bit my lip, "Thank you! Ah I don't even know what to say! I'm just so happy right now!"

"I believe these are for you," Zayn said as he handed me a beautiful pink bouquet. I smiled and looked deep into his eyes.

"Oh gosh, would you both just kiss already?" Louis yelled out, keeping his arms around Chey's waist.

Zayn and I both smiled as we kissed. He really is a great guy. And I can't believe I am friends with such amazing people.

Although this would be the last time I would see the boys for now, I knew it wouldn't be the end. I would stay in touch with the girls, too.

They all make me so happy. That day in Philadelphia changed my life forever.

Niall's POV

I couldn't believe it. It was officially our last day in America before heading back to the UK. How did this happen? How did these past 3 ½ months fly by like this?

Let me tell you - it was an amazing journey. And we would definitely be back soon... we just didn't know when. It was kind of hard for us to go back, since we knew we would be leaving some amazing people behind.

One of them being my girlfriend.

The five of us packed up our room, although we didn't have much with us anyway. All of our things were sent back to our London flats while we were in LA. We said goodbye to our band today - a real great group of guys. The only person who was left with us in America was Paul. The five of us sat in Liam's room, munching on junk food.

"What's the first thing you're going to do when you get home?" Louis asked Zayn.

"I'll probably be tired, so uh sleep I guess," he grabbed a crisp out of the bag.

"What about you, Nialler?" Louis asked, throwing a piece of popcorn in my mouth.

"What do you think - go to Nando's!" I said, creating them to laugh.

"Guys, can you believe we just had a tour in America? Like who would have ever thought," Liam smiled.

It really was an amazing thing - we never did expect to make it this far.
We still have a ways to go because we try to improve our goals each time we complete one. And a tour in America was definitely one of our top goals.

"Yeah it's mental, absolutely mental," Zayn said.

"I'm really gonna miss the girls," Harry added.

"Yea we're gonna hang with them, right? You guys are taking them out today?" Liam asked.

I nodded, "Yup - at Brooke's house. But yea I should probably get going, gotta get to my girlfriend." Harry and Louis both stood up, agreeing. I grabbed my things and walked out the door, heading out to meet Kelly at the bowling alley. I wanted to take her out for a fun little date today.

Chey's POV

It was a gorgeous afternoon in New York, perfect weather! I walked through Central Park in my sundress, looking for Louis. He said he would meet me here by the bench, so I waited. It wasn't like Louis to be late, and I was worried.

But then, suddenly, I heard his voice, "AHEM! Over here!" he called out.

I turned to find him sitting under a willow tree, on top of a blanket with a picnic basket at his side.

My heart sank, "Awe you made us a picnic?"

"I figured it was romantic enough," he winked.

I sat down on the blanket next to him and smiled, "It's perfect," I said, giving him a kiss on the lips.

The picnic really was perfect. He had packed all of my favorite foods - peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, lemonade, grapes and animal crackers. We talked, laughed and joked around the entire time. He even brought a Frisbee and we played it off to the side. But we got exhausted quickly and laid down together on the blanket.

I grasped onto my necklace that Louis had given me in Disney and it hit me.
Louis would be leaving me tomorrow morning and I'm not sure if I was ready to let him go. I knew it wouldn't be permanent, but it still made me feel weak inside.

"What are you thinking?" he asked calmly as he laid on his side, looking into my eyes.

"Thinking about you - about us," I sighed.

"I don't want to say goodbye, either," he whispered. I shook my head, holding back tears until he practically rolled over on top of me.

"Come with meeeee!" he exclaimed.

I giggled, "Louis I can't come with you! My home is here and I start back up at school soon in September."

"I know I know. Why is life not fair sometimes?" he whined.

I smiled, "You know what, we shouldn't cry over it. It's not goodbye forever, just for right now. And you know we'll skype all the time. Yeah - it's going to be just fine."

He kissed me and smiled, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Harry's POV

Flour covered the entire kitchen from head to toe. Brooke and I planned a date at her house, making pizza. It was actually a lot of fun!

"I make a pizza for the pretty girl. Oh pretty girl - what would you like on zee pizza?" I said in a funny Italian accent.

"Make it a meatball one!" she exclaimed, looking really cute with flour on her face.

"Meatball pizza? You're weird," I joked as I began covering the dough with sauce.

"It's really good!" she argued back, making her own pizza.

"Yea... I bet it is," I said sarcastically.

"Don't make me throw more flour at you!" she warned.

"I don't think it would make much of a difference," I giggled. When I said there was flour everywhere - I meant it.

"Fine, then don't make me come over there and kiss you."

I peaked behind my shoulder, "I don't think I would mind." She stood still in her spot, keeping her attention on the pizza in front of her.

"Well? Where's my kiss?!" I complained.

She turned to me and smiled, walking towards me, "Oh, you wanted a kiss?"
Brooke always seemed to know exactly how to get me.

"You knew I did!" I argued in a friendly way.

"Oh just shut up," she said and pulled me into a kiss. We kissed for a few seconds until I stepped back for a moment.

"That's wasn't very nice, saying shut up," I held up a finger and tried to remain from smiling. She ignored it, sucking on my lower lip.

It took some time, but we eventually stopped and began cleaning up as our pizza baked in the oven. What can I say, we were a new couple who liked to kiss! Plus, we've both been waiting for ever is seemed like to be together. I just kind of wish we had gotten together earlier so that we could have more time being a couple in the city.

The door swung open and the rest of the group walked in.

"Smells good in here!" Kelly yelled out.

"Aw meatball pizza - amazing!" Niall said as he looked into the oven. I looked over at Brooke who gave me an "I'm right" type of look.

We all ate our pizza and relaxed in the living room. But we soon made our way up to the garden. Brooke's stepdad had ordered a nice set of outdoor couches for the rooftop - it was really nice!

"I don't think I've ever been up here - this is really cool!" Louis looked around.

"Thanks! Good thing my Mom was around to take care of the plants while we were gone!" Brooke replied.

"I can't believe tomorrow is it!" Niall shook his head.

"It's not it - we'll be together again soon," Chey said as she cuddled up with Louis.

I held Brooke close to my body as she snuggled her face into the crook of my neck. I kissed her forehead, "I love you, babe."

"Love you, too," she whispered.

Those little words created butterflies in my stomach. I looked around at everyone as we took in the beautiful night.

I came to New York with 5 best friends and am leaving tomorrow with 8.

And I knew we were inseparable.

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