Chapter 2

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Jordan and Kenayde at the club in the mm.
No they ain't together.


I was happy to finally go out and enjoy myself tonight. No school on my brain at all. Just a time for me to relax and vibe.

We pulled up to the scene and immediately I starting bouncing, and singing to the music. I got a bunch of stares and eye rolling from females but whatever. They really didn't want to see that other side of me.

Yeah I'm very easily tempered. I guess that's what you get coming from a Scorpio.

I thought we would be be waiting in line so I secretly cursed at myself for wearing these heels, but I was quickly grabbed being almost thrown in the club by Jordan and Security.

I looked around at all unfamiliar faces and got really uncomfortable. I felt I was getting eye raped by horny and intoxicated men...and surprisingly women too.

Yuck! Was all I could think.

Shay grabbed my arm and we took at seat a few seats away from the stage. We were taking pictures when all of a sudden Jordan sat next to me and snapped a picture. He started laughing so I reached for his phone and let's just say delete. We had ended up taking a few more pictures until we finally got it right.

He posted the picture to his Instagram and soon after I got the notification to my phone. I looked at the picture and we didn't look half bad together. I never knew there could be so many thirsty niggas in the world but no was I wrong. The comments had my mind gone but I quickly locked my Gold  IPhone 6 plus and took in the scene before me

Tonight was suppose to be Amateur Night so we didn't have to worry about celebs for real.
Shoot! Who was I telling right when I thought that. I seen The Game, Drake, Rasheeda and her Husband, and this other guy who I couldn't really remember his name but I knew his face.

A bartender came to us at the table and we ordered a drink to take the edge off a bit from the excitement.

Throw that ass came on by Beat King and boy I was turnt to the max. I forgot where I was and eventually I had a crowd around me cheering me on. I instantly stopped what I was doing and sat down.

Upon me grabbing my drink a pair of hands wrapped around my waist and I soon smelled a familiar cologne. I turned around and there he was....after all this time now is the day he wants to reappear.

"Well....well...well. Say girl it's been a long time since I seen you. How you been? " Daillon said.


I was at the crib chilling as usually on a Friday night. I was wanting to go out and party at this spot my homie hit me up earlier about but I wanted to wait for a bit so that my appearance could be very well known.

I remember when I use to wait in lines to get into clubs but now a nigga get that special treatment like he royalty.

11 o'clock rolled around and I was dressed in all black of course. Just trying to be myself and not cause to much attention to myself. I had other my security with me since Big T was out of town with his family for a while.

I got out the Escalator, when I looked over to the side and seen some girl and a guy going at it in a heated argument. She was beautiful and if looks could tell a story hers said she was very familiar as to who I was. I smirked her way and continued my voyage into the club.

Good vibes only is what I picked up in here and truth be told a nigga needed this.


I had seriously blacked out once I heard his voice. Anger and more Anger ran through my body like I got electrocuted. I think Daillon realize or felt what happen because he quickly removed his hands from my waist.

Shay saw what had took place and immediately an uh oh escaped her mouth.

If I wasn't in this situation and we was watching from a far I would have busted out laughing but this was not the time to do that.

Daillon and I instantly made eye contact and everything I was feeling I was expressing them through my eyes.  Sadness and confusion quickly took over but not until I ran to the bathroom to dump what was in my stomach.

I quickly got myself together rinsing out my mouth and popping a piece of gum in my mouth because I wanted to know why after all these years he showed up. I wanted to know why he hasn't contacted me. And last but not lease to hear what lame excuse he was going to present this evening.

I scanned the room for my crew but was immediately picked up over someone's shoulder and being hauled out to the nearest exit. I was fighting for my life to escape but I quickly remembered who this person was and was remind that he was stronger than me because he played football.

Daillon put me down and I went at it with him. We were both screaming to the top of our lungs about our feelings towards each other when HE caught my eye. I zoned out whatever the hell Daillon was saying and HE saw me watching him and smirked that smile I instantly fell I love it.

I was brought back to my attention when Daillon stepped in my view almost like he was leaning in to kiss me.

Out of instant, I moved back only for him to almost fall like he had trip. I don't know what the nigga thought he was doing but me kissing him would be an epic fail honey.

Daillon looked up at me with tears in his eyes saying he was sorry and he missed me. I felt bad because I knew this wasn't the right way to handle things. Once our emotions finally settled down we agreed to exchanged numbers and to meet up soon to talk things out like mature adults.

When I walked backed in I made eye contact with HIM. This time a sprit of boldness came over me and before I knew it he was getting closer. The closer I got to him his smile grew wider and wider and my heart race and race.

I don't know if my body was so overwhelmed that it didn't cooperate with my brain but I don't know what happen first. I took one step and soon my face was connected with the floor.

Embarrassment was not the word. I was beyond that at this moment. I made a fool of myself in front of HIM. If I was in kindergarten I would have busted out crying but I had to hold myself together and calm myself down.

Once I got up I was quickly met with one of the girls who was giving me a stank look.

"Better watch where you going next time hoe." She said.

I had to readjust my mind real quick because my left side of my brain was taking over with a quickness. This girl didn't know it but that wig on her head must have been pinned up too damn tight because that was straight poison that just leak out her mouth.

I looked at her and smiled but I meant every word I said.

"Oh honey, you think you did something by tripping me up but baby girl next time you might want to plan out what size cup you want your bra to be. Tell me how you have a D cup on one side and a A on the other?"

I saw the tissue from her bra sticking out and quickly pulled it out and stuffed it in her mouth. She spit it out and turned and walk away not before I reached under her dress and pulled her fallen butt pad that so happen to slip down.

"Better watch your back girl, it's a new sherif in town." I said and quickly passed the butt pad to a guy that was laughing but quickly stopped once he realized what it was.

These heffas gone learn not to play with Ken.

With that, I returned to my seat.

I bet they won't try Ken nomore.

She expose that girl quickly

Lmao. Ken falling in front of HIM.

That's some ish I would do. Or would I ?

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