Chapter 30

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Jenay (two weeks later)

Today was the day we found out if we have a princess or a prince. I wanted a girl but something was telling me it was a boy.

"Baby, you ready ?" Chris said to me.

I nodded my head in agreement while checking out my figure. My hips were spreading and my boobs were getting bigger.

Chris loved how my body was even more curvy, along with my boobs getting bigger.
I was just ready for this stubborn child to get out of me.

I was suppose to find out the sex of the baby weeks ago but everytime he or she was turnt so we couldn't see.

We drove in the car to the doctors office once again. I am 7 months going on 8 and this baby of mines, lord Jesus help me. I am keeping every 5 minutes and getting every 30.

We got inside and Chris went to sign us in.
We waited for 10 minutes and we we're called back.

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Brown, glad to see you all once again for the 4th time this month." My Dr. Fields said.

She was a great doctor, I loved her. Very informative about everything I would go through.

"What's up Doc." Chris stated.

I just looked at him and rolled my eyes because he always have people every where we go call me Mrs. Brown.

"Hiii" I stated, while waving my hand.

My smile quickly turned to a frown when I felt the baby sitting on my bladder. I excused myself and went to use it.

I cam back and Dr. Fields told me to get on the table and lift my shirt up.

"Ok, Jenay girl fingers crossed this time. You know you have one more ultrasound and you will have to wait until delivery." She said.

I was praying today I found out what my baby was. I was ready, and I was tired of buying unisex clothes.

"We'll look a here it looks like you are  having ...."

I quickly looked at her to find her in a state of shock as well as me.

"Jenay, I don't understand, I mean you...we....I....."

She was lost for words and so was I.


It's been two weeks and everything seem to be going fine with August and I. I gave my cousin some space on finding information on Tia. I took matters into my own hands and decided to find things out myself.

So far so good. I wanted her to get comfortable and then I was going to go in for my damage and revenge.

I was so tired of this girl and her attics. Come to find out she had set the girl up on August who claim she was pregnant by him.

I just want to know what is it that she has against me. I was nothing but nice to her growing up.

While I was in deep thought, August walked into the computer room of our spot.

Yes, we moved in together since Shay and Travis moved in as well. August and I still had our own  cribs but just in case we got mad or whatever we had our own places to go back to.

It was just for a moment because we barely got into a heated argument.

I decided to take some time off work but I been hella tired and my back has been hurting.

"Wassup baybeh?" August sad while walking into the room trying to kiss me.

As soon as he leaned in, I leaned out and made a bee line to the closet bathroom, spilling out the orange juice and waffles I had this morning.

"Mhmm" August said while smirking.

"What the hell is wrong with you and why is your cologne so strong Aug?" I complained.

He looked at me and stood in the doorway with his arms folded and a CVS bag in another.

"You know I pay close attention to you right? And you know you been acting weird and eating weird right?" He said smartly.

I looked up at him with a confused expression.

"What...what the hell are you talking about August?" I said

"You think just because I don't say nothing, I don't watch. I been watching how you got to sleep at 8 every night and wake up at 3:15 every morning. I see how you been snapping at me lately about petty shit, like my cologne or how I dress and how fast I'm driving. I seen when you say there and ate bananas, peanut butter, and pickles together as a sandwich. Shit is disgusting by the way."

I stood there and was done with him. I have always done those things so what makes it a big difference now. Getting irritated with him I pushed him out the way. His cocky smile made me sick.

"Move Anthony." I said.

"I ain't going nowhere until you pee on all three of this sticks. I'm not going through another day or you being mean to me and I some what know the reason why."

"So you think I'm pregnant ?" I had softened up then because it really did hit me. I wasn't on birth control and my mood swings have been off.

"Yes just like your mood just changed now, baybeh please take these test." He whined.

He passed them to me and I took them. Waiting for the results seem like it was life or death. While waiting for the timer to go off.

I sat in his lap while he sat in a chair in our room cuddling up on him.

I have never been this clingy with August. It was always him all over me. I must say the feeling was nice because he comfort me.

The timer went off and we say up instantly looking at each other.

"Who you want to look first ?" He said.

"You " I said just as quickly as he asked.

He let out a laugh and tapped my butt so I could move. I got up and he walked to the bathroom.

It felt like Aug was in there for 10 minutes....

"Baby ?" I called out.

"Y....yeahhh" he dragged out.

He sounded like he was sniffing.

I took this as my chance to go and see what was the matter.

I approached the door and there he was holding all three pregnancies test that all showed


Damnnnnnn Moe back at it again with another update.

I'm trying to see how I want to end this book. 🤔

Excuse all errors. I just wrote this all in like 30 minutes.

Spare me 😒✋🏾

Anywayssss 😩😂😂

-Moe 💚  

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