Chapter 41

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I fled the castle and ran into the forest, about a mile in I shifted. I tore through the forest, letting out a howl of pain as my wolf cried. I tried distracting myself from the pain, but I couldn't. He called me a whore even when I'm far from that. He's the first guy I have ever had feelings for, he even took my virginity and he courage to call me the whore? He's unbelievable, I started to regret even completing the bond with him. I should have known that it was all too good to be true, some people can never change. A man like him can't change, he resides in the past, allowing it to fuel whatever problem he has. I understand that his original mate tried killing him, but I've been good to him! I saved his life three times, maybe even a fourth time if you count Emerald and I bringing him here. I skidded to a halt and laid beside a large pond, I whimpered lowly. What am I going to do? I love him, hating him is difficult for me to do, but I also don't want to deal with these problems. I shouldn't have to put up with being called a whore by a man who has probably screwed every she-wolf in his kingdom. If anyone is the whore here, it's him.

"Well, if it isn't Arabella...and in wolf form? Oh, something must of really upset you."

I froze at his voice, the venom laced through his words sent an uncomfortable feeling throughout my body. I stood up and laid my ears flat against my head, baring my canines at him. He smirked, his dark eyes swirling with anger and betrayal.

"Payton, you may want to see your new victim." he suddenly called out.

I snapped my attention over to the bushes as a beautiful girl stepped out. Her ruby eyes narrowed as she saw me, she slowly circled me. I could tell she was sizing me up, hunger flashed in her eyes. A sadistic grin slowly made its way onto her face, causing me to take a step back.

"So, this is who Samuel gave his heart to? Pathetic." she spat. "I'm far better than her...even if the bond is no longer there."

Lycan grinned, "I know, baby, but you don't need him. Once you kill her...he'll break and then we can take over the kingdom ourselves."

"Oh, I love the thought of killing her and watching that worthless mutt suffer." Payton whispered.

Lycan walked over and wrapped his arm around her waist before kissing her neck, she moaned lowly at him. She then stopped him, her eyes holding desire as she studied him.

"Not now." she stated. "We have business to take care of."

"Right." Lycan nodded.

Both of them looked at me with calculating eyes, my mind was blank as I continued to step away from them. I was still shocked by this whole mess, was Lycan and Payton a thing now? And she's Samuel's original mate? When she took a step closer I immediately bared my canines and growled at her, warning her to stay away. This only seemed to amuse her, for she smiled and took another step closer.

"Poor little wolfy is scared." she teased.

Lycan smirked and shifted, his large wolf slowly stalked towards me. My heart was hammering against my rib cage, I swallowed as I started to shake a little. From the stories I've heard about vampires is that I have to rip their head off in order to actually kill them. However, it was a very difficult task and I know for a fact I'm not up for it. I jumped slightly as Lycan's wolf snapped at me, his eyes holding a dangerous look.

I could hear something slicing through the air and snapped my eyes over to where Payton was, but her spot was empty. I looked up to see her in the tree, hissing and getting ready to pounce. My eyes widened as she jumped from the tree, her nails turning into hideous claws as she reached out for me. A wolf suddenly jumped out and attacked her, slamming into the ground with her. She quickly stood up, shock was written all over her face as she stared at the brown wolf. He glanced at me, those amber-brown eyes holding pain in them before turning back towards the vampire.

I snapped out of my bewilderment when Lycan suddenly jumped on him. I let out a growl and tore Lycan off of Samuel's back. I threw him into a nearby tree, grinning when he slammed into the ground along with the tree. I heard a loud yelp from Samuel and quickly looked over, horror filled me when I saw him leaning against another tree. His shoulder was soaked in blood, the same blood that coated Payton's mouth.

"Oh, my little wolf, you'll regret attacking me." Payton hissed, a smile sketched onto her face.

I growled and lunged for her, but Lycan was already barreling into me. I shook my head and growled, anger was now fueling me as I attacked Lycan. We tore at each other's flesh, both our eyes wide and crazed with the thirst for revenge. Blood soaked my paws as I sliced through him with my claws, my muzzle no different. He was the same, but he had more blood from his injuries than anything else. I was able to latch onto his throat and threw him across the pond. He slammed into the rocks across, a howl of pain left his mouth as he fell into the murky water.

The sound of Samuel's loud cries had me focusing on him and Payton. She had him pinned on his back, a bloody hand was up in the air as she got ready to strike with her claws again. I ran over to stop her, but I was too late. Samuel let out the loudest pain filled howl I have ever heard and it broke my heart.

She grinned, "Finally."

A/N: Okay, people are confused so....

Lycan raped her in the ass.

Good now? Great. Goodbye.

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