Tomorrow pt.3

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As yesterday chapter sucked,  I decided to update today, instead of tomorrow. ;-; XD I hope you enjoy. ;-; XD


Taehyung POV

I lifted his leg and started kissing his inner thigh, provoking him and, for my surprise, making him whine loudly in that quiet room, as he wanted me to stop teasing with him and was starting to get impatient.  

I smiled truly at him - without any perversely in the smile - after seeing him doing that, because that was showing that he was starting to truly react to my touch and to truly say what he wanted, like he would before do… And that made me happy and relieved...

“Ok, ok, I got it…” I brought my right hand to his cheek and gave him a sweet peck on his lips, making him smile too a little, but only for a few seconds, as he started sobbing again.

“I already told you to stop being nice with me…” He said, covering his eyes trying to not cry anymore.

“Sorry, Jiminie… I just wanted to make you smile one last time… I just want to make you happy for the last time… Sorry...” I flashed him a broken smile which made him let the out the tears that he was was hopelessly trying to hold before. And before I could even realize that, I had already started crying too...

I decided to just ignore my tears and moved to his lower zone, taking his boxers off, exposing him totally and getting after my attention caught his already hard member. I wrapped my hand around it, but before I could start moving it on it, I got interrupted by a crying and sobbing Jimin...

“I want you to do it with me…” He said weakly and played hesitantly my pants’ buttons. I let out a quiet chuckled and decided to do as he said he wanted.

I held the back of his hand gently, to help him unbutton and unzip my pants and to take them off, because he was pitifully and heartbrokenly shaking, as he was still a total mess with the neverendless tears...

I threw my pants to the edge of the couch and let him take my boxers slowly, exposing my hard member. He sat up after and wrapped his legs around my waist, making our members in each other and send us a shiver through our bodies.

After I noticed that he was still shaking, so I took his hand carefully and brought it to my chest, making him feel my heartbeat, slightly blush and, fortunately, stop shaking.

“Jimin…” I whispered his name weakly and we got surrounded for a few moments by a, this time, comfortable silence, where it could only be heard the sound of your warm breaths mixed in a only one. It was calming… I guess...

After a while, I moved his hand again and, this time, I placed it slowly around my manhood, as I knew that he wouldn’t stop me from doing that and as I had already his permission to do that.

“You don’t need to shake, Jimin… I’m here… I’m still here...” I told him and he sniffed a couple times before saying something.

“I already told you to stop being like that with me… I don’t deserve it… It’s because of me that you are in this state… It’s because of me that you can’t stop crying...” He tried to wipe his tears, but he already knew that it was hopeless, as they didn’t - and wouldn’t too soon - stop falling.

“And you already know that my answer will be always the same, Jimin… I just want you to smile and be happy in our last moments together… So, let me be nice for the last time…” I responded back and he closed his eyes, to try one more time to stop the tears, that were threatening to fall more intensely, and fade with that piercing pain that he was feeling inside him.

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