Chapter 13

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I was shocked and then again, I wasn't. I just wanted to be happy, but most importantly make some one special to me happy. I don't know much about this love and relationship shit, because I run away from it every time it presents itself. I just know I wanted to see Kenayde smile and be happy. When she is happy, it shows in her eyes, and when I look in her eyes I see person that is just filled with love ready to unleash it on someone. And I wanted that someone to be me.

I just got done performing my last song and blew a kiss out to all my fans and went back stage. I was greeted with my team. Everybody was saying how good of a job I did and how I rock the stage. I couldn't help but laugh and agree with them. The energy my fans gave me was the best I received in a long time. Everybody was around me except the one person I wanted to see. Kenayde. I looked over and saw Travis and Shay standing there talking. I excused myself before interrupting them.

"Hey have y'all seen Kenayde?" I asked

"She should be in the back but then again I seen her walk out the back door." Travis said.

When he said that I took off and went outside. I didn't see a sign of her anywhere. I remembered I left my phone in my changing room so ran to the room and open the door.

I exhaled quickly when I seen her sitting in my seat. She spun around in the chair and graced me with a smile. She struck up to me and snake her arms around my neck. I couldn't help but take in her scent.

"You did such a great job tonight, I really like to see you in your "singing" element. It looks like you have a lot of fun up there." She said.

"I do" I responded.

We locked eyes for a minute just taking each other in and she pulled away. I was very confused on why she pulled away because I thought we was vibing.

"Sooo..." She trailed off.

"Sooo." I said repeating her

"About that kiss Mr.Alsina?" She said

I blew out my breath and instantly relax. I thought it was something way more serious.
I laughed lightly and walked up behind her while she was looking in the mirror. I wrapped my arms around her waist while our bodies touched.

"Yeah? What about it ? " I said with a small grin.

"I looked at your interviews and I seen how you don't care for kissing or showing affection to a girl unless you sure about it." She said looking into my eyes through the mirror.

"Are you saying what I think you saying ?" She spoke up again after the long silence we had.

"I'm still trying to figure this thing out, things like life, love, and building relationships. I know I want to see you happy and smile all the time. I'm not trying to be conceited or anything but I think I have a lot to do with that. I'm also not saying lets just jump and get together all because we click. I want to take things slow. I know it may sound cliché but I'm serious. I'll be 26 in a few months and Im ready to settle down, but I know I'm not going to rush into something let alone bring somebody else in and rush them too. Do I like you? Yes. Can I see myself being with you? Yes. I just need somebody that I can not only grow with but be with." I said.

She nodded her head in agreement and smiled.

"I like that a lot. My last boyfriend taught me a lot when it comes to trusting guys so sorry if I will come off as not caring so much with you. I just ask that you be patient in whatever we are doing. Growing together right?" She said.

"Yeah growing together and sweetheart I have all the patience in the world just don't have me out here looking stupid." I said

" well.........too late for that. You up there dancing was a pretty funny sight to see." She busted out laughing.

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