Chapter 40

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Samuel carried me all the way to our room, he didn't ask any questions either. When he walked in I thought he was going to lay me on the bed then just sit there, but instead he continued to hold me as he laid down on the bed. I continued to cry against his chest, my tears had now soaked a good portion of his shirt. My thoughts were all over the place, scattered in my mess of a mind. I knew once I calmed down and if he feels like it's the right time, he'll ask me about what Lycan had done. I can't exactly say something like I did then give no explanation, it's also about time that he knows. I can't keep this from him forever, especially when he shared so much about his life to me. I kept on silently praying that he won't get angry with me for taking so long to tell him. A part of me hopes he'll understand that telling him what had happened is going to make me live through every moment again. It took me a total of three hours to stop my crying, the whole time Samuel stayed awake and alert. He rubbed circles on my back and kept whispering soothing words to me. Once I finally felt somewhat better I wiped my tears and sniffed. Samuel suddenly grabbed a tissue and wiped my still damp face and then handed me one for my nose. I turned away from him and blew my nose before throwing the tissue in the trash. I then snatched my small thing of hand sanitizer and rubbed it on my hands. I let out a small sigh and then looked at him.

His eyes held so many emotions, but I could still see the question in his brown orbs. I chewed on my bottom lip, waiting for him to voice his question. He stared at me for a minute, but then he sat up and turned me so that I was straddling him.

"Now, what was that about Lycan?" he asked softly and carefully, as if that one question will set me off again.

I took a deep breath before answering, "Lycan...h-he...he raped me a while back." I whispered.

I slowly looked into his eyes to see them darkening with anger, "He what?" he growled.

I swallowed, "He raped me."

He lightly cupped my face and stroked my cheeks with his thumbs, "And I left you with a creepy warrior because I assumed the worst..." he trailed off.

He furrowed his eyebrows, guilt showed on his face. "I'm so sorry Bell...I didn't....I wasn't thinking."

He brought me into a hug and nuzzled his face into my neck, "I'm so so sorry." he continued to whisper.

I eventually pulled away and smiled reassuringly at him. "Samuel, you didn't know. Though, you should have known that I would never cheat on you. Did I really come off as that type of person? Some whore who walks around messing with a man's heart and mind?" I asked angrily, feeling slightly offended.

He frowned and shook his head, "No! I would never in a million years think of you as that."

"But you did just a few moments ago." I pointed out.

He opened his mouth to answer, but then snapped it shut. I folded my arms across my chest and glared at him. "You seriously don't trust me." I stated.

"'s not that..."

"Yes, Samuel, it is that! You think I'm like Cecilia or your original mate? I've trusted you even after you practically abused me! For crying out loud you tried starving me and almost worked me to death, literally! Yet, I still gave you my heart and still admitted to you that I loved you. I let you mark me and complete the bond with me and even after you assumed the worst. I told you what Lycan had done. Not in detail, sure, but I still told you. Yet, here's you...thinking I actually wanted that vulgar man's hands on me. I can't fucking believe you!" I yelled.

He clenched his jaw and glared at me, "Well, you're already assuming that I was even thinking that! Way to be hypocritical!" he snarled.

I gaped at him, "Fine, then what were you thinking at that moment, huh? Because you made it pretty clear that you thought I was kissing that man on purpose! Did you not see him pinning me against the wall? I was in shock for fuck's sake!"

"Will you stop bitching for one minute and let me explain myself?" he growled.

"Why should I? Did you let me explain myself, huh? No! You stormed out like a bratty child who didn't get what they wanted!"

"For crying out-fine! I thought you were cheating on me because you're a whore! Is that what you wanted to hear?" he snarled.

I snapped my mouth shut, my chest tightened as I registered his words. Tears pooled into my eyes as I swung my hand back and slapped him across the face.

"I hate you!" I cried before getting up and storming out of the room.

Author's note: Damn......

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