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Taehyung POV

Yesterday I didn't even bother to talk with Jimin again. On his first day in this school, he already caught me off guard and was the motive of some of the expressions I should have never made. Such would only decrease my reputation if someone actually got the chance to see them and I wasn't exactly a huge fan of that idea.

I needed to be more cautious from now on. I couldn't let him get me like this again. I promise, it won't happen ever again! My turn to play will come soon and I know, everyone knows. Because if I say so, I'll make sure it happens. Just wait, Jimin. You will see.

"Tae, is something upsetting you?" I snapped from my thoughts as I heard other voices and noticed people around me.

"No, it's nothing. I'm fine." I said while giving them my fake sweet smile of usual, which they loved so much. Funny how they never question it. They really think I'm truly smiling, don't they? That's actually sad. People can really be such hopeless fools sometimes...

"Thank god! We were starting to get worried. So, do you have anything to do after school? We're planning to have karaoke later with everyone and we'd love to have you there too." Damn, worried with me for 10 seconds! A new record!

"Sorry, I can't. Maybe another day?" I declined as usual, although I was aware I had to hang out with them every so often to keep my reputation in day. Today I just wasn't in the mood to "socialize", you can say. Fuck, being popular can be a real pain in the ass sometimes...

"Ownnn..." They started making sad expressions, especially pouting. "Well, if you can't go, there's nothing we can do, we're not going to force you. Still, we hope you can go next time!"

"Ok, next time I'm going, even if it means I have to cancel all my other plans." They didn't manage to hide their obvious and wide grins by hearing those words. "That's a promise then!" They shouted - unnecessarily - and left the classroom right away, without saying anything more. Well, that was easy...?

But really, I can't believe it! Even with Jimin around, I still have to deal with the same problems and annoying people I know! At least Jimin isn't here to piss me off right now! Wait... Now that I think, where did he go anyway? I haven't seen him that much today.

I just shrugged and continued looking outside the window, as I no longer had people bothering me. However, by coincidence, I then saw Jimin walking in the garden outside and, although I didn't want to admit it,  it got a little of my attention.

"What is he doing...? Ah, who cares!"

But, as I kept looking outside, I saw another figure walking towards the garden, who somehow seemed familiar to me. Hum, weird... Who is he? Where have I seen him before?

Jimin POV

"Taehyung must be so scared now! He even stopped talking with me after what happened last lunch, if not started avoiding me too! I thought he didn't care about me after what he said yesterday. I guess I just misunderstood it~" I laughed for myself, as I couldn't erase from my mind the priceless expression Taehyung made yesterday.

The garden here was so beautiful and mesmerizing, the colorful flowers were already starting to bloom. Well, it was already spring, so it was just normal for them to, if not predictable. But I still couldn't take my eyes off them. It was something just too fascinating to look away and pretend not to see. I just couldn't stop admiring them.

"Damn, when was the last time I took a little time just to look at flowers...?"

As I kept getting to know the school's surroundings and especially the garden, I found a big tree with a refreshing shadow. I immediately grinned.

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