Chapter 18

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Travis and Shay came back to August house with Major following close behind. He missed his mama so much so he was ready to see her.
As Travis unlock the door , he realized how quiet it was. Almost too quiet if you asked him.

He dropped his keys on the counter and hollered August name.

Still it remained quiet.

"What the hell ya home girl did to my brother man?" He questioned Shay.

"Boy! That shouldn't be the question. The question is what your brother did to her!" She snapped back with hella attitude.

"You know I'm trying to change my ways and you almost got me wanting to snap back little girl. Don't make me!" He said while stepping into her personal space.

She looked up at him and he leaned in to kiss her.

Major had stop sniffing the ground and looked at them.

If Major could talk, he probably would have said they were the craziest couple he seen.

Major went back to sniffing and he finally recognized his mama scent. He followed the trail all the way up to the movie room. Once he realized he couldn't get in he decided to scratch at the door and whine.

He did it for about a minute and was greeted with August leaning down to pick him up.

"Wassup lil potna?" He said to Major.

"Ya mama still sleep, how about you go wake her up." He said releasing Major from his arms.

Before August open the door he covered Kenayde back up.

Major attacked Kenayde face and she soon woke up realizing it was Major.

"Hi baby! Mama missed you so much. " she said.

Once they got done greeting Major they started their journey through the house to find Shay and Travis. While approaching the kitchen they heard moans and sounds of kissing. Once they turned the corner they found Shay on the kitchen counter with Travis between her legs making out like nobodies business.

August looked at Kenayde and smirked.

He then decided to be petty and clear his throat.

"Uhh hmm" he said causing them to stop kissing. Their lips were still attached but their eyes were wondering everywhere but in the direction of them.

"what the hell is this?" August said in a matter of a fact tone.

"N-nothing man I was telling Shay how she had something on her lip and she to-"

"Boy no you didn't, quit lying so much." Shay said while slapping the back on his head, causing him to yelp out.

Kenayde stood back from a distance and laughed to herself.

Once everybody was settled Kenayde remember that her dad had called and decided to go and call him back.

"Hello" he said.

"Hey daddy, sorry I missed your call, and took so long to call back. How are you doing?" He said happily.

She heard shuffling in the background and a Goan escape her dad mouth.

"Baby girl, I wish had so great news but unfortunately I don't." He said.

Kenayde's whole mood change when she heard that.

"D-daddy what's wrong? W-why you sound like that?" Kenayde said on the verge of tears.

She knew that something was wrong because he sounded very weak and out of breathe. He didn't sound like himself.

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