Chapter 26

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For the next two days I spent half of my time learning about the kingdom and my duties, then spent the rest of my days with Samuel. Emerald and I were beyond relieved that Samuel was starting to feel better. The doctor kept a close eye on the infection and told us that it was cleaned out and he was hundred percent healthy.

I sighed as I read more about my family's history and Lycan's. It sounds like Lycan's family has always been close towards mine, but Ryker and my ex-mate completely changed that. I was disgusted by the both of them, especially when I read their crimes. Lycan has done multiple things, but whenever someone tries to catch him he kills them. Now, no one wants to go after him. As for Ryker, he's a little less...disgusting. I shook my head in dismay, I was horrified by all of this new information. Though, it shouldn't surprise me. Lycan did rape me and he claw my back right after when I tried shoving him out my window. I still of the scars from that night and they'll forever scar my mind.

I know Samuel has done multiple things to me that are wrong, but they aren't as nearly as traumatizing as Lycan's. Every time I'm near the man I feel sick and tense, I can't stand the sight of him. I admit, I'm still afraid of Samuel hitting me sometimes, but my pride gets in my way. I refuse to show it, but there are times where I can't hold my fear back. I sighed and placed the papers down, I rubbed my temples.

"Are you okay?"

I snapped my head up to see Samuel leaning against the door frame, his arms folded across his chest and a worried look on his face. I was shocked by the fact he was standing there and not laying in the hospital, but I swiftly composed myself.

"I'm fine." I stated, throwing my hair into a bun.

I could see the disbelief in his eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to assure him I was okay. If I did, then I would be lying to him. He sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me, he gently kissed my cheek before puling me against him. He rested his chin on my head as a sigh escaped his lips.

"You're not okay, what's wrong?" he whispered softly.

I swallowed, "I just read the documents on...Ryker and Lycan."

He tensed up a little before relaxing again, "I'm guessing you now know how much of a disgusting man he is?"

"Yes, he raped so many women and murdered them..." I whispered, slowly sinking into my memory of that horrifying night.

Samuel gently rubbed circles on my back, "I know, that is something that has always had me appalled. I've hated men who rape women or even women who rape men since I was younger. It's low to take someone's dignity like that." he ranted.

"I know." was all I could say.

I kept on contemplating whether or not I should tell Samuel about what Lycan had done to me. He's asked before, but I never brought up anything that revolves around that night. Samuel must have felt me become stiff for he gently turned me so I was facing him. He studied me for a few seconds, his eyes holding many emotions.

"Arabella, please, tell me what's bothering you. I don't like seeing you like this. Is it something I did? Is it what I did in the-

I quickly hushed him, "No, it's not something you did."

"Then what is it?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

I bit my lip, "I'm afraid to tell you." I admitted to him, slightly embarrassed.

He tilted his head, "Does it have something to do with Lycan?"

I blinked at him before nodding and looking away, how do I tell him? Do I just blurt it out that another man, the exact man that stabbed him, had raped me? Then clawed my back? I internally groaned, even if I wanted to there's too much fear holding me back. I can't tell him, not yet at least.

"It's alright, I can wait." he spoke, giving me a small smile.

I smiled back at him, thankful for his understanding. I hugged then kissed him, when we parted I rested my head on his chest. He kissed my head as he ran his hand through my hair, both of us just enjoying each other's company. We stayed like this for a little while longer, when the doors swung open to reveal the maid we looked over.

"Dinner is ready." she announced, giving Samuel a lustful look.

Jealousy was quick to rise up within me, but Samuel stood us both up and kissed me. Our lips danced together for a while before the maid cleared her throat. I wanted to smirk at the envious look on her face, but I kept my face blank. I did, however, give her a very nice glare.

"Thank you, you may go." I growled out, my voice cold.

She swallowed and rushed away from us, I grinned as I sensed the fear from her. Samuel chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You're hot as hell when you're jealous." he stated.

I blushed, "I was not jealous."

"Alright." he scoffed. "Then what was that?"

"Uh...I'm pmsing." I blurted out, causing me to blush even more.

He laughed, earning an irritated glare from me. "Let me guess, you're going to want chocolate soon?"

"Actually, now that you mention it..." I grinned.

"I am not-

"I want all the chocolate in the kingdom, then you'll be forgiven." I stated, cutting him off.

He stared at me, "I knew you were going to ask for th-hey! What do you mean forgiven?"

"For laughing at my lady issues." I voiced.

He gaped at me, "You have got to be kidding me."

"I am, I just want chocolate." I smirked.

I kissed him and chuckled, as we walked down to the dining room he as mumbling the whole time. Something along the lines of, "Women and their damn chocolate addiction and their uterus's."

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