Chapter 7

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Let's pretend this was them sneaking into the hospital. They look like they up to no good in his pic anyways lol


So I woke up the next day really early because Major would not let me sleep. I decided to take him walking since he was full of energy. We went for a walk at 4 a.m enjoying each other and the breeze. I had to be to work at 9a.m and it was 6 a.m. So I needed to hurry back home and take a shower and get ready for the day.

While I was getting ready Shay came in and was spilling all kinds of tea.

Apparently she found out Saheed had a family on the side. A wife and two whole kids! She was beyond furious because she could never get things right with guys. She also told me about Jordan having a baby on the way. I stood there with my hands on my hips, shaking my head in disbelief. These guys now a days are not that same as to when we were growing up.

What happen to being honest? What happen to using protection? Hell, what happen to the guys who still open doors for women even if they was not dating. All we hear now is bitch this, and bitch that. Most importantly what happen to women who respected themselves and also put these niggas in they place.

I wasn't about to get mad or rant. I had a check I was chasing and right now that was bae. Seeing bae post into my checking account every week was all the happiness I needed, minus a few small minor areas.

Once I was done listening to Shay talk, I got my scrubs out and put them on. I had an hour until I was ready to clock in. So I decided to go by Starbucks and order a grande size vanilla bean frappe.  That in its self knocked out 30 minutes, so I just headed to work.

I walked into work and there was a lot of commotion in front of the hospital. Lord knows, this hospital stay having attention due to something happening with a patient. I shrugged it off and continued to walk into work.


I finally woke up from out of my sleep. I kept waking up in cold sweats and dreams about HER. I was tossing and turning like crazy. The last time I had woke up was 4 something so I went back to sleep.

I reached over and check the time and it was 10 ! I hopped out the bed so quickly. I was suppose to be there around 9. I didn't want her to find out through the radio. I wanted it to be a personal introduction and congratulations. I wanted to see her facial expression when she seen me. Hell I wanted to see mines.

I got myself together but I was quickly reminded that I was a celeb. So I couldn't just walk through the hospital. Somehow I needed to sneak in without causing to much attention to myself. How in the world was I going to do this.

I pulled out my phone and quickly pressed the call button.

"Well......How the hell are you?" Travis said

I busted out laughing, this nigga here play too much.

"Ahh, what's up man. What you doing ? I need a quick favor!"

"Nope, no way in hell im  letting you drag me down to the hospital just so you can sneak in and see that girl.......with a fat ass........and chocolate skin tone, with some nice ass lips and some big ole nice size breast. And bruh, did I say her ass was fat. Wa-wait now that you mention it, I'll be at your house in 10 minutes."

I looked down at the phone and our call disconnected like, "how in the hell did he know that?"

I shook my head and waited on him. That was my brother man. I can always count on him to do something.! I just hope this nigga didn't mess up the plans since he was always known for doing that.

Travis finally pulled up outside my house and I didn't waste any time getting into his car. I was breathing so hard, I true live thought I was having an asthma attack.

Travis looked at me and busted out laughing.

"Boy, you sound like you just got through having sex. You jacked off nigga?"

I smack him in the back off his head so hard.

"No nigga" I said

He shrugged his shoulders and pulled off into traffic. Once we was in the highway we came up with a plan.


August and Travis got out the car and was walking towards the hospital. While walking, August faked like he lost balance and twisted his ankle so they could get a wheelchair.

While Travis went inside to get a wheelchair, August had put on his shades and was dressed in some off brand apparel. Of course nobody was outside but it all matter once he got inside.

Finally Travis came outside with the wheelchair and August hopped right in. Travis also thought to have August be cripple and blind so that why nobody would question why he was in the wheelchair.

They were strolling through the hospital until Travis reached a desk and ask the young lady sitting there did he know what floor a Kenayde Williams worked on. The lady told him that she worked on the 5th floor.

The two took their voyage up to the 5th floor and was greeted with some people but quickly dogged them. Some how they found an empty room while looking for her so August decided to go in the room and hide.

Travis being the technology savy, linked up to the hospital files and documents in the computer and put in a name Teairr Reese. Travis was very slick in doing his skills and August was sitting there waiting.

While Kenayde walked through out the halls, she noticed a room she had just passed while going to the bathroom was now closed. She put her ear up to the door and heard the toilet flushed.  She stepped back again just to see if her mind was playing tricks on her.

And no it definitely wasn't.

Kenayde decided not to walk in just yet. She went to a near by closet and got her computer on wheels to check and see if somebody had just checked in. She saw that the name Teairr Reese had just checked in.

A sense of relief came over her and she  stepped out her office area only to bump into someone. Little did she know it was Travis.

Travis looked down at Kenayde and his eyes got buck. He had to remain civil due to who his brother was. He quickly cleared his throat and smiled. Kenayde smiled back and said excuse me. She was about to walk around but Travis grabbed her by her arm.


I look up at this guy like he was crazy. He was brown skin with facial hair and oh my his teeth was straight. He had light brown eyes and was even taller than me.

"Excuse me miss, my brother is in room 506. I was wondering could you please come help with our Television. It seems to have stopped working, and before you say no, I read you name tag so I know this is your duty. " the guy said.

I shook my head proceeded to follow him.

He pushed the door back and a body laid in the bed looking lifeless. I went to retrieve the remote and a hand grabbed my wrist.

I looked up at the patient and there HE was. All I remember was my heart beating fast, my breathing became shallow and my knees got weak.

I couldn't believe it!

So my question is......who in the hell was Teairr Reese?

August finally got to her.

I wonder how this is going to go?

*evil laugh*


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