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I'm nearly to the end
I can feel myself giving up
Maybe I shouldn't
Of pushed down all of these feelings
Maybe I should've said something
Instead of letting them grow
But it's too late now
And I'm ready to go.
My suicide is tonight
I just feel
Like the time is right
I don't feel comfortable
In my own skin
I'm ready to leave
To feel happy once again.
I don't need a funeral
Because no one will miss me
When I'm gone
There will be no tears
Just normal people
Continuing with their normal lives.
My suicide is tonight
I just feel
Like the time is right
I have no future
To look forward too
Only the bright light
At the end of a tunnel
That I'm walking to.
Don't try to stop me
Because I won't budge
I'm not kidding this time
Tonight is my final night.
So goodbye
My suicide is tonight
I just felt
Like the time was right
Don't worry
Don't fret
My story is over
But yours isn't over yet.
Ill watch over all of you
Because that's where I belong
Above the clouds
In the great unknown beyond.

A/N okay this isn't a suicide note but I made this up, to me I think it sounds like a song but idk if it's good enough. well hope you all have a nice day.

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