Chapter 51

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"You'll eventually have to tell him if you don't want me to." I stated, looking at Emerald.

She sighed, running her hand through her hair she stood up. "How do I tell him? I'm so afraid he'll hurt himself. He protected me for all those years, for crying out loud he was in the hospital for a whole month! That doctor that I killed was the one who told Samuel over and over again that it was his fault that our parents were like that."


"My parents didn't want Samuel, when my mother got pregnant with him her family shunned her. Even though she was going to be their future Queen, they didn't even care. When she did become Queen she executed them, which only proved how insane she was. She's blamed Samuel ever since, telling him that it's all his fault. She loved me though, they actually planned to have me. She would shower me with gifts on my birthdays, but still barely spoke to me. My father didn't want any children at all, but knew he needed a heir to the throne. Samuel always blame himself, even if it's not his fault he blames himself. My parents literally beat it into his head that he's a mistake." she exclaimed, her eyes tearing up. "I hate them for hurting him so much. He's my big brother, my protector."

I gave her a sympathetic look and hugged her, "Don't worry, they won't touch him. I'll make sure of it."

She sighed and thanked me before dragging me to my closet, stating that I had to pick a dress out for tonight. A week has passed since I've been released from the hospital and everything in the Kingdom was peaceful once again. Well, we do have a few crimes here and there, but other than that it's nice here. Samuel announced that he wanted to take me out on a date tonight, to say I was excited would be an understatement. I absolutely love having alone time with Samuel whenever we have the chance.

He was still having aches in his chest, but they were starting to go away. The doctor said he would be able to return to regular activities next week, which of course Samuel assumed we would have sex non-stop next week. I had rolled my eyes at him, hormones are a bitch.

I stared at myself in the mirror, I smiled at my make-up. I've never really considered putting on this much make-up, but I liked it. Of course I wouldn't do this every single day, that would probably end up annoying me. Emerald finished curling my hair and grinned, her eyes lighting up with joy and excitement.

"You look stunning." she breathed out. "Not fair!"

I chuckled, "Oh, shush, you're beautiful!"

"Yeah, but not as perfect as you! Bitch." she pouted, amusement in her eyes.

I laughed and shook my head, I stood up and sighed. I slipped on my maroon flats and grabbed my jacket. Emerald scowled at me, glaring at the black leather jacket.

"Really?" she groaned.

I smirked and put it on, "A black leather jacket with a cute maroon dress is cute. My type of style."

She scrunched up her nose, "It's bothering me."

"Everything that isn't your type of fashion bothers you." I countered, grinning.

She frowned, but then smiled. "True, now, hurry up! He's waiting for your slow ass!"

"Excuse me? Who took an hour to curl my hair?"

"Oh, leave me alone and go!" she laughed.

I walked down the stairs, scratch that, sprinted down the stairs. My parents laughed as my father had to catch me before I ran through the door. Samuel had a wide grin on his face as he looped his arm around mine and guided me outside. We silently walked along a path in the forest, just enjoying the silver moon.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" I questioned.

He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead, "You'll see."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me closer to his side, kissing my neck every now and then. We started to walk along the lake when we reached it, still not talking and just enjoying each other's presence. He would tease me and I would laugh before splashing a little bit of water on him. He feigned hurt, but grabbed me and kissed me on the lips. I sighed as we stopped at this beautiful waterfall, Samuel guided me along a path in the rocks before bringing me to the cliff above the waterfall. I stared at the scenery in complete awe, not able to take my eyes off of it.


I turned around at the sound of his soft deep voice that managed to send chills down my spine. When I was fully turned I clapped my hand over my mouth, tears of joy pooling into my eyes. Samuel took a nervous breath before speaking.

"Arabella, I know our relationship started out as...enemies, but I've been in love with you from the start. I messed up multiple times and I'll never be able to live that down, no matter what you tell me. I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life proving that to you. I want to make up for all of the crap I've put you through. And I will try to promise to not end up in the hospital on various occasions."

I chuckled as he smiled at me, his eyes now sparkling with love. "Princess Arabella, my love, will you marry me?"

I cried out in joy and hugged him, mumbling a "yes". He wrapped his arm around me before pulling me away and placing his lips on mine. We kissed passionately until we had to breathe, he gently took my hand and slipped the ring on. I hugged him again, crying into his suit. He laughed and kept kissing me, mumbling "I love you" over and over again.

We turned and walked back down to the lake before walking back to the castle. Our hands clasped together the whole time.

The End.

Yes, there is a sequel!

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