Chapter 43

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A/N: Just because you guys are awesome....surprise chapter motherfuckers (get used to this, that was my favorite vine so...)

"He'll be fine?"

"Yes, he's very weak, but he's also frightened."

"Of the hospital?"

"No, he's scared that she won't make it. The doctor hasn't told him her condition. He doesn't want her last memory to be of him being an asshole. Also, something about breaking one of his rules."

"What rule?"

"I don't know, something about letting her go to bed angry and hurt."

I opened my eyes, wincing at the bright lights as they shined in my sensitive eyes. I blinked a few times, allowing them adjust to the sudden brightness. Once I could see without any pain I looked around the room, frowning when I saw my my parents and a nurse.

"Were you guys talking about Samuel?" I whispered, grimacing at the sound of my voice.

My mother smiled softly at me and walked over, "He's going to be okay." She stated, already knowing my silent question.

I sighed in relief, "C-can I see him?"

"He's sleeping right now, finally, but as soon as he's awake you can. He was asking about you all day yesterday." My father sounded as he walked over.

I frowned at them, but focused my thoughts on getting some water. I glanced at the pitcher and motioned for some water. My father quickly grabbed a cup and filled it with water.

"Small sips." He instructed.

I took a small sip before handing him the cup back, I then looked at the nurse.

"Am I allowed to walk around?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I'm sorry, sweetie, but your wound was very deep. You're lucky to be surviving this without any lasting damage. Except for a small scar."

I nodded, "And Samuel? How bad were his injuries?"

"He's very weak, the claw marks in his chest and stomach were very deep. He's not allowed to move around a lot until the stitches are gone. His shoulder was also dislocated and torn open. He was stitched up and now his shoulder is wrapped and in a sling. We had to give him a lot of sedative so he would rest, he refused to until he saw you awake. Which wasn't possible at the time, you were out for a day." She finished.

I gaped at her, absorbing all of this new information. I thanked her as she finished checking my vitals and left. My parents took a seat on both sides of my bed.

"I want to see him." I stated.

My father sighed, "Honey, he needs his rest. His wolf is too weak to heal his wounds, so that rest is vital to him."

I sighed in defeat, the need to see my mate and see that he's fine increased. Even so, I laid against the hospital bed and waited patiently. The nurse would come in every now and then to update me on Samuel and to make sure I was doing alright. My parents stayed for the rest of the day, but had to return to their duties.
I turned my head and looked out the window as my parents left. The night sky was clear, showing off its beautiful stars. The large moon shines brightly above the kingdom, bathing it in its silver light. Another night I'm going to bed without knowing what Samuel is thinking.

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