Chapter 33

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I groaned as Samuel told me to run five more laps with him, my legs feel like they're going to fall off. I sighed and started running with him, ignoring the burning in my lungs. Samuel has an amused look in his eye as he watched me struggle to keep up. I narrowed my eyes at him, silently promising to get back at him.
When we were finally done Samuel ended up carrying my lazy ass upstairs. I could barely walk, my legs felt like Jello. He walked into our room and dumped me on the bed, chuckling.

"So, how do you like working out?" He asked, taking his shirt off.

I frowned, "Does it get easier?"

"Yeah, once you're more fit it won't be as hard. Did you ever go for a run when you weren't doing chores?"

"No, I was usually doing chores all day."

He grabbed a towel and walked over, he leaned down and kissed my head.
"Well, you'll get there. So, do you want to eat here tonight or go out?"

I smiled, I placed a gentle kiss on his head. "Going out sounds fun."

"Good, because I'm taking you to a nice restaurant. Now, I'm getting shower."

"But I wanted to shower first!" I whined, snatching a towel.

He stared at me for a moment before smirking, "We could always take one together."


His eyes widened with shock, "What?"

"You thought I wouldn't agree, huh?" I smirked.

"W-well no...I mean you don't...not saying you're a goody two shoes...but just-

I laughed, "Samuel calm down, you aren't scared are you?"

"No, I just thought..."

"I'm just messing with you." I chuckled.

I smiled as a blush formed on his cheeks, he quickly looked away. "Right." He laughed nervously.

I shook my head and walked up to him, I placed my lips on his before moving them down to my mark on him. I gently kissed it and grazed my canines along it. He let out a moan, his arm instantly wrapping around my waist and pulling me close. A smirk made its way onto my face as I continued to torture him.
I could feel how excited he was, this made me smile. I'm the reason and not any of those girls he slept with. I stopped kissing his mark and looked at him. I then went on my toes so I could reach his ear.

"I'm getting the shower first." I whispered before sprinting away.

"Arabella!" He yelled.

I giggled and slammed the door shut, but before I could lock it he swung it open. His eyes were dark with lust as he stalked over to me and picked me up. My legs wrapped around his waist, I bit back a moan when I felt his excitement pressed against my core through the thin workout pants.

"Two can play at that game." He whispered.

A/N: Will they or...? Okay, I'm saying this now, if I decide they do it she WILL NOT end up pregnant. That's very cliche and I want to write one story where she isn't pregnant.

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