Chapter 23

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"We just really need to speak with the King and Queen." Emerald stated, practically begging the guards.

"Everyone has to see the King and Queen, what makes you so special?" the one guard spat, glaring at Emerald.

I frowned at them, annoyed with the fact they're acting so rude. Especially when Emerald is part Royal herself. I looked down at Samuel to see him watching with annoyed eyes. I let out a frustrated breath and walked forward. I gently moved Emerald behind me and glared up at the two guards. Their eyes widened as I took out my necklace.

"Now, I would love to see my parents." I snarled.

They were speechless for a while, but then another guard scoffed. "You expect us to believe that? For all we know that necklace could be fake."

I rolled my eyes, these men are annoying. I sighed, "Listen, either you let us in or I will throw you two into the river. Now..LET.US.IN."

Emerald smirked as they whimpered and quickly opened the gates, their eyes were wide with disbelief as I motioned for Emerald to bring Samuel in. I smiled at the guards, thanking them for their service. Sarcastically, of course. I scrunched up my face at the thought of their rudeness, once this whole mess is cleaned up I am going to make sure those guards have an attitude adjustment.

She asked once and they immediately answered with a rude comment, how immature can you be? I understand that it's their duty to protect the King and Queen, but surely they know Emerald is a Royal. You can feel her power radiating off of her, but I had even more power. I smiled to myself, I could get used to this whole Immortal Royal thing.

The scent of the castle had me relaxed, I felt as if I should remember something, but I couldn't. We stopped as a butler looking guy stood in front of us, a confused expression on his face.

"May I help you three?" he questioned.

I took a deep breath and smiled as I scanned the entry. Once my eyes landed on a large golden door my memory went crazy. It's like I was traveling around the castle, my senses went into overload as I remembered every noise, smell, and sight. I gasped and clutched my head, trying to will the headache to go away. Emerald gently placed her hand on my shoulder, bringing me out of the shocking flashbacks. When did I travel the castle?

"Arabella, are you okay?" she whispered, concerned.

I took a few deep breaths and nodded, "Yeah, just...flashbacks I guess."

I opened my eyes and looked at the bewildered butler, I forced a smile. "Thank you..."

"Stanley" a small voice echoed in my head.

"Thank  you, Stanley, but I know where to go." I grinned even more and started to guide Emerald.

Stanley suddenly stopped me and turned me around, I stared at him with wide eyes. He studied me closely, after a few awkward seconds his eyes filled with tears.

"Oh, Arabella, you're home!" he cheered, pulling me into a hug.

I was taken back by his sudden cheerfulness, but I returned the hug. I smiled and nodded at him before proceeding towards the throne room. We walked through the golden doors and followed three more hallways, as we neared the room I felt anxious. I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from having a mental breakdown.

"Hey, Arabella, relax. They'll be easier than the guards." Emerald assured me.

I let out a nervous breath, "How do you know?"

"A parent never forgets their own child."

"I was a baby then, I don't look the same."

She frowned, "Arabella, you disappeared when you were three."

I frowned, but nodded and knocked on the throne doors. After a few minutes we heard a stern "come in". I took a deep breath and pushed the doors open, revealing the stunning throne room. As we walked in I looked around, my memory once again attacked me. It wasn't as clear as before, but I could remember a few things. A smile made its way onto my lips before I focused on my parents.

I quickly looked down and stopped in front of them, too nervous to look them in the eye. Emerald sighed before clearing her throat.

"We have two reasons as to why we're here." she started. "First, my brother needs help. He was stabbed by Lycan and our doctor refused to clean out his wound. He now has an infection and he's only getting worse."

"What a irresponsible doctor." the Queen gasped. "We'll gladly help him, usually, we would ask for a special item in return. However, this is life threatening."

"About that special item..." Emerald whispered. "My friend can explain that to you."

I could feel their eyes on me as I took one last deep breath, I slowly took my necklace off. I looked up and stared at them.

"I have the necklace you're looking's my necklace." I whispered.

The Queen gasped and place a hand over her mouth, I could see the tears gather in her eyes as she stood up. She walked over to me and gently grabbed my jaw. She then cupped my cheeks and traced her thumb over them.

"A-Arabella?" she murmured, shocked.

I smiled, "Hey, mom."

The tears of joy rolled down her face as she turned towards my father, he frowned. "Are you sure?" he asked weakly.

My mother smiled, "I could never ever forget her unique eyes, she has your eyes. You are the only two with turquoise in your eyes." she explained.

My father got up and walked down to me, he stared at me for a moment before pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back and cried, my mother joined in. Gently running her fingers through my long hair. When we parted I wiped the tears away.

"What did you mean, about turquoise?" I asked softly.

She chuckled, "You and your father have hazel eyes, but if you look closely, there's turquoise surrounding the pupil. It's a genetic thing from your father's side."

I frowned, how come I never realized this? I shrugged it off and sighed, I then glanced at my necklace. " parents...they were never my parents." I whispered.

My mother sighed, "No, there's a whole story behind that, but we'll discuss that later. We have to get Samuel healed up first."

"How did you know his name?" I asked.

She laughed, "We know every Royal's name."

"Before we explain that story, it was your mother's idea." my father mumbled.

My mother scowled at him, "Oh, you want to go there? Mr. I think this guy will protect her?"

"You came up with the-

"Guys! We'll discuss this later." Emerald chuckled, "My brother..."

"Ah, right." my parents voiced.

I followed them closely as we walked down multiple halls, I have a feeling my parents aren't as stern as they look. A smile made its way on my face again, and I don't mind that at all.

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