Chapter 8

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Before you read this, for the hundredth time, THIS IS MY OWN FUCKING TWIST ON BEAUTY AND THE BEAST! Of course she's going to tend to his wounds. If's called compassion people, maybe you should grab some....

I slowly opened my eyes, my body felt like a heavy weight this morning. A few days have passed since my confrontation with Samuel in the kitchen and he's been worse lately. He's always yelling at me, picking on me for stupid things and so on. I didn't understand why, but I wasn't going to even try to. My mind was going crazy with thoughts of escaping, of running away from this hell hole.

I know I'm far too weak to succeed, but there's no harm in trying right? I pulled myself from my bed and placed my hand on the wall, needing to balance myself. I then grabbed a towel and cloth, the need to shower was huge. After I was freshened up and changed I grabbed a small bag and shoved some clothes into it.

Turns out I got Rose's daughter's old clothes, they weren't bad looking at least. I unlocked the balcony doors and stepped out, peering over the edge. I swallowed, knowing full well that this jump is going to really do it for me. I climbed onto the rail and threw myself off of it; the few moments I was in the air were peaceful. Smacking into the hard ground wasn't. I bit my lip so I wouldn't whimper while trying to get up; with one last glance I started to sprint towards the forest.

I dodged fallen trees and thorn bushes, my feet stung from the sticks and rocks jabbing into them, but I no longer cared. The sense of freedom was filling me, blinding me to the four forms following me. I was about to jump into the river to swim across when someone knocked into me.

I fell to the ground with a cry, my shoulder making a loud cracking noise as it collided with rock. I shook my head and pulled myself up, glaring at my attacker. It was a large and thin werewolf, but his eyes were a ruby red. I swallowed, he looked like a rogue but his scent was different. Two more appeared behind me and two others beside the one before me; dread quickly filled me.

I didn't move or speak, my mind was blank and my heart was racing. I had no idea what to do, any other time I would have attacked them, but I couldn't now. I was too weak and tired, they would easily gain the upper hand. They already did and we're not even fighting. I clenched my jaw, resisting the urge to call Samuel or someone from the kingdom.

I kept looking at all of them, trying to look for an escape route but I knew they would catch up. I'm normally a slow swimmer and now that I'm weak and injured I would be even slower. I sighed and dropped my bag, showing them that I surrender. There's no way for me to escape or fight them, my wolf was silent and I was exhausted. I fell to the ground and sat there, hanging my head low.

The wolf before me growled loudly, I could hear his body slicing through the air as he lunged at me. However, he never made it. I snapped my head up to see a large brown wolf baring its teeth, his amber-brown eyes shining with rage as he got ready to attack the other. The red-eyed wolves bared their teeth at him, I wanted to warn him that they were about to attack him but two more warriors appeared.

They were all just staring at each other when one of the others lunged at Samuel, sinking its teeth deep into his leg. A loud crack echoed through the trees, but Samuel didn't wince one bit. He slowly turned to face the wolf when the one in front of him sailed through the air. He dug his teeth into Samuel's throat, this time earning a howl of pain.

Something in me snapped and my wolf gained control; I shifted and attacked the wolf on Samuel's neck. I quickly sunk my teeth into his flesh and pulled him off, throwing his body into one of the large stones. He let out a yelp as he tumbled to the ground, struggling to stand. Everyone broke out into full on attack mode as we fought each other.

My vision was blurry, my movements were becoming slower and sloppy, my strength was vanishing. The adrenaline pumping through my veins didn't even help, I was worn out. I fell to the ground once more, my vision going black as I was swallowed up into oblivion.

"She's suffering from exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition. I don't know if she'll make it, to be honest, her heart isn't working like it should." a male's voice explained.

"Sh-she can't die...please, help her."

Samuel? Who is he upset about? I started to struggle to open my eyes, but the minute I did was I confused. I scanned the room, ignoring the stunned faces of some guy and Samuel. I then remembered everything, damn it, I'm in trouble.


I looked up to see Samuel looking at me, his eyes wide and filled with concern. I furrowed my eyebrows, confusion taking its place. Why is he so concerned?

"Um...I believe that's my name." I replied.

He clenched his jaw, "I..."

"Arabella, how are you feeling?"

I turned my attention to the man standing beside him, "I feel sick, dizzy, and I'm having trouble breathing."

"Does your heart feel like it's racing at all?"


He nodded, "Are you feeling any pain in your chest?"


"That's what I was afraid of, you have Tachycardia, which is an abnormally fast heart beat. Have you ever had this before?"

I paused and thought about it, I remembered something about my mom mentioning it to me. I then remembered the time I was twelve and went into cardiac arrest, we found out that I had some type of heart defect, but I couldn't remember what it was.

"I went into cardiac arrest when I twelve, ever since then, I've had Tachycardia some times." I explained.

He nodded, "Do you know why you went into cardiac arrest?"

"Yes, because of my heart defect. I don't remember what it was, my mother refused to tell me. She believed in the fact that we're werewolves and this stuff doesn't affect us."

"Well, your mother was foolish, werewolves can easily get heart defects, illnesses, and so on. Just like the humans, but our bodies usually handle them better since we heal fast and our bodies are naturally stronger. I can probably get your records from your pack doctor, what pack are you from?"

"The Blood Heart pack, my father used to be a warrior for them."

"Do you have any family members that may know?"

I shook my head, "My mother died along with my sister in a crash, my father was murdered."

I glanced towards Samuel to see a guilty look in his eyes, he quickly looked down. I frowned when I noticed he swayed a bit and was holding his side. I wanted to question him, but I decided to pay attention to the doctor for now.

"Well, once I get your records this should be less confusing. The large amount of blood loss could have caused this, but I'm going to do some more tests. For now, I want you to rest and not get yourself worked up. The other issues with you could have also caused this onset, so, it's very important that you stay calm."

He gave Samuel a warning glance before walking away, leaving the both of us here. He slowly walked over to the chair and sat down, wincing a bit. I frowned, watching him like a hawk.

"You're hurt." I whispered.

He looked up, "No, I'm just...a little bruised."

"Samuel, don't lie to me, lift your shirt." I ordered, not giving a damn he's a king or whatever.

He sighed and looked the other way, "No."

"If you're not injured then you shouldn't have a problem lifting your shirt."

"Just let it go, alright?" he snapped.

I glared at him, "If you're injured I want to know! Now, lift your damn shirt!"

He stared at me in annoyance before slowly lifting his shirt, revealing two large claw marks. Blood soaked his side and a large bruise was forming around the claw marks. I gaped at him, my eyes widened in concern.

Why was I so worried about him? I have no idea.

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