Chapter 47

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I yawned as the sunlight poured through our window, lighting up the room to Samuel's dismay. I chuckled as he groaned and covered his head with a pillow, mumbling about secretly being a vampire. I rolled my eyes at his mumbling before snatching the pillow away, my laughter echoing as he tumbled off the bed. He sat up and narrowed his eyes, he then rubbed his head and pouted at me.

"That hurt." he whined.

I shrugged, "I could have kicked you in the balls." 

"Rude." he scowled before standing up.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" 

He sighed, "Training...tomorrow is Saturday." 

I froze, tomorrow is Saturday, meaning Lycan was attacking tomorrow. I bit my lip, him and Payton are most likely fully healed now and even more angry than before. I ran my hand through my hair, both of them wanted me dead, well at least Payton. Lycan is confusing me with his anger issues and bi-polar moods, but the biggest thing is his possessiveness over what he believes is his. He lost me a long time ago, on that dreadful night to be exact. I sighed and started walking towards the bathroom, there's no use dwelling over it. We train today and fight tomorrow, no matter what, I have to be prepared. 

I looked over at Samuel to see him staring at the ground, his eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. I stopped mid-step  before turning and walking over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his chest. 

"What are you thinking about?" I whispered.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, "I wish you weren't fighting in the battle...but you'll do it anyway...not matter what I say, huh?"

I smirked, "You know me so well."

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, "Well, I am your mate, I should know you pretty well by now." 


For the remainder of the morning we trained, according to my father, Samuel, and a few Elders my fighting is now flawless. I have finally mastered the art of partially shifting and connecting with my wolf. Samuel was actually afraid to fight me when his turn came up and it's a good thing he was, I ended up throwing him half way across the gym. Once we were done I sighed in relief and drank the rest of the water from my bottle. Samuel clapped his hand on my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek before grabbing his water.

"Do you think we'll win tomorrow?" I whispered, looking down.

Samuel gently grabbed my jaw and made me look at him, determination was burning within his eyes. "Yes." he stated firmly.

I frowned, doubting myself and my abilities, but I still had courage in everyone else. Especially my parents and Samuel. I quickly showered and got changed after I returned to our room, I then decided on some alone time in the garden. I sighed in content as I sat in the middle of the garden, surrounded by rose bushes. I was doodling in my sketchbook when a angry howl pierced the air, immediately gaining my attention. I snapped my head up, but couldn't see over the damn bushes. I sighed and climbed to my feet, my eyes widened at the scene. 

Wolves with bright red eyes and vampires sprinted into the Kingdom's large archery field, slaughtering any wolf who got in their way. I didn't even have time to mind-link Samuel before a vampire easily spotted me. Her lips pulled into a sadistic grin as she ran towards me, thirst bright in her glare. I quickly dodged her as she lunged for me, without any hesitation I spun around and pulled her head off her body. I watched her body and head turn to ashes before focusing on the attackers. I growled lowly as I spotted them.

Lycan and Payton.

A/N: Sorry for the cliff hanger! I'll update tomorrow! But I seriously need to go to bed....I just wanted to give you guys an update before I do so. :)

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