Chapter 28

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I couldn't believe what Jenay just told me. The whole time I have been beefing with my first cousin.  Honestly, I don't even want to know how we are related. 

I do want to see why she hates me or dislikes me so much. I knew that I would have to set something up to get around to talk to her.

Once Jenay told me what I needed to know, we talked for a minute, then we decided to get up tomorrow since it was a little late and she needed her sleep.

Right when I turned into the driveway, my phone rang.


Hey, August what's up?

I knew he hated when I called him August kept it very cordial.

Hey August? Hold up let me hang up and call right back.

I was just about to respond, but I was met with the dial tone quickly.

I laughed lightly to myself and shook my head. I got inside my apartment and instead of a call I was getting a face time from him.

I wanted to be petty and let it ring so he would really trip hit I went against it and answer the phone.

When we finally connected he was looking around then he looked at the screen and was trying to look around behind me.

What are you doing ? I laughed.

Trying to figure out who the fuck, where the fuck, and why the fuck a person answer your phone sounding like you but called me August? My name is Baby.

I couldn't help but start laughing because he was so serious but it was so cute how he tried to check me.

Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I did it to mess with you. I didn't think you would do all of that though.

Hell yeah, I did but babe, I got something to tell you.

My heart instantly dropped when he said that because I immediately assumed the worst.

Yeah, what's up ?

Okay? So you know how we was suppose to go out of town, well looks like we won't be going until two weeks from now. Come to find out Chris is still banned from Austria. Apparently we he came to perform he went off on an important person that held high leadership. The people messed around and forgot so he has to go through court in order for it to drop.

A part of me was happy, very happy because I missed my baby a lot. But the other part of me that it was selfish of me to think that.

We talked for a little bit longer and he made plans to come over later tonight so we could watch movies and cuddle.


I was happy the conversation with my cousin went well. I finally felt better about letting her in on everything I knew at the moment. It was like a weight had been lifted off of me.

I pulled into the driveway of Chris and I place. As soon as I stepped out the car I felt my baby kick. I just had a feeling it was a girl but I never wanted to be too sure. Every time we went to the door it would be turned around or it would block us from seeing the gender.

My baby was already smart, almost too smart. I just really hope it didn't take after Chris and I too much because we were terrible growing up and even worst now.

Tomorrow was the day to see my ball by gender and Chris would be flying out so that means I would have to FaceTime him during the appointment.

This pregnancy made me want to be under him often, so I was disappointed when he told me he would be leaving.

Right when I walk in I see him sitting in the couch. I was confused because I thought he was on his way to The studio.

"Hey baby?" I said confused.

His back was to me but he quickly turned around and I was met with his low red eyes.


"Why you look so confused to see ya man?"

"I mean when I left I thought you told me you was going to the studio so I was prepared to not see you until in the morning."

He turned around and motion for me to come sit by him.

"What's wrong Chris ?"

"Man baby...... They said I can't go to Austria because some years ago I spazz out on some important ass person there, so now I have to go to court, so it pushed the show back two weeks" he whined.

I was looking at him and a small smile graced my face because it just showed me how much of a bay he really was. Everyone saw the asshole Chris, I saw the loving, caring, best daddy, funny, and sensitive Chris. And it made me fall in love all over again.

I could not wait to have this mans baby.


I wanted to do something different with Kenayde tonight. I just wanted to chill with her. So much been going on on my end lately I just need to clear my mind.

A while back when we decided to take our break. I meant up with a chick. She was cool or whatever, but one night we decided to go out for some drinks to take the edge off.

One drink turned into five and five turned into ten. All I know is, I woke up and she was naked and so was I. Few days later she hit me with that " I'm late text"

Fuck !

How in the world am I going to explain this to Kenayde. Here she was getting herself together for me and all I had to do was one job. I pray to God, that he looks out for a nigga because I need him.

Shit !

Sorry you guys about the longgggg wait.

Updates will be a little bit slower, due to life issues but I am not going to give up.

I promise you that.

Anyways love y'all.

-Moe 💚

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