Chapter 37

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I groaned as Samuel's leg connected with my stomach, causing me to fly backwards into the mat. I winced and slowly sat up, flashing Samuel an irritated glare. He laughed nervously before walking over and helping me up, before he continued on with the lesson he checked me for any injuries. My father quietly watched from the side, correcting any of my mistakes and pointing out when I'm making them. For the past four hours this is all we've been doing, but I have to admit, I'm doing as bad as I thought I would. Samuel and I had ten "battles" and I won six  so far. 

We got back into our spots while my dad started pointing out my mistakes. Each fight my list of mistakes got smaller and smaller. Samuel told me it's just because my wolf and I haven't fought in a very long time. 

"Once all your mistakes are fixed then training will be done for today." my father announced. 

Samuel lunged for me, but I swiftly side stepped him. He landed on his feet though and turned towards me, he charged at me and grabbed me by my waist. I let out a growl, I allowed my wolf to partially take over and dug my claws into his back. He let out a yelp and instantly dropped me, causing my claws to rip through his flesh. His back started to bleed as he winced and turned to face me, I could see the anger in his eyes. I gulped, I quickly climbed to my feet as I watched him stalk towards me. 

I mentally cussed at myself, my father's face showed a little fear as Samuel bared his canines and attacked me. I kept dodging hit after hit, allowing him to tire himself out, but it wasn't happening. He partially shifted and lunged at me again, this time clawing my shoulder. I winced, but swung around and kneed him in the stomach. He groaned and fell to the ground, I was about to pin him down, but he moved at the last second. He wrapped his arm around my throat and pulled me tightly against him. I gasped and clawed at his hands as panic settled in the pit of my stomach. 

"Arabella, don't allow your fear and panic to control you. Connect with your wolf, ask her for guidance and help." my father sounded. "Then, you'll have your victory." 

I closed my eyes and focused on my wolf, ignoring my current struggle for air. I felt a surge of power wash through me as my eyes snapped open. I let out a loud growl and flipped Samuel over me, his body landed on the ground with a loud thud. I heard a crack and his cry of pain, but I ignored it. I pushed the mate-bond aside and pinned him down, glaring down at him.

"Okay, we're done!" my father announced. 

I instantly let go of Samuel and sighed, my wolf gave me full control after. My eyes widened at the sight of Samuel grabbing his arm and panting. His eyes were shut, the pain evident on his face. I clapped my hand over my mouth and knelt beside him.

"Oh my goddess, are you okay? I didn't mean to! It's just, you partially shifted and-

He smiled at me, "I-I did that on purpose. It was the only way to get you to connect with your wolf. You didn't actually think I would hurt you, did you?" he questioned.

I bit my lip, "Well..."

"Okay, that was a stupid question. I shouldn't be surprised." he chuckled. "But damn, you're strong as hell." 

I laughed and gently grabbed his good arm, once he was to his feet I checked his arm. I grimaced at the sight, I broke his arm alright. My father walked over and whistled, frowning at Samuel's open fracture.

"Well, that's a pretty nasty fracture you have there. Come on, we'll get the doctor to fix it. Keep opening up the wound though when it tries to close, you do not want the skin healing over that." my father instructed before leading us out. "Good job, Arabella." 

I frowned, "I just broke my mate's arm to the point the bone is poking out of the skin. How is that a good job?"

"You won, didn't you? But now I won't beat the shit out of him for mating with you." he growled, narrowing his eyes at Samuel.

Samuel swallowed, "I'd rather this than your father beating the snot out of me."

I rolled my eyes at them, but continued following them to the infirmary. The whole time there my father had to pin Samuel down as the doctor re-broke his bone and set it. I sat and watched with a horrified face, it was disgusting. She even performed surgery on it while he was wide awake since none of the drugs were working on him. 

For the first time my father actually had pity for Samuel, as she cut through his skin and placed the bone back Samuel screamed on the top of his lungs. Throughout the whole procedure I sat beside him and ran my fingers through his sweat soaked hair. Once she was done she stitching him up, she wrapped his arm and put it in a sling. She then explained she was going to see if they had pain medication for werewolves like him. 

"I'm going to check on your mother and make sure she didn't set the kitchen on fire again. Make sure he doesn't move his arm." my father ordered.

I nodded, "You don't hate him anymore?"

"I never hated him." he chuckled. "I just wasn't comfortable with you mating with a guy. You're not even twenty yet." 


He smiled and kissed me on my forehead, "But I did complete the bond with your mother when we were seventeen, so I shouldn't be angry. As long as you don't get pregnant." 

"I won't." I laughed. 

After he left I crawled in beside Samuel as he slept, he eventually passed out from the pain. Now he was just a sweaty mess, breathing quickly from the pain. I cuddled against him and kissed him on his cheek. 

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