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Taehyung POV


"It's been a while, wasn't? Taehyung~"

"And should had been more. Why did you come back?" I frowned.

"Hey, such hostility." He laughed. "I just came back after all this time and you welcome like that?"

"I'm not welcoming you back. I'm trying to make you disappear from my sight."

"So, you still hate me." He smirked.

"I wonder why..." I rolled my eyes.

Suga used to bully and sexually harass me. He only stopped when I started going out and compete with Hoseok. That time, Hoseok told me to try to talk, try to forgive him. That he could have changed and I should try to give another chance. And I even ended up by being friends with Suga. And me and Hoseok started going out with him. But sometimes he only was there to make us compete and, for some reason, trying to bring down Hoseok. That time I didn't realize, but he had other things in his mind. If only I did realized before...

- Flashback -

We were sitting in a park, but not in mood to play.

"Hey, Suga. When do you think Hoseok will come back...?"

No response from Suga.

"It has been so many days... I wonder what he is doing..."

No response from Suga.


"He's not going back." Suga finally started to speak, but not even once looked at my eyes or at me.


"I said he is not going back. He changed for other school."

"Eh?! And he didn't told me?"


"Whatever..." I said sadly. "I think I'm giving up from the first place. Is no fun now..."

"No, you won't."

Suga jumped on me and pushed me against the floor. He was now above me smirking.


"Now that Hoseok left, you will be the number one."

"W-why?" I stuttered.

Then he started kissing me in my neck.


Now his lips were connected with mine. I tried get out from his grip, but I couldn't. Only after some long seconds, he stopped.

"Your place is in the number one all alone. All alone for me. Alone so I can do everything I want to you, with you, for you~" He whispered in my ear.

I was scared. Everything would be like before if that continued. And I didn't want that.

After that day, I tried several times to lose the first place. But people didn't change their mind about me. For them I would always be the number one.

And I tried to denounce him sometimes, but, even with all the people that didn't believe me, he managed to know about that and it didn't end well for me...

I cried so many times. "Fuck. Hoseok, why did you had to go...?" I asked every day, until I decided it was pointless thinking about him and started forgetting him.

And some day, Suga just disappear from one moment to other. Finally I was free from him.

But sadly, even after he left, I never gave up from the first place. Now the number one was what I was. It was all I was. So, if someone took that from me, I wouldn't be anything. And that's the last thing I would ever want. I only had the first place for me now. It was the only thing that was really mine.

- End of flashback -

"Didn't you miss me?"

"And who would miss you?"

"Really?" He got close and whispered. It gave me so many shivers.

"Anyway..." He moved away smirking. "Were you looking at those two?"

He didn't recognize Hoseok and that made relieved.

"No." I lied. He smirked.

"Such a liar. I know you were looking at them."

"Then why did you asked?" I frowned.

"To see if you would lie. Because if you ended by lying, it would mean that you have motives to don't say the true."

"Why would I give to the work to say the true to you anyway? Is better just say "no" to everything you ask. Then you will leave sooner."

"Wow, you started to know how to respond and divert the questions when I was out." He laughed.

"So... Now which of those two you were looking at? Were at both or just at someone in special~"

I didn't bored responding.

"Well, I will end up by discovering. Now I have to go. It was good talking with you again. I'm looking forward to see you again."

"I'm not."

He smirked. He moved his face closer to mine, grabbing my chin. I got taken back by his action and I started frowning more.

"What a shame. See you later then." He said with a evil smile, before releasing my chin and leaving.

"Why the fuck did he come back?!" I thought clenching my fists and teeth.

But people started to enter inside the classroom and I couldn't let them see me angry. I tried to calm down.

And then I remembered about Jimin and Hoseok. Funny how when Suga came, I forgot so easily about them. That guy can really enter in your mind and stay there for a good time, making you suffer slowly. But now there wasn't any need to piss me off think of him. I guess I should check in Jimin and Hoseok.

But when I looked back to outside the window, they weren't there anymore.


New chapter \(*-*)/. I don't know what the hell I wrote, because, when i wrote this, I was half asleep. e.e' But if you liked, good. e.e' Maybe I will even started to write half asleep more often (what I actually already do). e.e' At least, Suga is in the story, right? ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^ (I think that along the way I started forgetting to say this. XD I was about to forget again. XD Oopsy. e.e')

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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