Chapter 3

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I tried to attack him, key word, tried. Clayton and Idiot quickly snatched me, holding me back from ripping off their precious King's face. His amber-brown eyes shined with amusement as he studied me, he then dismissed the two guards. They both gave us a heedful look before turning and exiting the throne room, leaving me alone with the guy I loathe right now.

I gave him a black look as he continued to watch me, both of us wondering who will speak first. Eventually he let out a frustrated breath and ran his hand through his hair. I have to admit, even though I want to rip his head off, he's hot as hell.

"Are you done eye raping me?" he suddenly snapped, scowling at me.

I folded my arms across my chest, "No."

He opened his mouth but then closed it, repeating this a few times before he finally answered. "You're different." he stated.

"How so?"

"Usually, she-wolves are already dropping their panties for me." he replied with a smirk.

I scoffed at him, "Well, clearly mine aren't dropping any time soon."

"You say that now..."

"And I'll say it for the rest of my days." I stated firmly, glaring at him now.

He shrugged, "Whatever makes you happy. Now, on with your punishment. You will spend another forty-eight hours in the dungeon and then you'll spend a month as my personal maid. Got it?"

"Got it." I replied with a smile.

He rolled his eyes and turned around, "You're dismissed, Clayton and Kevin, come collect her!" he ordered.

Clayton and Idiot swiftly grabbed me and dragged me back towards the dungeons. I was fuming inside, my eyes never leaving his back as the doors closed. After I was re-chained to the wall they both left, slamming the door behind them.

I'm guessing criminals down here don't get any food or water, I haven't had anything in a while. I sighed and leaned my head against the brick wall, what did my father even do to be punished? That's when it hit me, why did he kill my father when he had the rest of his punishment to fulfill?

This questioned swirled around my head as I closed my eyes, just begging for sleep to take me. I started to think of the stories my mother used to tell, the rumors that had traveled throughout the pack. The rumors and stories of how no one could ever love their King, his true mate left him because he terrified her.

I sighed, can't sleep take over already? Sure enough it did, but it was short lived. I was woken up by someone kicking my side, causing me to groan. I looked up to see him smirking at me.

"Now, I didn't finish telling you your punishment." he voiced.

I frowned, "My punishment? For what?"

"For attacking me that night and an attempt on attacking me in the throne room."

"So, what? You're going to make me clean even more or something?"

"No, I'm simply going to...."

He suddenly grabbed me by my hair and punched me across the face, causing me to fall to the ground. I held my aching face in complete shock, he just hit me! I know I deserve punishment for my attempt at attacking him, but the first time was because he murdered my father. I slowly looked back up at him, my canines lengthening as anger filled me.

"You deserved to be attacked." I growled.

He let out a bemused laugh, "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You didn't do anything wrong?" I asked in astonishment.

Is he stupid?

My anger now turned into boiling hot rage, causing me to let out a loud growl.

"You took my father from me! You killed him!" I snarled, pulling against the chains.

He watched me with those same dead eyes, not an ounce of emotion. "He trespassed into my home and stole my food, he got what he deserved." he stated calmly.

I bared my canines, just wanting to rip through his flesh with them. "Now I know why."

"Why what?"

"Why no one could ever love're a monster. A cold blooded beast at heart." I spat with hatred. "No one could ever love a beast like yourself."

His eyes widened, hurt flashed through them before he growled and roughly grabbed my jaw. "You're going to regret that, bitch." he snarled lowly.

I smirked, "Even if you beat the shit out of me, I will never regret those words. You know it's true."

He threw me against the wall, causing my head to smack the rock roughly. I groaned and touched the back of my head, wincing at the sharp pain. I pulled back my hand to see my crimson blood on it; I shifted my gaze to the pissed off King in front of me.

I bit my lip, remembering the pain in his eyes. Okay, I honestly don't want to feel any pain right now and plus, him killing me would end any chances at revenge. This...this isn't revenge. If he kills me or beats the snot out of me then he wins and I can't have that.

I swallowed, a plan forming in my head. Maybe I could manipulate him. "You can change it, you know." I whispered, slowly sitting up.

He frowned, his eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Change the fact everyone looks at you like you're some monster. No one is born that way."

My voice was soft, gentle, and soothing. I swallowed, a sense of guilt washed over me. I was never a fan of manipulating someone's emotions, it's cruel and hurtful. He deserves it though, he deserves all of this. I wanted to smirk, but didn't.

This beast is going to be broken by the end of the month.

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