Chapter 31

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I groaned as someone gently shook me, telling me to wake up. After five minutes of non-stop shaking I sat up and glared at whoever was annoying me. Samuel jumped back a bit with a frightened look on his face.

"Damn, you have one scary ass face when you're pissed off. I'm guessing you're not a morning person?" He voiced.

I sighed, "No, now why did I have to wake up?"

His face turned serious as he sighed, "Lycan is threatening the kingdom if your parents and I don't hand you over to him." He explained.

I blanched, Samuel wasn't kidding when he said Lycan was obsessive and possessive. I ran my hand through my hair and nodded.

"Of course he is." I murmured.

Samuel frowned and wrapped his arms around me. "Don't worry, he's not going anywhere near you as long as I'm here."

"I don't want you getting hurt." I whispered, looking at him.

He let out a breath, "Arabella, I'm stronger than him. If he does attack I can-

"No, he's psychotic, he will do more bizarre things than attacking." I stated firmly. "He knows attacking wouldn't be a problem, the kingdom can handle it."

He stared at me with sorrow, "But I don't want to lose you."

I frowned at his quiet voice, fear was laced through his words and mirrored in his expression. I bit my lip, I don't want to lose him either though. If Lycan gets a hold of him who knows what he'll do. Lycan loathes Samuel and once he finds out we marked he will lose it. The man is bat-shit crazy, a crazy I don't want to mess with.
However, people will see Samuel's mark on me and they'll see mine on him, the news will spread like a wild fire.

"Samuel, I can't afford losing you too though. If anything happens to you, then I'll be-

"Nothing will happen to me." He quickly assured me, giving me an encouraging smile.

I sighed, "I love you, okay? I want to protect you too."

"And I'm fine with that, I meant it when I said I love you more than anything in the world. If I have to give my life up for you, which won't happen, then so be it." He stated.

I shook my head, knowing I wouldn't be able to break through his stubbornness. I ended up hugging him, he wrapped his arms tightly around me and ran his fingers through my hair.

"We're in this together." He whispered.

"I know, and we'll get out of it together." I replied.

He kissed my head, "Exactly. There's the Arabella I know."

Later on in the day we started forming a plan on how to beat Lycan. My father said there was to be no mercy for him, whoever finds him is to kill him immediately. Not even his father was as big of a threat.
The whole situation was stressful, but Samuel being there helped a lot. When we finally took a break from planning my mother was quick to notice the marks on us. She smirked as a knowing look sparkled in her eyes.

My father frowned at them, but then chuckled and smiled. Even so, he still gave Samuel a stern look.

"Hurt my daughter and I'll ring you by your-

"Balls." My mother finished with a grin.

My father froze with his finger pointed and his eyes wide, almost like that meme with the straight face guy pointing his finger. He then sighed and hung his head before looking at her. "Seriously? You had to go there?"

My mother gave him an innocent look, "What? I'm only being honest here."

My father scowled at her.

"Oh, don't you give me that look! You would have done the same thing!" She growled defensively.

He shook his head before looking at us, "Just a quick suggestion, Samuel. If you want to keep your balls, stay away from my wife. She's a little crazy."

My mother gaped at him and gasped. "I'll show you a little crazy!" She snarled before lunging at him.

"In the bed of course." My father smirked.

I paled and fake gagged, "Really? In front of me!? Keep it PG-13 please!"

Samuel was laughing his ass off the whole time, he was practically crying. I glowered at him.

"This isn't funny!" I argued.

He smirked, wiping his tears. "It actually is."

"Is not." I grumbled, folding my arms across my chest.

"Oh, you son of a-

"Anyways, children. Go on and eat lunch or kill something or whatever it is you wolves do these days." My father chirped. "I have to take care of a rabid raccoon."

"Oh, hell no. You did not just call me a rabid raccoon!" My mother snapped.

He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm talking about the one you so nicely locked in the bathroom last night. I almost lost my nuts!"

My mother folded her arms across her chest, "Keep talking like that you won't have any to lose."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused, now go take care of Robert."

My father frowned at her, "Who the hell is Robert?"

"The raccoon." My mother stated.

"You named...the raccoon?" He whispered.

She nodded, a confused look on her face. "Yeah, why? He looked like a Robert, so I named him." She said with a shrug. "He's rather cute."

My father sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose again. He then threw his arms in the air before leaving.

"My wife is crazy. She's going to end up in an insane asylum." He mumbled.

"Keep talking like that and you'll end up under the asylum, without your damn family jewels!" She called.

I gaped at her while Samuel laughed, I think he's part hyena instead of part wolf. I rolled my eyes at him and pinched his shoulder. He yelped and glared at me while rubbing it.

"What was that for?" He whined.

I rolled my eyes at him again, "I'm hungry, let's go and get lunch."

"Oh, could you get a turkey on your way back? I want some for dinner." My mother asked.

I nodded, "Sure."

"Awe, do we have to catch it?" Samuel pouted.

My mother raised an eyebrow, "No, dumbass."

"Let's go." I sighed, dragging my idiot out of the kitchen.

Pain in my ass.

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