Stop hiding

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Jimin POV

As I woke up, I strangely couldn't remember anything from yesterday. Even how much I could keep in insisting on trying to remember, anything wasn't coming to my mind. I decided to organize my thoughts after having breakfast, as I was really hungry.

I stood up and felt dizzy and with some headaches. Oh... I must got really sick yesterday. And because of that, I must had erased everything that happened yesterday from my mind. Actually, that was something that I started doing to don't suffer too much during "those" days in the past... That actually relieved my suffer, but I didn't felt happy knowing that was like that I kept running away from my "nightmares"... At least, I was "more happy" like that...

"Good morning." I said walking downstairs, still rubbing my eyes as I was half asleep.

"Good morning." He gave me a beautiful and true smile. I got surprised when I saw him like that, because he gets all grumpy in the the morning and he doesn't smile to me that often. However I didn't question too much that.

When I got in the living room, where Taehyung was at the moment, I started remembering some things that happened yesterday. I remembered when Taehyung was leaving and I started hugging from behind, telling to him to not go...

I stopped walking and started blushing and, for my bad luck, he noticed and stood up, walking next to me.

"Jimin, are you still sick? You are so red." He asked putting his hand in my forehead, seeing my temperature. Then he slid his fingers through my cheeks gently towards my neck, to see my temperature better. Dammit... I was getting flashbacks from yesterday... I couldn't believe that he saw me in that figure and in that conditions yesterday! Fuck... Why did that had to happen...?

"Taehyung..." I mumbled nervously, still blushing bright red.


"F-Forget about yesterday..." I told him nervously and he got surprised with that request. Before letting him say something, I continued. "I was really sick yesterday and, when I get sick, I usually get weak and vulnerable physically and psychologically... And, for much I keep trying, I can't control it..." I lowered my head, but then I lifted it up to look at Taehyung, showing that I was expecting some kind of answer from him.

In the beginning, as I kept locking my gaze in him, he bit his lower lip and seemed to get sad over something, for some reason. However, he started smirking after. That wasn't good news...

"Really~? You are still sick, aren't you?" He moved closer, being only few inches away from me. I gulped as I didn't know what to say.

"Then if I hug, you wouldn't be able to do anything against it, right~?" He started hugging me, still with an obvious evil grin growing in his face. I blushed.

"If I caress your cheeks, you wouldn't be able to do anything against it, right~?" He started sliding softly his hand through my cheeks, caressing them. I blushed even more.

"If I kiss you, you wouldn't be able to do anything against it, right~?" He started moving even closer, with our noses already touching.

"Taehyung...?" Was the only thing that I managed to mumble still without knowing what to do. But for my surprise, he truly smiled to me and that calmed me down. Well, for a while... Because he ended up by giving me smirk again. Dammit...

"Hum...~?" He asked still smirking. "Do you want me to stop~?" He asked playing with his voice. I knew that, however was my answer, he would do whatever he wanted... I slightly panicked as I didn't know what to do... And in the end...






~ Knock knock ~

... Fortunately, someone knocked at the dorm's door. It seemed that my luck was still in my side.

"Tsk." He got pissed because that ruined the moment and stopped him from continue playing with me. He walked to the door, but before opening it, he looked back to me and smirked.

"Don't forget the copy that you promised to give me yesterday~"

Oh, fuck... I didn't even remember that anymore! Why did I had to say that yesterday?! I guess I will just have to give him the copy...

He smirked even more after seeing my slightly angry expression. But when he opened the door, he lost his smirk when he saw that was Hoseok the one who was at the door waiting.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked coldly.

"I came here to see Jimin." Hoseok responded, ignoring the piercing stares that Taehyung was giving to him, and gave a little smirk. Taehyung was about to close rudely the door in his face, when I stopped him and let Hoseok enter. It has been two days since the last time I talked with him and I wanted to get the conversation in day. And during those days I reflected and decided to tell him about everything that I've been hiding from him all this time... I didn't want to keep doing that... So today I would finally tell him...

"Sorry, Hoseok. Last time I didn't manage to return to school in the afternoon, because I needed to take care of Taehyung. And then i got sick too because of someone..." I stopped for some moments to glare really obviously to Taehyung. He rolled his eyes as a answer and I continued. "But anyway... Sowwwyyy." I tried to make my best pout and puppy eyes. "Will you forgive me?"

"Yeah, yeah. Now stop doing that. You know I start feeling bad when you do that." He patted my head and I gave a little evil smile because I knew that was true.

"Ah, Taehyung, you should go to school today. Everyone, even teachers, are worried with you. You wouldn't want to make them be worried when you are already well to go to school, am I right ~?" Hoseok smirked and Taehyung cursed him in some inaudible mumbles. "Ah, don't worry, I will take care of Jimin, when you are out."

"As that would make any better..." He mumbled again and started picking up his backpack.

"I'm going now " He said coldly, leaving the dorm really pissed off and slamming the door behind with rage. Me and Hoseok laughed.

"Anyway..." He tried to stop laughing to start talking. "I think you should go to your bed. Aren't you still sick?"

"Thanks for remembering me. Now I remembered the headaches." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "Ok, ok, I'll go to my bed. Come too, that I have some things that I want tell you." I smiled to him.

"Yeah, yeah." He smiled back and I held his hand, bringing him to my bedroom.

Finally, I will manage to tell him everything! To tell him what is in my mind! Finally... I won't need to hide anything from him anymore...

Not anymore...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ What will happen when Jimin and Hoseok are all alone? e.e Who knows...? e.e Well, I know. :P But you will have to wait until tomorrow. e.e

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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