Chapter 4

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I finally made it to the studio within an hour due to Atlanta traffic. I hop out and was greeted by a few people along the way. I had finally reached Mama Cynthia office and I knocked.

"Come in" she yelled.

I walked in and was greeted by her with a smile. I went to her mini fridge and grabbed a water bottle before I sat down.

"So what's up Aug ?" She said

"Nothing much, just grinding each and everyday. Ya know got to stay focus outchea in this world." I smiled

She nodded her head in agreement.

"So what was it that you were saying on the phone son, talk to me." She said.

"Well.......uhhhh....shit. I was on my uh social media...Twitter to be exact and a fan brought this certain idea to my attention." I was looking down like a little kid in trouble then looked up to see her reaction.

Mama Cynthia wasn't my real momma. I just called her momma because she treated me like her kids and when my momma wasn't around she made sure she picked up that duty. My team really cared about my well being since I was in that 3 day coma in 2013. Her and my mom was close so my ma was cool with it.

"Why are you looking like that August? Just show me what was said boy." She laughed.

I took out my phone and passed it to her, only for her eyes to light up.

I shocked.

"What?" I said.

"August this is a perfect idea." She said

"It is?" I questioned.

"Of course it is. This is a great way to raise your status even more by doing this. You know how many girls would love to be in your presence? This could bring bigger and better things to the table my guy." She said

I sat in that chair confused as hell when she said that.

"Soo...uhh what you mean because a real nigga lost" I scratched my head.

"August, think about it. If we link up with a company like Sprite or Coke a Cola and get the people to buy more drinks from them we split the money which means not only more money for them but more for you. Better travel and stay when you go on tours!"

To be honest I really didn't care about that. I cared about who this person going to be if I had to spend the whole day with them. Of course I wanted it to be a lady I mean come on me and another dude hanging out? Nah Aug ain't going down like that. I have enough dudes around me anyways.

"Yeah ma I hear you, it's not a bad idea, now that you put it that way but how in the world are we going to do this. "

"Leave that up to me okay! But I can tell you this. We are going to have to spread the word quickly because you know things like this have to be on a time limit. I think what we are going to do is get the people to buy the coke or sprite and get them to type in the code under their tops into the website and get them to sign up for an all day paid experience to be with you. Of course it will have to fall on a day that you perform but like I said leave that all up to me."

I nodded my head at Mama Cynthia because she was all for it. I was happy about it don't get me wrong but I feel like I should at least get some advice from my trusted and reliable source.


I had just came back from the mall shopping my heart and obviously my money away. I had 15,000 in my savings account so I decided to splurge a little bit. I brought Major a jacket since the fall and winter was coming up. I was thinking about getting his name sew in across the top.

I sat my bags down on the bed and let out a quick sigh. I was tired as hell from doing all this shopping. My phone vibrated letting me know I had a notification. I checked my phone and I had an email regarding my resume. It was from Grady hospital in Atlanta Georgia about 15 minutes from where I stayed. They are looking for a technical person who can joined the team. Someone who can keep the computer and the things around the hospital going without it crashing. Although this isn't what I really wanted to do. I really didn't want to be picky seeing that I needed to find a job quickly.

I respond back to the email professionally and we set up for an interview on Thursday at 2 o'clock with a lady name Michelle Todd.

I was ecstatic to finally find something after two weeks of graduating.

My phone vibrated again and I looked down to see Daillon face timing me. I sighed and rolled my eyes not answering it. I feel like he should give me time. I looked at my phone because it stopped but it ranged again. It was him again. I picked up my phone pressing the green button looking annoyed.

"Yes Daillon?" I said

"Hey what's up? Why all the attitude?"

"I don't have an attitude Daillon, what is it that you want?" I said

"You" he replied.

I lightly chuckled because this boy got me F all the way up.

"Oh really now?" I said seductively. Only to mess with him.

He bit his lip and nodded.
I busted out laughing causing him to wrinkle up his face.

"What?" He said

"Nothing" I responded.

"You know I can still tell when you lying to me  Nay." Him calling me by the nickname he gave me did something to me but I couldn't let him see that.

"Nay you still beautiful after all these years. I can't believe I let the best thing go in my life. I know I fucked but baby, All I'm asking is for another chance." He admitted

I shook my head and laughed a little bit because he didn't get it. I'm not that high school girl who falls for im sorry and crying and begging. That's not me. I'm all about action. Show me you want me back not by whining.

I looked at the screen to see Daillon making puppy eyes at me and drawing up his lips like he was about to cry.

"Why" was all I could get out.

"Why after all these years Daillon. 5 years to exact you want to finally come crawling back. I never once heard from you after Renee called my phone with that news. I called you so many times after that and you ignored me and changed your number. So why should I give you another chance. Who's to say you won't do it again."

I didn't realize I was crying until Major came up to me licking away my tears.

Daillon looked at me in the screen and simply said. 

"Dj is about to be five years old on tomorrow. I had sex with Renee after our argument about you going off to school. She was already pregnant. She lied to me and said that she was a month when in all actually she was 3 months. I only made it to two appointments due to me working so much. She made me believe that she was going into labor early due to her body being under so much stress. I didn't find out about Dj not being mines the day before I seen you at the club." He said.

I heart fell into the bottom of my ass. I felt so bad for him but I knew going back to him wasn't going to make me a better person. I loved Daillon don't get me wrong but when a person just ups and leave without a explanation that makes it even harder for them to try to come back in because you don't trust them enough to stay.

Daillon and Kenayde heart to heart on face time?

August telling his management about the idea.

Angie Martinez is Mama Cynthia. I just love how her and August connect in interviews. He really adores her.

Please vote and comment. I won't bite. Lol


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