Chapter 42

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I growled and lunged at her, but she was already diving into the pond for Lycan. I took that as my chance to drag Samuel away. When we were only a few feet away he shifted back, panting. His eyes were tightly shut and his teeth were clenched as he tried fighting off the pain. His chest and stomach were soaked in blood, the claw marks evident. I shifted back as well and knelt beside him, quickly attempting to stop the blood. He cried out as I applied pressure and tried fighting me, but couldn't. I snapped my head up when Payton and Lycan emerged from the pond. She laid Lycan's limp form against a tree before hissing at me. Her eyes were shining with rage as she took a step towards me, but this time I didn't take a step back. 

I didn't even hesitate as I sprinted over and grabbed her by the throat, she snarled at me and tried to claw me, but I grabbed her hair. I yanked her head back, causing her to scream. A surge of power was now going through me as I flipped her over and pinned her to the ground. She dug her claws into my side, but I ignored them. Someone suddenly tore me off and threw me beside Samuel. I looked up to see Lycan glaring at me. He didn't get to do anything though, howls of the kingdom's warriors echoed through the air. We could hear their paws as they ran towards us at break neck speed. Lycan glared at me along with Payton.

"This isn't over, bitch. You will be mine!" he snarled before snatching Payton by her hair and running off. 

I shook my head, but focused on Samuel again. My own pain was shooting through my side, but once again I ignored it. I ran my hand through his hair, trying my hardest to comfort him. He looked at me with tear filled eyes, agony shined brightly in them. Even when the guards came and started to pick him up I couldn't leave his side. He looked at me once more before closing his eyes and going limp. My own tears welled up in my eyes as I tried grabbing him. 

I felt strong arms hold me back and my father's soothing voice in my ear. "Hey, shhh, he'll be okay, Arabella." 

"What if he dies, dad? The last thing I told him was that I hated him!" I cried.

He sighed, "Always looking at the worst outcome, he's a strong man, honey. He can make it through this."

"B-but she clawed his chest and stomach...that's dangerous for us." I whimpered pathetically.

My father stroked my hair, "Depends on how deep the injury is, I'm sure he's fine." 

I shook my head in doubt, there was far too much blood for those to not be considered deep. We eventually walked back to the castle where I explained everything to him. He was angry at Samuel for calling me a whore, but at the moment none of that mattered. How come this always happens? Samuel and me getting into a fight or something and he ends up injured. We were a few feet away when the sharpest pain I've ever felt shot through my side. I gasped and clutched it, my blood quickly running over my hand. 

My father stopped me and gently pulled away my hand, he had a grim look on his face before picking me up and sprinting into the castle. I tried getting out of his arms, claiming I could walk myself, but the movement caused even more pain. He rushed me into the infirmary, right in time to see them wheeling Samuel away. He laid me on a gurney and started calling for help, doctors and nurses were rushing to my side. I stared at the ceiling, transfixed by the lights as they wheeled me down the same hall Samuel went through. Their voices were muffled as I started to feel drowsy, my eyes felt heavier with each passing minute. I eventually closed my eyes, sinking into the darkness. 

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