Chapter 18

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"Samuel, the doctor told you not to touch it!" I shrieked, slapping his hands.

"But it itches!" he pouted, trying to scratch the stitches.

Emerald rolled her eyes before walking over and slapping him on the back of the head. Samuel glared at her, but instead of shrinking back she glared back at him. I awkwardly stood there, watching them as they just glared at each other. Eventually, Samuel sighed in defeat and leaned against his pillows.

"How long are they staying in for?" she asked.

I shrugged, "They're the ones that dissolve."

"Ah, they take a day and forever on us. Okay, well, they only take a few days, but still." she rambled.

"That's too long, I'm not even allowed to do anything for the next five days. How am I supposed to run a kingdom?" Samuel groaned, a hint of fear and panic in his eyes.

Emerald pursed her lips, she slowly turned towards me. A full blown grin broke out on her face, her eyes glinting with mischief. I immediately shook my head and backed away from her.

"No." I stated firmly.

"But I'm going away to visit the Immortal Royals! I saw how everyone listened to you when you used that tone. Even Lycan bowed down to you and left like you told him to. Come on, please, Arabella?" she pleaded, giving me a sullen look.

I bit my lip, trying to ignore the guilt if I refused. After a whole minute of refusing to answer, I finally gave in and nodded. "Fine...but what do I do?" I asked.

"You will help you. It's mainly dealing with problems within the packs in all of Europe, paperwork, and handling any problems within the village." she explained. "You'll do fine!"

I gave her a doubtful look, but nodded. "Fine."

She quickly thanked me before leaving, telling Samuel to behave on her way out. I stood there for a second before walking over to a chair and sitting down in it. Samuel stayed silent, his eyes glazed over with thought. A few minutes of silence passed by, causing me to become even more irritated. When a full hour of us just sitting here in silence passed, I lost it.

"I'm going to murder your sister." I snapped.

Samuel raised an eyebrow as he looked at me, "Hm?"

I scowled at him and rolled my eyes, "Samuel, I can't run a whole kingdom! I'm just some Omega from some pack in the village." I ranted, pacing around the room.

He didn't say anything, he just watched me carefully. I finally stopped and faced him, folding my arms over my chest. We stared at each other for a while, in a silent staring contest. He looked at me like Loki looked at Thor and Odin as they fought after the Frost Giants tried stealing the casket of ancient winters the first time. Meanwhile, I was trying my hardest to give him the darkest death glare, but I knew it didn't bother him.

I groaned and sat against the wall, "You're annoying me."

"How?" he asked.

"Oh, now we talk?" I barked.

Samuel raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

I gave him a miffed look before looking away, "I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"Of failing, who's going to take some Omega girl seriously?"

"Well, when you get angry you're not exactly the safest looking person."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, your eyes turn this bright golden color, your nostrils will flare, and your canines come out." he explained.

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