Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Brooke's POV

I was a bit anxious to go out with Harry to the carnival tonight. It's not like it was even a date! Although this is the first time we are going out together at night.

I tried to get rid of my nerves by focusing on getting ready. I had already put on my outfit – a long white v-neck shirt along with a long yellow cardigan, dark brown leggings and matching boots. I fastened on my favorite necklace and added a pair of hoop earrings. I clipped back a tiny part of my long brown hair. I added my natural/rosy make up look and was ready to go.

It was 7pm, so I walked down to the lobby to wait for Harry.

What a gentleman, he was already there on time.

I tapped him on the shoulder, "Well you look very nice," I said with a big smile. He was wearing dark jeans, a brown belt and a nice tan sweater. His giant smile made me want to smile even more.

"Thanks babe, you look amazing!" I could feel my cheeks start to blush. "Well you ready to go?"

"Absolutely," I stated and we were on our way. We decided to take the subway. Harry was getting used to it, so it wasn't really that creepy for him anymore.

When we arrived at Central Park, the carnival view was amazing! Lots of tea lights hung in the trees and the smell of popcorn roamed the park. It was the start of the Memorial Day weekend, so lots of people were at the beach – creating shorter lines for rides and games.

"Okay, pick a ride.. any ride," Harry said in a deep seductive voice.

"No, I insist you pick a ride first. After all, I did ask you to come with me."

"But I am being the proper gentleman and asking ladies first," he smirked.

"Hmm.. oh alright. The bumper cars over there look pretty fun!"

He came closer and whispered in my ear, "I was hoping you would say them." We both smiled and he grabbed my hand leading the way to the bumper cars.

After a couple rides, our last stop was the Ferris Wheel.

"I'm not gonna lie. I am a bit afraid of heights," I confessed to Harry.

"Oh it won't be that bad. I'll be right next to you. So if it goes down, we're both doomed."

I gasped and slapped his arm, "HARRY! Don't do that to me!" He started to laugh which soon made me laugh. We got on the Ferris Wheel and went around a couple times until we got stuck at the top.

"Ohhhh no no no no no. This is not good," I said in fear as I looked over the edge at all the people below.

"It's alright, Brooke. Here.." he wrapped his arm around and pulled me closer. I hugged his lower stomach and rested my head in the nook of his neck. He placed his hand on my shoulder and ran his thumb ever so gently along my shoulder. It was comforting and cute. It felt just right.

"See, look out there," he pointed to the city. We were pretty high up. You could see all of the lights from the taxi's and the surrounding buildings.

"It's beautiful," I said in an airy voice.

"Well you're beautiful." I snuggled into him as the Ferris Wheel slowly started to move again.

We soon came up to the games.

"Ooo let's play the water guns game!" I exclaimed. I was so good at that game.

"You're on, Hartley. Expect to lose," Harry challenged, narrowing his eyes. The game started off well with my water gun aiming perfectly at the target. Soon the bell went off and I won! I chose the cute pink elephant off the shelf. When I turned around, Harry had his hands buried in his pockets with a closed smile on his face – the kind of look you give when you know you lost. I walked closer to him with the same smile.

"I believe this is for you, Mr. Styles." I handed him the pink elephant, "Elephants are my favorite."

"Now I have to win you something. I'm not gonna give up," Harry said in a determined voice. It took him 3 games, but he finally won me a cute teddy bear with a blue ribbon.

"Awe, I love it! Thank you, Harry," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"It's about 11:30 and it looks like the carnival is closing. Let me walk you home," Harry blushed and we walked to the subway at each other's sides.

Louis's POV

Wow, so there really is a girl. He seemed so secretive of her. Why was he acting so strange? It's not like Harry to not tell us when he likes a girl.

I decided to continue to follow them. If Harry was going to talk to me about her, it would have to be just us.

Harry's POV

We scurried off the subway and ended up on Brooke's block. We walked slow to her home so that we could save the time we had together.

At that moment, I almost forgot my crazy pop star life. Being filmed by paparazzi, having fans follow, everything in the past with girlfriend threats and what not. All I could think about was me and Brooke and it felt nice. We arrived once again at the front door of the building.

"I had a really wonderful time, Harry. I'm happy you came with me," Brooke said shyly. I felt my heart get light, she's just amazing.

"I had A LOT of fun! You're a wonderful girl, you know that?"

She looked around with a cheeky smile, "Oh you're gonna make be blush," she laughed.

I felt like it was the right time to tell her who I was.

So I went for it, "Brooke, remember when we first met? And you asked me what I do? Well I never did tell you."

She shook her head, "Harry, it's okay. I don't need to know. I could tell you didn't want to talk about it and I'm not going to make you or judge you about it."

"But Brooke…"

"Harry. No, I'm not gonna make you feel uncomfortable," She said placing her hand on my shoulder and letting it run down my arm, "Soo when will I see you again?"

I decided to not saying anything. As much as I wanted to, it could ruin the moment, "Hmm.. most likelllyyyy.. tomorrow," We both laughed.

"Well then I cannot wait until tomorrow then," She replied as she walked closer to me. We were inches apart.

My eyes adjusted from her eyes to her lips and then back again.

I didn't care if I was out in public with a girl. If somebody was about to take a picture or whatever it may be.

All I knew was that I wanted to kiss Brooke.

I sighed as I watched her blue eyes. I placed my hand on the back of her neck, leading her slowly into me. Our lips connected softly – just like any first kiss should.

But there was something different about this kiss than any other ones I've had. It felt right. There was definitely a spark. Our lips slowly separated, but we still stood close together with our eyes closed.

I could feel her soft breathing on my jaw line and it sent shivers up my body. We finally looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

"So I'll see you tomorrow," I said stepping backwards with my hand in my pocket, the elephant in the other and a big smile on my face.

"See you tomorrow," She nodded, hugging her bear, and headed towards the door smiling.

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