Mistake pt.2

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Jimin POV

I returned to the hallway where I was before Taehyung dragging me away to somewhere else and I saw Suga waiting for me, leaning in the wall.

"Hey, Suga... Thanks for waiting for me..." I weakly smiled and leaned in the wall next him too.

"It didn't go well with Taehyung, right...?" He guessed right away, after seeing my broken smile.

"Yeah..." I scratched my head. "I think we won't talk for a while..." I responded, as I lost that fake smile definitely. But, when I told him that and glanced quickly at him, I could swear that I saw Suga smirking... No... It must only had been my impression...

We started to walk to our classroom, as the lesson would start soon, and we talked one more time before separating our ways.

"I don't like to see you like this... After, school, let's go out and have fun somewhere! You need to cheer up your mood!" He said cheerful and happy.

"Yeah, you right. I should take everything that is troubling me out of my mind and to distract me. So, it's combined. I see you later then." I gave a little smile and he smiled back, before walking away. And then my smile started fading away again as I got back to reality...

I entered in my classroom and I saw Taehyung looking outside the window. I felt nervous suddenly. I wanted to walk next to him and to say something to him... I needed to say something... But I guess I didn't had the courage to say even a word, as I sat silently in my place and only locked my gaze in him. I tried one more time to tell him something, but, as the words got stuck in my throat, I only gave him a sad and pitiful smile, that I knew that Taehyung wouldn't see, because it was already obvious that he wouldn't turn back to look at me not even a single time...


~ Ding dong ~

And the class ended, before I could even realize. I didn't even noticed the time passing, even because today he had a agitated, loud, but, for other point of view, silent, lesson... Every time that the teacher made a question, Taehyung never answered it or offered himself to answer... Everyone inside that class got surprised when they noticed that. Even the teacher got surprised too. And, after that, the classroom ended up by being only a place to see all the students whispering and murmuring about Taehyung all the time. The teacher tried to just ignore it and to try to continue the lesson.

I knew that Taehyung could hear all the gossips and murmurs about him, but he decided to just ignore everyone. And, of course, to ignore mainly me... Even because, during all the lesson, I tried to get his attention by calling his name and, even having him heard me all those times, he didn't even bored in look at me or in my direction...

I sighed and stood up, as Suga was already waiting for me. But before leaving my classroom, I stopped next to Taehyung and looked at him for a while.

"Taehyung... I'm going with Suga, okay...?" I told him, but, as I didn't had any response, I sighed one more time and followed Suga.

Taehyung POV

Why does he keep around Suga after everything I told him?! Why does he has to be so stubborn?! He can piss me off so much sometimes! But I can't just keep ignoring Jimin... Even because, as he's with Suga now, he can be already in danger.... And can be already too late...

Before I could even stood up, some girls came and started talking with me.

"Taehyung, what happened to your face?! Why do you have that patch?!" They started making the sames questions that I've been hearing all day. And for the sames questions, I gave the same answer.

"I felt from my bike yesterday." (N/A: Ok, this was not the best excuse, but don't complain about it... e.e' It was that or him going against a door. XD ... e.e' I'm not kidding... e.e')

"You need to be more careful, Tae."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I fakely laughed nervously.

"Really?" However, some girls that were there too got surprised with my answer, as they were expecting something more and something worse to had happened to me.

"Yeah, why?"

"Is just that we thought that your wound had something to do with the fact that you haven't answering at the teacher questions, as you used to do all the time. Are you hiding something from us? You can tell everything to us... You can trust us, Tae..."

"Ah, no... Is just that I'm tired, as I've been sick for the last days."

"Oh, is that so... You need to have more rest then." They smiled innocence at me.

"Yeah, yeah. I promise that I will rest properly today." I fakely smiled back at them and they started blushing. And, after some quick talk, they said goodbye to me and left the classroom. And was there when I remembered...

Oh, no... I had totally forget Jimin! And, as something wasn't feeling okay for me, I got even more panicked... When I always feel this sensation, it's because something bad is happening or will happen... No... Please no... I need to find Jimin! Right now!

Jimin POV

"Hey, Jimin... I forgot something in my classroom... Can you come get it with me?" Suga realized that had forgot something, as he messed in all the things inside his backpack, trying to find it, but giving up after.

"Sure." I smiled at him and we walked, side by side, to his classroom. When we arrived there, I entered first inside it, but then... I heard a sound behind me...

~ Click ~

I looked at the entrance and saw Suga entering after me and locking the door behind him, with a really open and evil smirk.

"Suga...? What are you doing...? " I asked slightly with fear and flutter. He moved closer to me and I started taking several steps back slowly, until I hit with my back in the wall. I didn't had anywhere to run away now...

"You know, Jiminie~... I think I know why you and Taehyung have been fighting. Is because of me, am I right~?" He pinned me against the wall, as he made that guess, still with the most evil expression I ever saw in someone's face. I didn't know what to say and just gulped. And he smirked even more.

"Yeah, I knew that I was right~" He moved his face closer to mine and I could feel his warm breath mixing with mine. I was scared... I wanted to run away from there and from him... But he wouldn't let me go...

"And you know what~?" He continued and leaned his face even closer." You should have heard Taehyung~" And then he wrapped his arms around my waist and...



... He pressed...



... His lips against mine...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ So, as I won't update tomorrow, you will have two more days to have the continuation of this chapte- Ok, ok, I will update the next chapter sooner. XD I don't want to make you wait any longer. XD And I don't want be a dead woman. e.e' You wouldn't kill me anyway, right...? e.e' Yeah... e.e' Ok, anyway... e.e' Do you want me to update tomorrow's chapter already today or only tomorrow? Please, tell me in the comments. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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