Chapter 4

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I reluctantly followed Idiot and Clayton as we made our way to my new room. I wasn't looking forward to being a maid, I've always loathed cleaning, but now I'm forced to actually do it. I studied the castle as we walked through it, the decor was amazing. My wolf was anxious as we continued our way through the darkened halls, my heart starting to pump a little faster.

Idiot shoved open a door that revealed a nice room, which shocked me. I didn't think maids got good rooms like this. Clayton turned towards me and smiled softly.

"There are two more maids besides you in this castle, Rose, who is very kind. Her mate is the Chef here and he cooks amazing food. The second maid is Kayla, she's a slut." he stated bluntly. "No one really likes her, well, except Samuel. She's his...uh...friend with benefits."

I wanted to gag, something else to add onto why Samuel disgusts me. I nodded my understanding before making my way into my new room. I sighed, way better than that damn dungeon. Goddess, how do the other prisoners survive in that place?

Clayton and his brother left me alone, closing the door behind them and locking it. I took this time to examine my room. The floor was a white marble, the walls were a bright red with white molding, the bed was king sized with a very comfortable mattress. There were dressers, a large walk in closet, and a nice fancy bathroom with a shower. I was completely stunned, why would he give me such a nice room if I'm a maid?

Well, unlike the other two, I guess it's because I'm only staying a month. There's no use to throwing me into a maid room for only a month when another maid could have it. I was still confused though, he highly disliked me and I hated him as well. Why wouldn't he shove me in some crappy room while a new maid gets this one?

I eventually shook the thoughts from my head and walked over to the desk, knowing my list of chores for tomorrow would be there. I frowned when I read over it; clean the kitchen, the dining room, his bedroom, and his bathroom. Not much, but I have a feeling those four places were probably the messiest out of the whole castle. I internally groaned, I hate this guy.

Why is he even the King? I don't believe he deserves the title, he's an absolute asshole who sleeps around with girls because he's horny. Seriously, who would want to stay with a man like him? Add on the fact he's a murderer and kills someone because of something tiny and stupid they did.

I spun around when the door swung open, revealing Samuel in all of his arrogant glory. He smirked as he walked into the room and closed the door.

"So, do you like your room?" he questioned.

I folded my arms across my chest and narrowed my eyes. "You're planning something."

"No, I'm not. You're staying here for a month, all of my maids get a fancy room."

"I'm a criminal though."

"Not exactly, your father was, but not you. Now, are you going to answer my question?"

"Fine, I think it's nice."

"Great! Dinner is in an hour, anyone who lives in this castle must go." he explained, plopping himself down on the bed.

"Now, I'm going to have to change that quilt. You're touching it."

He smirked before rolling all over the bed and stretching, "It's comfy." he voiced.

I rolled my eyes, he's such a damn child. How in the world did he become king?  He looked over at me and we both just stared at each other. It wasn't creepy or irritating, but kind of awkward. I cleared my throat and took a step forward.

"I'll be down for dinner, could you please leave?" I whispered.

He sat up, he suddenly looked confused as he stared at me. He then continued to climb to his feet and walk over to me. I took a step back, trying to distance myself from him. I don't want to be near him, he's an asshole who murdered my father.

He opened his mouth to say something, but then quickly walked out of the room. I sighed in relief, that was the weirdest thing that has ever happened so far. I sat down on my bed, thinking about the fact I actually had to see him again at dinner. I clenched my jaw, no way in hell am I going to dinner.

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