Chapter 10

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Like I said, Samuel would go back to being an asshole. A few days have passed since I was released from the hospital and he's forcing me to work. The doctor told him that I should take another week off, but he insisted on me working. Even after I protected him from that damn rogue he can't show an once of appreciation. I know he doesn't like being beholden to someone, especially me, but he is. He needs to suck it up, all he has to do is say the simple words, "thank you" and then he's good to go.

It's not like I'm making him buy me something or whatever; and the worst part is, he has a new she-wolf with him. I have no idea what had happened to the other girl, but now he has some new chick named Cynthia. She's a bitch of course, allowing all that power or what she thinks is power, get to her head. I don't blame her, I would probably do that, but my compassion for others would always stop me.

I sighed and threw the cloth down, sweat dripping down my face. He decided to make me clean the basement today and mind you, it has no air conditioning whatsoever. My heart was beating quickly and it was starting to get hard to breathe, add in the fact I didn't drink any water today.

The fear of having a heart attack had me working hard to keep my heart rate normal, but Samuel is making it impossible. I can't believe I actually started developing feelings for him or maybe I was high on pain medication. Who knows. All I know is, I'm going insane if I start liking him. He's showing his true colors, he doesn't care. If he did he wouldn't make me clean like this, he would make sure my heart was fine every single day. But of course that's too hard for him and too nice of him, when is he ever caring anyways?

I dragged myself to my feet and carried the bucket upstairs, groaning internally at the thousands of steps. Once I finally reached the upstairs I closed the door and continued my walk to the backyard, where I'll dump out the dirty water. I finally reached the back doors and burst through them, my chest feeling overly tight as the humid air slapped me in the face.

My wolf started to whine, hating the heat as well. I dumped the disgusting water out before throwing the bucket in the closet. I then walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water; I grabbed onto the counter as my vision swam. All I could hear was a beeping sound and my blood pounding through my ears. My heart was going a mile a minute, making me slightly nervous.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I spun around to see a guy staring at me, concern evident on his features. I swallowed, "Y-yeah...just a little...dizzy. That's all." I muttered, grabbing my head as the room started to spin.


The guy easily caught me as I plummeted to the ground, he picked me up and started carrying me. "You're going to the doctor." he stated.

I tensed up, "N-no!" I squeaked. "I can't."

"Why not? You're heart is beating so damn fast, it isn't normal. You look sick too." he questioned, giving me a confused glance.

I sighed, "It's complicated."

"What's going on?"

What is it with these people popping up out of nowhere!?

The guy turned around with me still in his arms and barely awake, my heart sky rocketed as I was met with Samuel standing there. I clenched my jaw, my head was hurting and I couldn't make up any thoughts. I struggled to form words as my vision slowly started to fade.

"I'll take her, you go and clean up." he ordered, grabbing me from the guy's arms.

"Hey! That's rude!" I snapped, glaring at what I believe is Samuel.

He sighed, "Shut up already."

"Is or something?" the guy asked nervously.

"No, she's a maid...she's going to be here for at least two months."


As the guy's blob disappeared I growled, "Put me down." I ordered.

Samuel scoffed, "Yeah, okay."

I continued to glare at him my mind trying to figure out why the hell he wanted to carry me. I'd rather be in the other's guy's arms, he's nicer.

Samuel suddenly tensed up, "He's not nicer."

"I said that out loud, huh?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, you did." he paused before speaking again. "What's wrong with me taking you?"

"You're an asshole who hates me guts and refuses to listen to the damn doctor. Now look where that got us! Can't you be a normal...emotion filled werewolf for once? Goddess, you're like a damn robot or something. You have no emotions, whatsoever." I snapped.

I have no idea where this courage or anger came from, but I'm liking it. He tensed up even further, but didn't say another word. It was silent as he carried me, the only sounds were his feet and the occasional door opening and closing. I grew tired as I leaned my head against his chest, slowly closing my eyes. Why am I so tired?


Sleep sounds really good right now.


Author's note: So....I'm not sure if I should drag on Samuel being an asshole or him trying to make it up to her and she's refusing to listen to him. This is my own twist on Beauty and The Beast, but I'm also trying to keep somewhat close to the original tale. I know they start bonding after Beast saves her from the I should start making him nicer? I don't know yet.

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