Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Louis's POV

It was about 9:30 as I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels.

Niall and Zayn played Fifa in Niall's room and Harry was off in his room.

I was so bored and I wanted to text Chey, but she was out with her family at dinner.

Tonight's date night between Liam and Brooke came as a shock to us all.

We had no idea Liam liked Brooke. Although Liam has never really talked to us about girls he likes, since the only girl he's liked was Danielle, it still didn't seem right that he would keep his feelings to himself. He was usually more open with us.

I could tell Harry was taking this date pretty hard. He was just so quiet and not himself for the past day and I couldn't bear to see him like this anymore.

I immediately shot up off the couch and stormed into the bedroom where I found Harry laying on his back - staring at the ceiling. He was still dressed - that wasn't like him at all!

"Okay Harry, I'm tired of seeing you like this," I said as I folded my arms.

"Lou, just don't worry about it," he said glumly, keeping his eyes on the ceiling.

"No Harry, I'm gonna worry. You're my best friend and this needs to stop."

"Well what do you want me to do about it?! She's happy. She's with Liam. Liam is way better for her than me."

I rolled my eyes and pulled his arm so he was sitting up. His face was still blank.

"Harry! What makes Liam better than you? What makes Anyone better than you!?" I was actually starting to get angry. He was putting himself down.

"Liam has it so easy! It's like the fans and the media are fine with him having a girlfriend. They don't give him a hard time. But for me, it's a whole different story! Everyone literally attacked Caroline!"

"Okay, the thing with Caroline didn't work so well. But do you regret you both splitting?" I asked.

He sighed, "No. It's just everyone came at her and just brought her down each day. I DON'T want that happening to Brooke. She is WAY to good for that!"

"She was 32! Brooke's 19! You and Caroline were not meant to be - everyone knows that. But you and Brooke, Harry. You're just perfect," my voice started to get sympathetic rather than angry.

He started to calm down a bit, too. Maybe I was actually getting the point across to him.

"She doesn't like me. She likes Liam," he said in a morbid tone.

"Didn't she ask you if she should go on the date? What did you say?"

He sighed, "I told her to go on the date."

I slapped my hand to my forehead, "Why on earth did you tell her to go!?"

"Because she doesn't need me and she looked happy with Liam. She LIKES Liam, Louis!" he argued.

"She would have never asked you for your opinion if she didn't like you, Harry. She LIKES YOU! I don't know if you are completely out of it and haven't realized or if you are trying to avoid it, but she likes you. And YOU LIKE HER. And you're just gonna let her go out with Liam!? I mean, we all love Liam, but clearly she's yours."

He began to nod his head and narrow his eyebrows. Finally, he was getting it.

"Yeah," he said sternly.

I continued with my speech, "YOU have control over your love life. The public doesn't! You can do whatever you want, Harry. The fans threaten her, you both deal with it. The media bashes her, you deal with it! We have so many supportive fans, anyway! Plus, Brooke is a strong girl - she can take care of it! You need to realize that what happened with Caroline most likely will not happen with Brooke. You learn from the past!"

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