Chapter 44

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I cuddled against Samuel, refusing to accept that I was most likely past morning. After spending the next five minutes trying to fall back to sleep I finally opened my eyes. I looked up at Samuel to see him sleeping soundly, I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He stirred a bit, but nothing major. I sighed, my thoughts drifted to Lycan and Payton.
I have to get rid of them once and for all, including Cecilia. No longer am I allowing anyone harm Samuel. He's going through enough shit as it is, I don't want him going through anymore. I know I won't be able to fully
protect him Saturday, but I'll try my best. I slowly pulled myself up into a sitting position, wincing as a slight ache went through my side. I carefully climbed out of the hospital bed, shivering a bit when the cold air met my body. I silently walked across the cold floor and swung the bathroom door open.
Once I was done my business I decided to ask the nurses where the cafeteria was. The one nurse gave me a stunned look when she saw me walk out of Samuel's room.

I smiled kindly at her, "Hi, you know which way the cafeteria is?" I asked.

She gave me a blank look, "I don't know, go look for it." She snapped.

I frowned at her attitude, what the hell crawled up her ass and died? I cleared my throat and laughed.

"Get snippy with me again and you won't have a tongue, now, where is the cafeteria?" I growled.

I could see the flash of fear in her eyes before it was gone. I clenched my jaw as the coldness set in.

"Like I said, go look for it." She snarled.

This girl is seriously asking for it.

"Do you know who I am?" I barked. I push down the guilt as I got ready to use my title. I was far too annoyed to even give a damn. "Well?"

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, the bitchy patient."

I gaped at her, that's it. I lunged at her from across the desk and grabbed her by her shirt.

"I'm the princess you ignorant ass." I growled.

She smirked, "Like I care, you can't just throw around your title, you stupid bitch."

I narrowed my eyes and threw her across the hall. She slammed into the wall, a yelp escaping her lips as she smacked into the ground. I stormed over to her, ready to punch her when someone grabbed my shoulder. I spun around to see my mother giving me a smile.

"Relax." She soothed.

I clenched my jaw, glancing back at the pathetic she-wolf. I wanted nothing more than beat some sense into her, but my mother quickly pulled me away. She brought me back into Samuel's hospital room and sat me down.

"What is wrong with you? I've never seen you use your title or snap like that." She asked, concern lacing her voice.

I let out an irritated sigh, suddenly feeling tired and on the brink of tears. "I don't know." I mumbled.

"Those are her wolf's emotions, her wolf is still healing her and she's tired. Even though Arabella can't feel it, her wolf is still hurting. That nurse's disrespect towards you did nothing to help your wolf's mood. That and she's hungry, so are you I'm guessing."

We looked over to see the doctor walking in, I smiled at her.

"Kind of." I whispered.

She chuckled, "I have them sending up food. But just take today to relax and calm your wolf down or you'll become easily irritated throughout the day. Which means attacking idiots like that nurse."

"Who is that nurse?" My mother asked. "I will not have her escaping without any punishment for being that rude towards my daughter and her future Queen."

"Her name is Holly, she's quite the...mutt around here. Doesn't help that she developed a crush on our future King." the doctor replied.

I gaped at her, how many more fucking females are going to get crushes on my mate? Damn it, Samuel, why do you have to look like a sex god?

"Well, I'll make sure she doesn't disrespect another person again. Royal or not." My mother voiced. "Thank you."

The doctor nodded before leaving, I sighed and climbed back into the bed. Samuel's eyes fluttered open, he looked over at me with a smirk on his face.

"Thank you for waking me up by throwing a nurse into the wall." He spoke, trying to sit up.

I quickly helped him sit against the pillows, I smiled. "Welcome, it was time to get up anyway."

He grunted at that before yawning, "Where's the food?"

"It's coming, relax." I replied.

He grinned, "I don't think I'm the one who needs to relax. After all, I didn't chuck someone into a wall."

I glowered at him, "She disrespected me and has a crush on you. How many more females are going to get crushes on you? Damn, can't I have you to myself?" I ranted.

He chuckled, "You already have me to yourself, I ignore them anyway. They don't compare to you. And don't you know how many men give you some pretty lustful stares? Everywhere we walk, they're there."

"Well, fine, I guess I can suck it up." I grumbled.

He laughed before placing a kiss on my cheek.

A/N: There I updated :)

And one thing....

Do NOT comment and say, "Just fucking update already." Excuse me? I just gave you three or four fucking updates in one day, mind you. Don't you know how hard it is to freaking write a chapter when you're also planning chapters for your other six books? Also, I'm focusing on school, it's my Senior year. I can't afford having low grades and as of right now, I'm not doing so hot.

And this goes for EVERYONE in the future who decide to get an attitude because I didn't update 24 hours after giving them multiple updates in a day. I'm tired of the disrespect on here.

I know, I'm a bitch most of the time, but the rudeness is what sets me off. Either you respect me and don't start cussing at me because I don't update when you want me to or don't comment. I'm trying guys. Okay?

And I'm sorry if I offend anyone, I'm not trying to.

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