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Jimin POV


I just woke up. Was I asleep? When did I started to sleep? I rubbed my eyes.

"Where am I?" I asked myself after looking around.

I was lying in a bed with white sheets next to a window. I looked more around me. I saw those shelves with medicals and other things similar. I was in the nurse's office.

"How did I ended up here?" I tried to remember the last things that happened before ending up here.

"I was with Hoseok... He was angry at me... He pinned against the tree and were really close... And I..." I kept trying to organize everything in my mind. "Don't remember anything after that...I must had passed out." I scratched my head.

I stayed looking outside for some moments, before thinking in what I less wanted to think and in what I was most afraid.

"How am I going to talk with Hoseok after this...?" He must hate me..."

I didn't know what do anymore. Should I stop play with Taehyung...? Even if I only doing it because "that reason"...? Then, why do I not feel happy stopping? I was never doing it for me... Or was I...?

Right away, I heard someone knocking at the door. I just pretended being asleep, hoping that whoever was there wouldn't enter. And, I could say that somehow my luck wasn't by my side today, because that person entered.

I was with my back turned to the door and couldn't see who was that person. I could hear his footsteps getting close to me. I knew he was right next to me.

He didn't said anything. It was so quiet and that was making me uncomfortable. It was like he was torturing me slowly.

After some time passed, I felt his hand in my hair. He started caressing it. Then he moved his hand to my cheek, caressing it too.

For some reason, I was enjoying it. The warm from his hand was so calming and was making me happy and comfortable. His touch felt familiar. But I wasn't recognise it... And I couldn't turn around to see who it was or he would see that I was awake. I decided to just stay like that.

But then he stopped. All stayed quiet again and that was making me nervous again.

"Fuck you, dumbass." He suddenly shouted and ran away.

What the...? What the hell just happened?

Suga POV

Taehyung actually changed since the last I saw him. Now he is more cold and secure. He even doesn't have fear from me...

"Well...For now." I smirked.

And seems he is interested in someone from those two that were outside. Now I only have to discover who~

But strange... When I looked at those two, it felt like as I knew one of them...

Jimin POV

That couldn't be Hoseok. He wouldn't say that. He never says swears neither something like that. I must had mistake that person's voice by his. It must had happened because I was thinking a lot about him.

"A-and he wouldn't touch me like that..." He started remembering blushing.

"Ah, I need to take that from my mind." I shook my head trying to forget and trying to stop blushing.

But I still didn't know who was that person.

The other possibility was Taehyung... But that was even more difficult to happen. Like... Why the hell he would that?! He couldn't do that... He only would do that to play with me. But that touch felt so right...

"Ah, stop remembering!" I said to myself.

But I kept remembering. So I decided take a walk outside to distract me.

Hoseok POV

Dammit, right when I was to "tell" him, he passed out. I need to tell him the truth soon or it will be too late... Because someone else will take him from me...

I lied to him before. But now I'm too afraid to keep lying. I still remember...

- Flashback -

"Hey Jimin..." I started talking already nervous.


"Can you move to my school next year...?"

"Hum... Sure. But why?"

"Ah... There's a friend that I love, but he changed and turned into a bad person because he started being popular and the number one in the school. I want you to take him from the first place to change him back."

"Hum... OK."


"Yeah, if you love that person it must be because he was a really great person. So only have to start to go to you school and take him from his first place?"


"And it is a boy or a girl?" He smirked.


"So it's a boy." He continued smirking.

"J-just shut up." I stuttered.

He laughed. I ended up by giving a faint smile.

"I lied. It wasn't because of that person or any else. It was because of you. I just wanted you to be at my school, to be at my side everyday." I wanted to say...

But I didn't that time....


New chapter. \(*-*)/ School is starting tomorrow. TT-TT Why?! \(T-T)/ So I think I won't be able to update everyday. TT-TT If I ended up by not updating everyday, I will try update every two days. But I will continue writing everyday... Even in class. e.e So, don't worry, the story won't stop too soon. e.e

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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