Chapter 46

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"So wait, you're not my husband?" I questioned.

"'am with all due respect I'm....not....married to you." He said.

Low key my feelings shot down. With him just standing there and me looking at him, I knew he was suppose to be mine.

"Babe" Daillon chuckle "why would he be your husband when I'm your fiancé" he said holding up my left hand.

Boy it was a small ring and I do mean small. I had to squint my eyes just to look at it.
Just as I was about to speak I heard somebody trying to hold in a laugh, I look to August and he was hunched over killing himself laughing.

I sat for about a minute straight just looking at him with a confused face.

I guess he felt me watching him and finally looked over at us.

" .....ah em "he said clearing his threat that I wish I could have punched him in.

"So been messing around on me because I swear to God, I'll go to jail tonight man." Daillon said pulling up his pants.

" Hold on there droopy diaper syndrome. Aug don't fight."

"Wh-what this nigga talking about him self in third person. What in the name of hooked on phonics is this."

All I could do was sit there because I was real live confused. That man was my baby, my Love, my children father and I knew this!

Just as I was about to speak August phone rung and he held up the church finger.

I was trying to over the conversation seeing if I heard a familiar name but Daillon was too busy pouting next to me.

"What is wrong with you." I said

"Oh nothing, just my fiancé thinks she is married to another guy." He scoffed

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and female walked in giving August a hug. I couldn't really see her face until she turned around and all frowns were on everybody's face.

"Tia?" Daillon and I said at the same time.

I looked at Daillon who look at me then Tia then back at me with an "oh shit" face.

"How y'all know each other?" August asked the number question.

"See....uhhh....see...what had happen was....she was there and I was here and yeah." Daikon said clapping his hands together.

You could tell this nigga was hella nervous. Sweat was coming all down his face and his fingers go to twitching.

"Somebody better get to talking and soon." August spoken up again.

As I look in Tia and August direction....I suddenly started to feel whoozie and my eyes started to play tricks on me. There head was big and their bodies grew smaller. The color started to faded and I woke up to beeping noises.

I look around the room and it was dark except the tv being on. I sat up and realized I wasn't along. Sleeping on the couch was August and Kinsley.

I must of had a bad dream.

"Thank you God." I whispered to myself.

I quickly thought about Landon and went to touch my stomach.

Normally when I touch my stomach he moves or kicks back but I didn't feel anything.

I say there trying to play with my belly so I would know if he was okay or not.

The more I try to get him response, I got nothing.

"No! No! NO !!!" I cried out.

I woke August up because he sat up looking at me. I could tell something was wrong. He had this look in his eyes that told more than what he was saying.....which was nothing.

He walked over to me and kissed my forehead

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He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. He sat down on the bed and grabbed my hand without looking at me.

"What happen?" I said when I finally got myself together.

I heard sniffling noises and I look back at him and he was crying.

I reached out to grab him and he was already coming my way, resting his head on my stomach. We both sat there for a minute just holding each other and crying.

I heard him sigh and begin to move toward my face.

"While you were driving, this young girl was trying to escape the guy that has been holding her hostage. She hop in the car she had the keys too and took off down the street."

He paused.

"And she eventually seen a car pulled out the same street she did and it was one of his cars. She was trying her best to get away from him. She was speeding and the light suddenly changed. She tried to press on the brakes but they didn't work."

He said while looking at me.

Tears begin to roll but not for me, for her.

"Is she okay?" I mumbled

August lean in and kiss me on my forehead then my lips while looking in my eyes.

He look down to grab my hands and No.

"She died shortly here at the hospital."

"Once I got her I was able to to talk to her somewhat and that's how I found out what happen." He said

Not only was my sons life gone but another person was too.

I was about to speak until I heard...

"Mommy?......daddy are you talking to mommy while she sleep again?" Kinsley asked.

"No baybeh girl, come here." He said reaching out to her.

She hop off the couch and ran to him.

As soon as our eyes met her was full of excitement and surprise.

"Mommy !" She said.

"Yes baby" was all I could get out before crying and hugging her.

I rubbed her back, rocking us both from side to side and kissing her forehead over and over.

I looked up at August and he was a small smile on his face as his eyes were still red.

Kinsley sat up in my lap and looked at me.

We came so close together that our noses touched. We grinned and turn our heads slightly giving each other just "Eskimo kisses"

Sooooooooooooooooo freaking sorry you guys. 🤦🏾‍♀️ I would like to say I feel like I let y'all down with the updates and it's totally not fair. 😔 if I begin to tell y'all what happen it would take minute.
Just know my focus got off track but I feel like I'm coming back around slowly.

Thanks for being patient y'all......forreal.

Y'all still luv me doe right ?

-Moe 💚

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