Chapter 14

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As everyone flooded the castle for the ball I sat in a tree. I was never interested in these type of things, they seemed boring to me. Not only that, but there's so many women with large egos that I would be going mad with annoyance. I sighed and shifted my gaze to the silver moon.
When I was younger I used to always sit up in the trees with my mother. We would look at the stars and the moon while making jokes. I smiled sadly at the ancient memory.

After a while I climbed down and started walking back towards my house. I was tired from the day's work, my eyes felt heavy as I neared my home. When I was about to open the door I heard a voice I never thought I would hear again.

I spun around, coming face to face with my ex-mate, Lycan. His dark eyes gleamed with an evilness that sent chills down my spine.

"Lycan." I stated with disgust.

He smiled, "My beautiful Arabella, it has been a long time."

I fought the urge to spit on him, he sounds like that vampire from Twilight. What was his name? Oh, right, Aro.

I clenched my jaw and shoved him out of my way. I didn't say anything, I simply ignored him. I only made it two steps away from him when he suddenly grabbed my elbow.

"You're coming to the ball with me." He stated.

I spun around and shoved him again, "I am not going to any ball, Lycan. Especially with you." I spat with disgust.

His eyes turned black as he grabbed my wrist tightly. "You are coming with me, Arabella. You have no choice."

"Yes I do." I stated.

He smirked, "Of course you do...if you would wish to meet death."

"What if I want to?" I countered.

I knew I was pushing his buttons, but I also knew he couldn't kill me. He could abuse me, emotionally and physically, but the bond prevents him from killing me. Unless I break it fully, which means I would have to mate with someone else.

"You have no other mate, Arabella. There is no such thing as a second chance mate, so either you accept our fate together and come with me or you die. Choose."

"She won't be going to the ball with you, Lycan. She already has a date with me."

Both of us stared at the figure in shock. I watched with stunned silence as Samuel stepped out from the shadows.

Lycan tightened his grip, "Excuse me, your Highness?"

"You heard me, mutt." Samuel spat before grabbing Lycan by his throat.

He threw him aside and quickly grabbed me. I didn't argue as he threw me on to his horse and climbed up himself. I wrapped my arms around him as he gave the horse the cue to gallop.
The night's icy air raced around us as we continued galloping through the forest.

"Why were you in the forest?" I asked over the rushing air.

Samuel smiled, "To get some fresh air."

Once we reached the castle's stables I hopped off and stood beside the horse. Samuel dismounted and sighed.

"Who is he?" He asked, knowing full well I knew who he was referring to.

I let out a breath, "My mate."

"Did you reject him?"

"No...I ran away from him and hid. He's abusive." I whispered.

He tensed up, "I'm not better than him, then. I abused you too."

I didn't say anything, I stayed silent as he walked the horse inside. A  silence washed over us; Samuel groomed his horse as I stood there.

I awkwardly cleared my throat and looked down. "Thank you, for helping me with him." I whispered shyly.

He nodded, "You're welcome."

He didn't look at me, his eyes were glazed over with thought. I watched as he put his saddle and bridle away before walking back over.

"Well, I guess I should be going. Thanks again." I voiced before turning to leave.

"No, you're staying here."

I froze and looked at him, "Wh-what?"

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "As a guest, you are staying here. I know Lycan, he's obsessive and possessive. He knows where you live and he will forcefully take you.
I am not going to risk your health or safety. And I promise I won't hurt you again. Ever." He said as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

I looked up to see a strange emotion cloud his eyes. We stood like this for a few moments before he grinned.

"You are coming to the ball however." He chirped.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I don't have a gown though! Or a date!"

"But you have me..." He said, feigning hurt.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, but I still don't have a gown."

He grinned again, "That's where you are wrong."


"Come with me." He grinned and lead me away.

"Samuel, your horse is standing in the aisle."
I mumbled.

He stopped walking and turned around. "Right."

"You're blushing." I chuckled.

"Shut up." He grumbled.

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