Chapter 19

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I groaned as my abdomen hurt, I tried clawing at it to stop the pain, but someone gently grabbed my wrist. I peeled my eyes open to see Arabella looking at me with concerned eyes, I tried mustering up a smile, but I was too tired. I swallowed and shoved the sheets off of me, trying to cool down my extra warm body. I winced as pain sliced through me, making it harder to breathe. What the hell was happening?

"Samuel, you have to stay still, you could rip your stitches." Arabella suddenly whispered, her voice urgent.

I looked at her again, "It hurts."

She furrowed her eyebrows, she had a befuddled look as she lifted my shirt. She gently pressed on my wound, but it still hurt like hell. I couldn't hold back my cry as I tried moving away from her. She swiftly withdrew her hand and stared at me, her eyes wide and fearful. Once the pain lessened I immediately felt guilt, I keep scaring her. That's all I ever do it seems, is scare her.

I remembered the month she was in the castle and sighed, I was horrible to her. Just because I know she'll never be able to love me. I just had to be a temperamental fool and murder her father because he stole food from my castle. Didn't help that he tried killing me and I couldn't control my wolf. I'm a fucking idiot.

She relaxed again and crawled across the bed, switching on the light. She then moved back over to me and examined my wound. Her eyes widened with horror, without a single word she darted from the room. I frowned, what the hell just happened?

She returned a few minutes later with the doctor right behind her, one look and he sighed.

"He has an infection, which is to be expected with that dirty knife." he observed.

I clenched my jaw, "A-aren't you supposed to...c-clean...m-my wound out?"

Goddess, I can barely talk. Arabella looked at the doctor, a look of rage passed over her features. She folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah, aren't you supposed to clean it out?" she questioned him, raising an eyebrow.

He swallowed nervously, " was just a mistake. I was in a rush to save his life..."

"If you wanted to save his life so bad you would have cleaned it out to prevent infections like this. Whatever, just, please help him."

Her sudden concern over me was puzzling, but I didn't dwell on it much. Come to think of it, she has always helped me whenever I badly needed it. I remembered the first two times she saved my life and smiled at her. I really screwed up, she's the most beautiful woman I've seen. She deserves better though, not a scumbag like me who slept with different girls before I met her.

I watched as she argued with the doctor, her eyes mirrored her presentiment and distress over the situation. She sighed in defeat before ordering him to leave, her eyes glowing gold. His eyes widened and he scampered out of the room. When the door shut she ran her hand through her beautiful brown curls, her eyebrows drew together as she continued to stare down at the bed. She finally looked up, her eyes wet with unshed tears.

"He refuses to give you any medicine to fight the infection off, stating that you don't deserve it." she whispered.

I frowned and nodded quietly, the doctor is right though. I don't deserve it, for all of the pain I've caused to multiple people I deserve this. I rested against my pillows and closed my eyes, dozing.

"Don't you care?" she suddenly barked, anger laced throughout her words.

I opened my eyes and looked at her, "I don't d-deserve any m-m-medicine." I stated.

She gaped at me, "And why is that?"

"Do y-you know...h-how m-many people...I-I've h-hurt?" I breathed out through the pain.


"A-a lot."

She let out a defeated sigh before laying beside me, she curled up against me. I wrapped my one arm around her, stroking her shoulder with my thumb. I prayed to the Moon Goddess that she'll stay away from Lycan and find someone else. Someone who won't hurt her, someone who will protect her and cherish her. Someone to treat her like a queen and always make sure she's happy.

I started to fall asleep, exhaustion finally taking over.

"But just think about how many people are going to hurt if you die." she whispered all of a sudden.

I tensed up at the thought, who the hell would even care?

"More people care about you more than you think, Samuel. You just refuse to believe it." she muttered.

And I said that out loud.

I opened my eyes and looked at her, "Wh-who cares s-so much a-about me?"

She didn't answer, she only gave me a sad look. I sighed, "S-sorry."

She went to say something, but another wave of pain washed over me. I bit back my cry, but it managed to escape some. I whimpered as Arabella pulled me against her, rubbing my back. When it diminished again I was able to relax.

I was panting as I laid against her, slowly falling into the darkness that wanted to consume me.

"We all care, Samuel."

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