Regrets pt.3

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Taehyung POV

Where the hell could Jimin be now?! I need to see him! I needed to talk with him! I needed to say sorry to him... But, now, I couldn't stop be afraid, because it could be already too late for me to be forgiven... However, I needed to try anyway! I couldn't just give up now!

So, please, Jimin... Just don't leave me... I still didn't told you what I really think... I promise that next time I will tell you everything that is inside my mind... So, please, give a chance to tell you that...

...I love you...

- Flashback -

"He will never be mine because of you! It's all your fault..."

"W-What do you mean?! My fault?" I asked surprised, as he started tightening his fists, still grabbing my jacket's collar.

"Don't you get it?! He loves you!" He yelled frustrated at me.

So, it was really true...? Jimin wasn't lying when he said that he loved me...?

"And you still made him cry! And, as it wasn't enough, you made him think that you hate him, leaving him all depressed!"

I made him cry...? He thinks that I hate him...? Why...?

"If you don't love him back, just tell him! I don't want to keep seeing Jimin getting hurt! I don't care about the fact that he doesn't love me! I just want his happiness now! So, if you keep taking Jimin's happiness away, I won't forgive you!"

I'm hurting him...? I'm taking his happiness away...? How...?

"I won't forgive you if you keep using him and his feelings! If that's all that you are going to do, just go play with someone else and leave Jimin alone. I promise to make him forget you! It won't be that hard, as now he's probably trying to do that all by himself! So, just decide while you have time! Keep ignoring him and he will ended up by forgetting you... Or got after him, trying to win him back, even after how bad you treated him and even if you not deserve him! You don't have that many time, so, make quickly your choic-"

And right away, before I could even let him finish that sentence, and without saying any words, I pushed him away and started running out of there, without really knowing to where. I just needed to find Jimin! I needed to tell him so many things! I've been such a idiot! Such a jerk with him! And, yeah... I knew that this was too much go ask for, but... Please, Jimin... Forgive me...

I ran and searched for him in every room and corner of the school. But, unfortunately, after persisting a lot, I didn't find him... I ran and searched one last time, but as like every other times, I only found myself in a empty room, still without Jimin being able to be seen anywhere... I stopped and sat in that old wooden floor, to rest, as I was panting hardly and already sweating a lot, after all that run.

After a while, I looked outside the window, still resting in the other side of the classroom. It had that happy, lively and strong tone of orange and red in the sky. It was that beautiful sky that I couldn't ever reach it, for much I wanted... But, even knowing that, I stretched my hand slowly and closed it, trying to grab something, anything... And, after realizing that in my hand wasn't anything, I left it fall in the cold floor, as I was giving up on something...

And now, I had realized...

...That I was even more far away from all that beauty and from that unreachable sky...

...And that now I could only see it behind an ugly and all scratched glass, that kept a unbreakable and painful barrier between us two...

Hoseok POV

"So, that was his choice..."

I sighed. Taehyung ran to who knows where and now I was all alone... What should I do now...? There was something I could do anyway...? I doubt it... Jimin never will be mine... He loves Taehyung... Not me... So I guess that it's already time for me to give up...

I walked slowly without destiny. I just want to be out of there. To be away from everyone. But I wouldn't... I was too afraid to be alone... So, I decided to just wander around, without any destiny or purpose, by the school, feeling like total garbage. But, after a while, I stopped walking, as I saw a familiar person in the end of hallway...

"So, how did everything ended up with Jimin...?"

"Not good..." I walked next to him and leaned in the wall.

"Yeah, I already noticed that by your expression..."

"Yeah... I don't know what I was really expecting anyway..." I scratched my head nervously and a sad atmosphere started surrounding us. Only when I got the courage, I tried to break that stressful and painful silence...

"Jimin loves Taehyung..." I whispered weakly and he only let out a quiet "Oh..."

"What should I do now...? The plan went wrong and completely failed... I already lost Jimin... I think I should just give up and forget him... " I muttered, still audible enough, and sighing after.

Yeah... I needed to that... I didn't had any other choice... But how...? Jimin was still stuck in my mind... I loved him for so long that I didn't know anymore what to do, now that I knew that it was totally hopeless to keep having that feeling towards him... I'm completely lost... I'm all alone now... And I'm scared...

"Sorry for making you waste your time with me... The plan didn't work, but thanks anyway. I'm happy that you stayed all this time by my side..." I smile weakly, to show I was okay. But after I started after shaking involuntary, denouncing myself and my true and hidden thoughts. And he must had noticed me shaking, because he pinned me against the wall right away, moving our bodies closer.

"No, Hoseok... I should be the one saying sorry, because... Actually the plan is working and everything is going as I planned... So... Please forgive me for that... For everything... And for this..." He muttered the last part and suddenly moved his face next to mine, getting me in a sincere kiss.

I got shocked with his sudden actions, but I didn't push him off. I couldn't think in any motive for me to stop him... And also... There was something, a mixture of emotions, that I was feeling in his touch and kiss that was making me don't want to interrupt it, but even make me want more... Yeah, I had been caught by his embrace... And I wasn't making any efforts to free from it... And I was even responding him, for some strange and unknown reason...

I kissed him back involuntary until we broke the kiss, as we were in need for air. I was still shocked by his actions and had totally froze in front of him, while he looked away and moved away, biting his lip nervously. I stayed there in shock, until I tried to say something, in a tentative to break that awkward silence...










New chapter. \(*-*)/ When the hell is this fanfic end?! XD Is it even going to end?! XD

(Too lazy to think in a title, so I will just continue with "Regrets pt." XD)

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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