Tomorrow pt.1

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I didn't manage to find any good sad song for this chapter... e.e' XD So... e.e' Please, pick up your saddest songs and listen to them while you read this chapter e.e XD (Or while you read any other chapter of this story e.e XD) Thank you. e.e XD


Taehyung POV

We were now at our dorm, sat in the couch, with a sad and heavy atmosphere around us… Those last days that I still had with Jimin were passing quickly, but still slowly and painfully torturing me…

...I wanted to stop time… To have more time to create more happy and perfect moments with Jimin… To create any kind of moments with Jimin...

...But now, for how much I kept trying to grab those so wished moments, they kept sliding between my fingers, escaping from my hands and flying away with that cold wind… And it was too late now anyway… Tomorrow was already the day… Tomorrow he would leave my side…

...And maybe never come back...

I still couldn't believe that this was going to happen again… That I would watch Jimin walking away and leaving my side again… And this time to never return back… - Yeah, I already had accepted that he wouldn’t come back… There was no point in keep lying to myself… That way I would only get hurt even more…

Why was this always happening to me…? Why, when I finally have Jimin in my arms, do I lose him right away…? I just wanted him to be my side… That’s all I wanted… Was that too much to ask for…? I guess it was…

“Sorry…” I woke up from my thoughts with Jimin’s sudden apologize and tight hug. “I didn’t manage to keep my promise, even after I said that I wouldn’t ever break it…”

“No, it’s not your fault…” I forced a broken smile. “Don’t worry, it will be okay…” I tried to comfort him. “But…” He leaned back to look straight at me. “...You keep crying, Tae…” He started wiping some of my tears that were rolling through my cheeks, without my permission or even me noticing.

“I’m not crying.” I wiped all the visible tears and tried to hold the ones that were threatening to fall anytime soon. “Liar…” That’s all that he managed to say and he gave me a quick peek on my lips, making me feel even weaker and not being able to hold the tears anymore…

I will miss our kisses so much… His soft lips pressing against mine… Our tongues moving in harmony with each other… Our warm breaths perfectly mixed in only one… Us, connected in a true kiss… I would miss all that… I would miss everything about Jimin… I would miss Jimin a lot...

I pressed my lips against his suddenly and, even having startled him at first, he didn’t push me away.

We moved our lips in sync and we started feeling our tears - yes, he was crying too - in the kiss and their saltiness. But we didn’t care or even break the kiss because of that. We just wanted this moment, this kiss, to last forever and to not never end… That was all we wanted...

I pinned him against the couch and started trailing butterfly kisses through his neck, making him let some quiet moans out.

I bit his collarbone and suck that area, making him let out a loud, but sad, moan, still followed by some sobs, and leaving there a hickey. I leaned back and pressed my fingers softly in that hopeless and painful-to-see mark that I had just left in him.

“I guess you will only be mine for as much time as this ugly mark is going to last…” I muttered and his sobs got louder after what I said.

“It’s not ugly…” He started weakly. “...It’s beautiful because it remembers me about you...” He whispered and I hugged him again.

“It’s ugly and painful… It’s exactly like me… Everything about me is ugly… Everything I do only hurts you...” I muttered that, making him tighten the hug and let my head rest on his shoulder.

“No, silly… You are the most beautiful and perfect person I ever met and will ever meet… Everything you do always makes me the happiest person in the world...”

“Really…?” I lifted my head to look straight at him. “Are you happy now then…?” I asked him and he tried to force a smile, but, as expected from both of us, he still failed miserably.

He only looked away after that sad, hopeless, painful outcome and I just rested my head again on him, making a painful silence surround us for some moments.

“Jimin… What are we going to be after you move away…?” I asked him, breaking that suffocating silence. “What am I going to be to you…?”

“I don’t know…” He closed his eyes, to try to calm myself down, as he had already enough of crying. “But I’m sure that you will always be the person that I love the most now… And for forever…” He gave me a broken “smile”.

“B-but I want to be more… I want to be your boyfriend and to be always by your side… I want us to stay like we are right now...”

“I want that too… But you can't… But we can't… We can't like this any longer…” He brought his hands closer to my face, starting to caress my cheeks. “I think we won't ever see us again…” He muttered under his breath, to not let me hear it, but I managed to do it anyway.

“W-we never know!” I shouted desperately, echoing my fragile voice through that room, and clenched my fists on his shirt.

“Tae… Please promise me…” He brought his hands closer to mine and held them gently, to try to calm me down. “Promise that… When I finally left your side… You will stop loving me…”

“What?!” I yelled shoked, but he ignored it, continuing what he was saying...

“...That you will find someone else that loves you as much as I do and that will make you happy as I never made you… I don't want to make you wait hopelessly, and probably for forever, for someone like me…" He bit his lower lip roughly, as those same words that were coming from his mouth were hurting him deeply.

"You deserve better… You deserve someone that only brings you happiness… And I can't do that… So, I don't deserve you or any of your love...”

“Shut up!” I shouted out at him again. “If you want my happiness that much, stay! Stay here! Stay… By my side…”

“Sorry…” His eyes started gaining small and pure tears again and he held my hands more tightly, lowering his head at the same time.


“...I can't…”


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Damn, recently I’ve been updating more than usual :P I think it’s because I’ve been in a good mood lately. :P Or maybe it’s just because I’ve been feeling like updating for no good reason. e.e’ Yeah, it’s probably because of that. e.e’ XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~),

- Danielar

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