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Taehyung POV

"Does anyone know the answer?" The teacher asked.

Everyone quickly, almost instantaneously, made a weird face, as if the teacher was talking another language. No one said anything in response, it was full quiet inside the classroom. 

The teacher, after placing his gaze in every single student for a few moments and noticing that no one was going to break the silence, sighed and decided to just give up...

"Taehyung, can you please say the answer?"

I stood up and did as I was told. Everyone just wasn't shocked now, because they were used to this and were already expecting it to happen. It's always like this. I'm the one who answers all the questions, the one who knows all the responses when nobody knows.

But it doesn't stop there. I'm the one who has best grades, even in physical education. The most smart, the most athletic, I'm also the one who has the best looks. I'm the one who gets all the attention, the most popular. I'm the one who everyone likes, not only in school but everywhere. I'm the one better than anyone, than everyone. I'm the number one. And they know it.

It's all true.

"You're correct... Like always..." Teacher said without changing his melancholic expression and turned around again to face the blackboard.

Finding his reaction almost amusing -  if only I didn't keep seeing it everyday...! - I sat down again on my seat and discreetly glanced over my surroundings. I could see girls - not to mention, guys too - around me looking at me with the same admiration and love as usual.

Well, at this rate, it was just normal, I didn't judge them. However, that no longer made me happy. Sure, at the beginning, I liked it and all. But now it was just boring. I needed something to entertain me, to take me away from this repeated days, and more than anything!

~ Ding dong ~

It looked like the class had just ended. It was lunch break, so I decided to get something to eat.

When I was just standing up, one guy walked in my direction and stopped right in front of me. He had black hair and dark, sharp eyes. I usually didn't speak with him, as we weren't from the same class, so I kept wondering about what he wanted.

"Hey. Will you come or what?" Some guys shouted at the guy stranger to me and waved at him from the door.

"Yeah, yeah. Just go, I'll catch you later." He responded, almost hurriedly.

The other guys exchanged looks between them and only shrugged before finally leaving the classroom. Only when they were out of sight, the shorter still standing in front of me started talking with me.

"T-Taehyung, can I speak with you later?"

He was nervous for some reason, but I didn't ever bother to ask him about it. I just gave him a simple, emotionless and falsely kind "yes" .

"Then meet me after school, in the rooftop... I m-mean, if you don't have anything to do...!"

I nodded in response and he started growing a wide and bright smile, although still shy and discreet. He thanked right away and and started walking away in a quick and energetic pace, while I just kept watching him leaving.

Well... I wonder what he wants to talk about. Now I can only wait until today's classes are over.

I stood up and went to the canteen. As I was getting something to eat, some girls started chasing me and got closer to me. Normal. I bet they were even waiting for me behind some random corner, just to see when I would show up and be the first ones talking with me. And, of course, I bet now that they had found me, they wouldn't let me go away too soon...

"Taehyung, Taehyung! With who you were talking? We never saw you with that guy before."

"Ah, just a friend. Don't worry." I responded as I kept trying to move away from them, but they were already hugging my arms and pulling me closer to them.

"Ah, that's our Taehyung! So popular as usual!"

"Girls, girls! I need to eat now. I promise I'll spend all my free time exclusively with you later if you behave like good girls, ok?"

"Yay! It's a promise!" They said hysterically in a chorus and started squealing right in front of me.

I gave them a sweet smile even with my ears aching and internally bleeding from all the fangirl screams from them. They left and I finally could eat my lunch in peace, without having to deal with any undesired attention. Or, at least. I could for a while, until no one else decided to come and annoy me too...

Sadly, today was like any other day. And sadly, as always, I was hoping for the day to be over as quick as possible...


~ Ding dong ~

Today's classes were finally over and I had agreed to meet the other boy at the rooftop. I'd better be going.

As soon as I arrived at the rooftop, I found him already waiting for me, while leaned to a near fence. For some reason, he had the expression of someone really nervous again, this time without even knowing I was nearby. He seemed to be in deep thought when then he finally noticed me at the rooftop's entrance...

"Oh, h-hi. You actually came." He said with a weak voice and fragile smile. He gave a few steps towards me, but still left a considerable distance between us.

"Yeah. I said I would."

"Y-Yeah, you said that..."

Now he wasn't only nervous, but also starting to blush like... A lot. His blush only kept getting more and more visible as he tried to come up with the words to say.

"Y-you know... I asked you to come here, b-because... I-I love you..."

What? Did he just say what I think he said? Did I hear it right? Aff, please not again...

"When did you start feeling that way towards me?"

"W-when we held hands the other day. Remember?"

I knew it. People just fall in love with me because of the most stupid little things. It's so annoying! It's so-

Wait... What if I...

"Sorry, but I don't feel anything for you."

"Oh, is t-that so-"

"For now." He widened his eyes and looked at me. I just winked and gave him a smile.

"O-ok. Well, s-see you tomorrow" He said blushing again, leaving after.

Hum... I already know how to make this year a little different for me. I hope it'll make this less boring for me at least.


And there it is the first chapter \(*-*)/. I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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