Chapter 43

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Today was the day I was going to propose to my lady. It's been a two months since the court date with Tia and Daillon and I'm just ready to get our life started.

I made a few calls and made sure I had everything together. Kenayde knew that we were having something at the house but didn't know everything that was going to happen. I invited our crew along with some more people and that is it.

I know for a fact Travis and Pia are seeing each other and I didn't want anything to happen tonight, because Shay was now seeing Jay (my bodyguard).


After everything Travis and Shay went through, we knew it would be best for them to separate. When she got released from the hospital, he came by and she cussed him out from A-Z.

I was still laying in bed thinking with my eyes closed, until little fingers explored my face and eventually up my nose.

"Da daaaa" Kinsley yelled and had her face near mines.

"Girl !" I yelled too loud and caused her to start crying.

I picked her up and walked towards the door, softly talking to her.

"Baybeh, my baybeh, you can't stick your fingers up Da Da nose. You might have nasty stuff on your hands pretty girl." I cooed  at her.

That alone caused her to wrap her arms around my neck and kiss my cheek.

Baby girl was a little over a year and acting like this.

Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, there was no sight of Kenayde.

"Well baybeh guh, it's just us."

I put her down so she could walk, but I notice she had a sticky note hanging out her onesie.

I walked up behind Kinsley and reached to get the note.

Good morning baby,
I know you probably wondering where I am, but I am good. Shay and I went out to pamper ourselves since tonight is the big night for all of us to come together. I'm honestly a little nervous about everything, but I know we will be alright. I love you sooooo much. I can't wait to get back already. Text me if you need me.

                      ❤️ Kenayde

I couldn't help but smile and tuck it in my pocket.

I was glad Shay stuck to our plan by getting her out all day.

I was going to throw something here at the house.

Right when I was about to start cooking breakfast, the doorbell rung.

"Doe" Kinsley yelled.

I guess she was trying to say door but I smile anyways and say Doe right back.

I opened it and reveal my main lady, my moms.

Right when I reached in to hug her, Kinsley screamed GG!"

She dropped down to Kinsley level and they talked and smiled and laughed at each other while I got ignored.

I cleared my throat and both of them turn to me. Kin hand her finger up and my mom made a face.

That was my cue to leave.

I walked away, into the kitchen.

My phone buzz with a text.

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