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Taehyung POV

As soon I was sure Jimin neither anyone could see me, I sat in the floor, hiding my face between my knees and covering it with my arms.

"Shit." I was blushing like crazy and my heart was beating so fast. "What was I going to do?!" I asked myself as I was trying to organize everything inside my mind.

"You were about to kiss Jimin!!!" One voice in my head said almost screaming. (N/A: I screamed that too. I guess now I'm a voice in his head. XD)

"OK, OK, I already got that." I mentally responded and scratched my head.

"I was really going do that...?" I wondered again as I kept remembering everything.

"Well, I still got out winning anyway. I even feel pity for Jimin that wasn't expecting for anything like this." I thought smirking, almost chuckling.

I stood up after I recuperated from everything and went to the canteen to have lunch.

Jimin POV

After all that happened, I went to Hoseok's classroom and he was already waiting for me.

"Sorry for making you wait."

"No, it's fine. What took you so long?"

"I got lost again." (N/A: Really, Jimin? -.- Jimin: Hey, don't give me that look. What I said actually happened and you know it. N/A: Yeah, you are right. :P)

I just couldn't tell him what happened a while ago and what was for happening that moment. Even because of "that"... Telling only would make everything worse. He couldn't know... So... I couldn't just tell him...

"Hahaha, just normal expecting from you." He laughed.

"If only you were at least a bit useful and had made a better job showing me well the school." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey, don't blame me. Even if I showed you well the school, you wouldn't remember anything after and would ended up by getting lost."

"Then you are admitting that you didn't show me well the school." I smirked.

"Damn you..." I started to laugh and him too.

This is why I like so much Hoseok. He always can release me from my problems and from what troubles me. Now I could just forget what happened. But thinking that Taehyung actually managed to play on me, is something that I can't just forget. Is something I won't forget. Well, Taehyung, two can play the same game. I will have my revenge too.

We went to the canteen. As soon as we arrived, I saw Taehyung. He noticed me too and smirked with such a evil smile. I only frowned.

We kept staring at each other for a while and Hoseok must have saw it, because he started to hold my hand. I looked at our hands surprised. Then I looked at him for a while, but he didn't looked at me one single time. He was with a serious expression. I didn't say anything.

When I looked back to Taehyung again, he wasn't staring at me anymore and now was talking with some girls. Hoseok was smiling, or maybe even smirking, but I didn't asked why.

We got something to eat and sat together.

Taehyung POV

When I was staring at Jimin, the other guy with him started holding his hand and turned his cold and piercing gaze at me.

"Are they dating or what?" I wondered a little pissed.

I could saw some smirks appearing from him and now all Jimin's attention was focused in him. That pissed me even more.

"Hi Taehyung." Some girls called my name.

Good, now was my chance to distract me from those two and calm down. I casually started a conversation with the girls that arrived, but I still was having attention to was going with Jimin and his "friend".

"Hey Hoseok..." I heard Jimin talking to the guy who with was.

Wait... Hoseok?! I looked back to make sure if it was him. It was him! How couldn't I notice it before? I used to compete against him to be the most popular, most smart and most athletic. Compete for the first place. Compete to be the number one. But he stopped going to school for some reason and never saw him again. In the end, I won the first place but it didn't made me not even a little happy.

"Why did he came back? And for how long is he here?" I continue asking me.

"Hey, Taehyung is everything okay?" The girls asked me worried.

"Yeah, yeah." I said with that old fake smile.

But now I cared even less about them.

"I need to talk with Hoseok later. I need answers." Was the only thing I could care about that moment.


Jimin POV

~ Ding dong ~

The class ended. Now I was going to know who would be my new roommate. I said goodbye to Hoseok after he telling me how to go at the dorms.

I got in the dorms. Luckily, my dorm was in the first floor and only had to climb a few steps.

As I got in the first floor, I kept walking in the hallway searching for my dorm.

"Is here." I said looking at the number in the door that matched with the number printed in the keys.

I got the keys in keyhole, turned the knob and opened the door.


New chapter \(*-*)/. What could had happen to Hoseok in the past? e.e Don't ask me, because I still didn't think properly. e.e' Ok, I still didn't think in anything. XD

And who could be his new roommate? e.e I guess it could be JungKook or Suga, because I still didn't put them in the story. e.e' And because I still don't know where to put them. e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)


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