Chapter 49

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I walked into the infirmary only partially aware of what was going on, my vision was spinning as I grabbed onto the wall. I held my head and groaned, that damn beeping noise was once again in my ears and I felt like puking. I dug my claws into the wall, trying my hardest to stay standing as whatever this is, passed over. I jumped when someone gently placed their hand on my shoulder, I spun around to see a nurse staring at me with stunned eyes.

"Uh, Princess, are you okay?" she asked softly, taking a step towards me.

I swallowed, "Uh...yeah, I just... I just...jus..."

I started to slur my words as I plunged into a world of darkness. I could hear muffled noises and voices as people shouted out orders. Someone was holding me in their arms before they let go and placed me on some type of bed. I felt like I was floating for a few minutes until someone started taking my shirt off and checking me. 

"Vampire bites." a voice stated.

"How many?" another asked.


Three? I didn't feel Payton bite me two more times after the first, I tried searching through my memory for that moment, but I was too tired. The next thing I felt was an intense burning feeling wash over me, crawling through my legs and arms then up my throat. I tried breathing, but I felt as if something heavy was sitting on my chest. I could feel someone placing an oxygen mask on my face and more orders being yelled out. When I finally lost all of my senses I relaxed. 

"Is she okay?"

"Sir, you need to get back to your room and lay down. You still haven't regained all of your strength." 

"I need to be near her!"


"No! I need to be next to her! I-

"Samuel! Relax, she's okay, she's going to be fine. Listen to the doctor and lay your ass down and go to sleep, you need rest. Do you want her waking up to see you toppling over?" 


Samuel. I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't, I was still exhausted. I could feel someone running their fingers through my hair and a female's voice that I recognized. She was laughing and talking about Samuel, telling me how he's such an over protective idiot. I tried moving, but I felt as if I was paralyzed. 

"Is my brother resting now?" Emerald's voice sounded.

Someone sighed, "We had to sedate him, isn't this the sixth time he's been injured?"

"Nope, just the fourth or fifth I believe. He's accident prone." 

"I can see that, well, the princess should be awake soon. The venom is almost out of her system, good thing she's an Immortal Royal. They handle venom like it's nothing, if they only have three bites. Four or more and well...they're dead." 

"Oh...thank you?"

It was silent after that, the only sound was the heart monitor and Emerald humming some random tune. She suddenly let out some sort of mouse like noise and grabbed my hand.

"I met my mate! Turns out he's one of the warriors for your Kingdom! He's going to become King of my kingdom of course, but he's the best! He's such a gentleman, a little possessive, but that is normal for male werewolves. Samuel has to approve of him which is going to be interesting and I found out some news that Samuel can't know about. Yet."

She stayed silent for a bit, I could feel the fear rolling off of her. 

"My parents aren't dead. They're alive and they're coming home." she whispered, her voice quiet and scared.

I felt a few tears drop on my arm as she cried, "Samuel didn't tell you everything and I can't tell you everything either...but...they'll hurt him again. I know he's bigger and stronger now, dad...he's very strong. He'll do it again, he'll make Samuel scream again. Goddess, what am I going to do? If Samuel finds out he'll freak, he'll shut everyone out and lock himself away. He may even go back to cutting...Arabella...we need to protect him. Please."  she rambled, crying still.

I tensed up, Samuel's parents hurt him before? Anger coursed through me, they will not touch him. I won't allow it. As long as I'm alive, I'm keeping him safe. Now way is he shutting me out either, if I have to follow him and annoy him with my love and making sure he doesn't harm himself, then so help me, I will. He's my mate and I have to protect him. He's done it enough times for me, it's my turn. 

A/N: This is a jumbled mess. I'll edit it later lol

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